Lancelot was surprised by the question.

“World Tree?”

It is the legendary sacred tree, and it is said that the elves are so beautiful and transcendent, even close to nature.

All because of the existence of the World Tree.

The elves are the guardians of the World Tree and the darlings of nature.

In most Western mythology, the world tree symbolizes life, and thinking about this vitality symbolizes nature.

In Norse mythology, the branches of the giant trees of the World Tree make up the whole world.

Even in many versions, the World Tree has spawned nine worlds and is inhabited by many races.

The world tree that makes up the world supports many Western myths and also supports the world described by myths.

But Lancelot didn’t know much about it.

In Haagen-Dazs, there are elves and legends of the World Tree, but Lancelot has no chance of seeing it.

Sylvana nodded, “Yes, World Tree, can I, Lord Lancelot?” ”

Her eyes lit up, staring expectantly at Lancelot.

“System, this, can I?”

[The host, the world tree is the existence of the Holy Spirit, in this world, has not yet touched the power of the world’s roots, can not make a judgment]

[However, as the Holy Spirit, there is self-consciousness, and if the root power of this world agrees, it can take root in the spectrum of all beasts]

[This is only the judgment made by the system, the actual situation, you need to contact the power of the root, or touch the world tree]

I see.

Lancelot smiled and repeated the system’s words.

Sylvanath breathed a sigh of relief, but the spark of hope in her eyes grew even stronger: “Thank you, Lord Lancelot. ”

“Sylvana, do you have any ideas?”

“Yes, Lord Lancelot, but I need time, and when I’m ready, I’ll tell you.”

Lancelot opened his mouth, nodded slightly, and sold the pass.

However, he did not insist, now the development is important, more is better than less.

Emerald cheered, and Lord Lancelot returned from another expedition.

Originally, with the eighth-order Death Sandworm, Lancelot had enough power to eradicate the huge Sand Lizard Clan.

But Lancelot had a new idea.

The expedition requires troops, and if the journey is long and the reserve supply is not timely, the expedition is a joke.

But don’t forget that the entire Endless Sand Sea is his domain.

“Watt, this time, there’s a mission for you.”

“Lord Lancelot, please speak.”

“I’ll let Beyonta allocate enough manpower and resources to you, this trip, almost a month or so, and when I return from the expedition, I want to see the finished product of the steam engine!”

Watt hesitated: “The subject bows down to the best of his ability, and after death, he will complete the task.” ”

“Lord Lancelot, won’t you rest?”

Lancelot shook his head: “Time does not permit, Xiao Bei, the family affairs will be entrusted to you and Xiao Ti, I will keep Alsaris and enough troops, at most a month I will come back.” ”

Beunita and Bonarotti were a little distressed, really a non-stop one to bear everything.

“Well, Lord Lancelot, 300 more civilians have recently come to defect.”

“You and Xiao Ti, Arsalis are discussing the distribution, I believe in you, and now, I need to start the expedition.”

Beunita took his hand in a huran and said, “Lancelot, what’s wrong with you, why are you suddenly in such a hurry?” ”

Lancelot was stunned, in a hurry?

What should he say?

I took the initiative to knock out the guard post that Lanehart had planted in the desert, and then, the system told me that it touched the nerves of the world?

So, we need to destroy the Sand Lizard Empire as soon as possible and launch an expedition?

Then use the Sand Lizard Empire to become the rear, with the Sand Lizard Clan as a source of soldiers to supplement against the upcoming world changes?

It’s a bit unrealistic!

Lancelot smiled and clapped her hand: “Rest assured, I am not in a hurry, I will still stay for a few days, but, I think, Xiao Bei, you don’t want to face the danger of slaughtering the city and destroying the country after experiencing a time when you are attacked by soldiers?” ”

Beyonta opened her mouth and barely managed to squeeze out a smile: “Yes…”

Lancelot wanted to say something, but he was always short of words when it came to women.

“When I sweep away the desert and solve the hidden danger of the Sand Lizard Empire, I should be able to live a stable life for a while.”

I hope so.

Beyonta lamented in her heart that Lancelot must have something on her mind, otherwise it would not have been so radical.

He was trying to accumulate wealth and accumulate and expand his troops.

He was not the kind of prince with great ambitions.

Therefore, he must have faced some great threat, not as simple as the Sand Lizard Empire.

“I know, rest assured, Emerald has me, I will take care of everything for you.”

“Little Ti, I need you.”


Lancelot rolled his eyes, “How come you learned this trick too!” ”

“Sleigh bikes, big, big sleigh cars.”

“You know, as long as you want, Xiao Bei and I can do it.”

Lancelot felt hot, dry, “Sand! Desert! Snow! Skid! Cart! ”

“Well, is it exciting to be in a sleigh ride?”


Before leaving, a lot of questions were laid out.

The slaves of the Sand Lizard Empire had dug tunnels to the salt mines by the time they were away.

The entire open-pit salt mine had been filled in by Sharapuzan’s troops.

The original sand lizard community was also completely covered up by yellow sand.

The work of mining salt mines goes underground, and thousands of cans of coarse salt are transported to Emerald every week.

After processing and filtration, it becomes a snow white refined salt.

Samoyed saw the snow-white refined salt and began to cooperate in ordering.

He prefers to get the manufacturing method.

He felt that his cooperation with Lancelot was truly a match of heaven.

Because of Lancelot’s ingenuity and new products, the Samoyed Chamber of Commerce became famous in the Kingdom of God in a short period of time.

It has squeezed into one of the top ten chambers of commerce in the kingdom of God.

It has become one of the largest chambers of commerce in the Kingdom of God, and the revenue is growing every day.

Unfortunately, Lancelot was still guarding against him, and many of the goods were only Samoyed distribution.

The family wants the glass manufacturing process, the mirror manufacturing process, the refined salt manufacturing method.

There is also the manufacturing process of instant noodles, and the distribution agent cannot meet them.

However, Samoyed refused this, and he did not allow the family to destroy his friendship with Lancelot.

They have enough money to kill themselves.

Lancelot’s strength was very disturbing, and if the family wanted to do anything crooked, I was afraid that Lancelot would let them die a miserable death.

Without any other means, trade was cut off.

Then distribute it to someone else.

After all, during this time, many merchants of the Kingdom of God were eager to establish diplomatic relations with Emerald, but unfortunately, there was no permission from Lancelot.

They are not qualified to come to Emerald.

And what made him insist on maintaining his friendship with Lancelot was a sentence from Lancelot.

You are my best friend, all the wealth of Emerald can be divided among you and let you represent the distribution, but I don’t like trouble, and I don’t want my best friend to become my trouble.

The fire elf groaned with delight, and this time Lancelot didn’t even take her out.

She had been stuck in the glass workshop long enough.

But what swept away all her anger was Lancelot’s novels and comics.

This time he came back, and he actually reprinted several sets of comics and updated many novels.

It made her happy.

“You have to take me with you on this expedition, I don’t want to stay at home, I’m bored to death.”

“Okay, take you with you.”

Fire elves happily flew around.

Bonarotti measured the two dead sandworms: “Well, yes, Lord Lancelot, these two guys are good coachmen, and if they pull the cart, the time of this expedition can be greatly reduced.” ”

“Any ideas?”

Bonarotti nodded, “I read the books you gave me, the idea of that train is very good, since there are such good coachmen, we will improve the desert sleigh into multiple sections, a death messenger pulls a sleigh car, a sled car is divided into five carriages, carrying 500 people, what do you think?” ”

Lancelot nodded, “500 people is enough, I need to bring some supplies and seed crops with me on this trip.” ”

“No problem, wrap it around me, seven days, no, five days.”

Lancelot nodded, “Little Ti, seven days will do, you don’t have to be so tired, just make a plan, and leave the work to the masters.” ”

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