Bonarotti blushed and nodded slightly, “Good. ”

Lancelot allocated a large amount of supplies.

Especially food, seed crops, and even brought some golden rods, the vertical flute of the god of Jurchen.

Lancelot had already arranged all the decrees before leaving.

Including the expansion of Emerald, the third-level government hall needs all the currently known buildings to be assembled, and the population exceeds 3,000.

Lancelot’s infrastructure has already met the standards.

The difference is population.

So, the infrastructure task was given to Beunita and Bonarotti, and the population, which needed more houses, was constantly being solicited for it.

Lancelot also laid out a major project.

Let the Sand Lizard Slaves continue to work to direct the groundwater veins of the original Shalapuzan Tribe to Emerald.

Connected to the Shava Oasis.

This is to prepare for the future, Emerald will definitely have a great cause.

The Endless Spring is not yet ready to be used

On this trip, he only brought 500 Sand Lizard Clan warriors, 100 Emerald Arms, 1 Griffin Knight, and half of the Gangclay family members.

The generals raised Yuki, Sharapusen, Shirvana, and a slave, Rata Khan.

On this trip, Lancelot changed his strategy.

Uttar Khan was only a nobleman, and the Sand Lizard Empire Imperial Family under the city was more suitable to send back to be an internal traitor.

And Gunclay, the patriarch of the craftsman family.

On this expedition, Lancelot intended to lay a solid foundation for future expeditions.

He wants to establish a base on the front line, send troops one after another, and use another oasis as a stronghold!

This return allows the development of trains and the laying of tracks before the steam engine has been completed.

On the way back, he will investigate the terrain and terrain, and successively set up post stations and sentry posts to prepare for the opening of traffic.

With the front-line base area, the pressure of future expeditions will be reduced.

“To the table.”

This time back, Lyslot distributed a watch for each of Emerald’s high-rises.

Alsaris and Sharapuzan love pocket watches, while female heroes such as Beunita, Bonarotti, and Sylvana love watches.

The concept of time must be there.

This trip back, there should be a big clock or something like that in Emerald.

“Record the time, measure the distance, and go!”

“Let’s go!!!”

Beunita and Bonarotti were helpless.

I only hate that they can’t get out, otherwise they really want to go out with Lancelot.

But Lancelot said that the affairs of the family will be entrusted to you…

At home, they have to help Lancelot guard the house, which is equally important.

Sharapuzin became more and more human, and his IQ was no different from that of a normal human being.

Even wiser.

He held a document in his hand, looked at it over and over again, and saw that it was familiar to his heart, almost backwards.

“Lord Lancelot, is this really good, after all, Uttar Khan is a nobleman of the Sand Lizard Empire!”

Lancelot laughed, “Don’t you have confidence in yourself, Sharapzin?” ”

Sharapuzan shook his head, “Not so, Lord Lancelot. ”

“You don’t have to worry…”

Lancelot smiled brightly, “Rest assured, I have no mercy on the Sand Lizard Empire, but there are too few talents available at present, and the nobles of the Sand Lizard Empire are the most common sense of life, under your Ecstasy Dafa, he obeys his orders and will never betray him, send him to the front line, as a clerk and quartermaster, it is best, and I will also send a small number of Emerald people to garrison, he has no rights in his hands.” ”

Sharapuzan scratched his head in embarrassment: “No… I don’t mean that…”

Lancelot knew that this guy was actually afraid that the Lizard Man of the Sand Lizard Empire would take his place.

Lancelot shook his head: “The vast continent of Haagen-Dazs, the infinite territory, Sharapuzan, your gaze is limited to the endless sea of sand so short?” ”

Sharapuzan was stunned for a moment, and then he blushed a little: “I see, Lord Lancelot, thank you, you have taught me.” ”

Lancelot was very satisfied, he was indeed a craftable material, and after the awakening of the bloodline, even the ability to comprehend became higher.

Eight days later, they reached the designated battlefield, and less than fifty miles apart, they were stationed where they were.

“Lord Lancelot, this time it took five days, the halfway trip was marked and delayed by almost two days, and it is calculated that we can reach the main battlefield in three days.”

Lancelot was extremely satisfied.

But the death sandworm was also tired and vomited blood.

After he exchanged his watch, he did several tests, and in the absence of load, the death sandworm walked like a fly.

The average speed can reach 400km/h, and in the case of load, it is basically 300km-350km/h.

They need to be put back into the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum to rest and replenish their strength.

Fortunately, the breeding space of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum seems to provide a nutrient-like existence.

He couldn’t get in and didn’t know what was going on inside.

But save the food that feeds the dead sandworms, why not.

“Claude, spy on enemy intelligence and get ready for battle.”

“Do as you are told.”

They didn’t suffer this trip.

Bonarotti was afraid of Lancelot’s guilt, so she struggled to design the desert sleigh.

Inside there was a special room for Lancelot, and even a bath.

The other warriors, although they were multi-person beds, were much more comfortable than sitting all the time.

They don’t have a huge loss and are full of energy.

They are the most ready-made instant noodles, pastries, although the problem of packaging bags has never been solved.

But ham, instant noodles, dried meat, pastries, the same is not lacking.

What was needed now was Lancelot’s order and they charged into battle.

Claude took the telescope and flew straight into the sky.

The Griffin Knight’s speed was not at all under the Death Sandworm.

The Death Sandworm is huge, bulky and consuming.

But griffins can travel long distances, and that’s the gap.

Half an hour later, Claude returned home.

“Lord Lancelot, the situation is not optimistic.”

He hesitated and smiled, “But… With your strength and courage, I don’t think the risk is great, the other side has almost 9,000 people, but the equipment is not good, and the team has been organized, you guessed right, the Sand Lizard Empire has infiltration, they are also unifying the low-level Sand Lizard Clan in the Endless Sand Sea, gathering and training to become warriors. ”

Lancelot narrowed his eyes, “Sure enough, Yuki, Gaddafi, and Sylvana, ready for battle, begin the march.” ”

“Do as you are told.”

Lancelot stood up, squinted his eyes and sneered, “Whether he’s 9,000 or 10,000, tonight, hit them by surprise, a pot of ends!” ”

Everyone is clapping their hands, 9,000 people!

They only have a total of about 600, but why, with such a small and broad, there is a feeling of blood boiling?

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