Lancelot sat in a chair, holding his chin in one hand, and looked at the sand lizard empire lizardmen kneeling in front of him.

The other hand tapped on the chair, and no one knew what he was thinking.

But the captured lizard men had begun to waver, and the shock turned into panic.

It’s so creepy, it’s not an ordinary city, it’s a small fortress that mobilizes a large number of human beings.

How is this possible?

Those solid golden bricks, in this endless desert, want to transport, it is impossible, right?

Is it transported by horseback?

Absolutely impossible, the maneuverability of horses in the desert is too poor, and short-distance transport operations are OK.

But over time, the horse’s hooves will sink into the desert.

Camels are even less likely, such a big city, such a strong fortress.

With those slow camels, it’s a joke.

And they mapped and surveyed the environment in the desert, and there were no human gathering points nearby.

How did they do it?

This is too dangerous, the intelligence is not accurate, no wonder the vanguard legion of the previous few times has never returned, is it …

Has it been wiped out by these humans?

The empire of mankind, how powerful is human beings???

Countless doubts echoed in the heads of the high-ranking officers of these Sand Lizard Empires.

Moreover, they were raided this time, which was really terrible.

These humans have the finest equipment, and even the legendary Griffin Knights!

How is this possible?

Aren’t humans weak two-legged sheep?

Lancelot laughed, “Surprised? ”

A shrewd lizard man’s eyes rolled a few times: “Dear human nobleman, I think we had some misunderstanding before. ”

Lancelot’s smile grew brighter: “Oh, what, what kind of misunderstanding?” ”

The lizard man quickly explained, “Human nobles, we are good people from the Sand Lizard Empire, entering the endless sea of sand, just to save the intellectually inferior compatriots and lead them to civilization, it does not pose a threat to you, let alone any offense, why attack our tribe?” ”

Yang Yuji had never had a good temper, and with a kick, the general of the Sand Lizard Empire suddenly fell back to his knees and lowered his body and head.

“Whoever made you stand up straight, treat Lord Lancelot with respect and humility.”

This kick was hard enough, and the sound of bones clicking.

Now that Yang Yuki has awakened as a hero ranger, the strength of his feet can be imagined.


Yu Yuki slapped his face and said, “Kneel well, keep respect.” ”

The general of the Sand Lizard Empire immediately gritted his teeth.

Lancelot waved his hand, and a bunch of letters were thrown away: “I don’t like to lie, don’t treat me like a fool.” ”

Seeing those letters, several generals of the Sand Lizard Empire all changed their faces.

A grumpy one directly exploded: “Damn two-legged sheep, I advise you to hurry up and release us, otherwise, the imperial army will inevitably step on your human race, you…”


Lancelot gave both words.

Yang Yuji didn’t say a word, the dagger crossed and a big head landed on the ground.

Blood splattered three feet, and his body convulsed and fell to the sand.

The scene suddenly fell silent, dead silence.

Lancelot tapped his chair calmly, he had had enough of these lizard men.

Two-legged sheep?

It’s funny, I don’t know where they come from.

“Shah Phusen!”

Shalapuzan carried the slave scepter and went up to it with a stick, directly knocking the general of the Sand Lizard Empire to pieces.

And then fiercely branded.

Branded as a slave, this guy’s life and death depended on the idea of Sharapuzan.

“Not enough!”

Lancelot narrowed his eyes coldly.

Sharapuzan carried his mane, and his claws grabbed the guy’s face door hard.

The Ecstasy Dafa was launched instantly.


The general of the Sand Lizard Empire went mad, knelt down, and kept kowtowing to Lancelot.

The sand made of gold rods is as solid as a rock, and the face is covered with blood.

Sharapuzan snorted, which made him stop.

Lancelot was expressionless: “Name.” ”

“Tsurugi Khan.”

“Tsurugi Khan.”

Lancelot smiled brightly, “From now on, you are the great general of the Sand Lizard Empire Expedition Camp.” ”

As soon as these words came out, although some people froze.

Shara Puzan looked incredulous.

Lord Lancelot is this crazy, and which one is the trouble.

“From now on, Digu Khan, you continue to correspond with the Sand Lizard Empire and tell your king that you have established a foothold in the Endless Sand Sea, that you are unifying the entire desert, conquering the lower Sand Lizard Clan, and always paying attention to the movements of the Sand Lizard Empire and reporting back at any time.”

“Do as you are told.”

Di Gu Khan said such words expressionlessly.

Several other Sand Lizard Empire generals were stunned.

“Shugu Khan, you are crazy, how can you betray the empire?”


Yang Yuji smiled fiercely, and the sword in his hand fell, and the other generals of the Sand Lizard Empire fell to the ground.

Everyone understood that Lancelot’s horror made them shudder.

Was he going to stabilize the Sand Lizard Empire, and then, in a special way, hit them one by one?

“After the wind and grass of the sand lizard empire, the first time to report the supply of Yuki.”

Lancelot stood up, “Drag the Sand Lizard Empire’s military launch time, at least half a year!” ”


“Yang Yuji.”

“The subject is here.”

“From now on, you are in charge of the expedition camp for a while, I need you to gain a foothold here, troops, materials, I will continue to transport over, we set out to destroy the Sand Lizard Empire.”

“Do as you are told.”


“Small, little people.”

“You are here to teach the lower sand lizard clans, monitor the slaves of the sand lizard empire, and assist Yuki.”

“The villain obeys orders.”

Lancelot patted Yu Ji’s shoulder, “It won’t be too long, with a few people coming out, you can return to Emerald as soon as possible, if there is any ill will in the Khan, just cut it off.” ”

“Lord Lancelot, rest assured, the city is in the people.”

And Li Dahan heard that his legs were weak, where did he dare to resist.

Besides, he was still under the control of the Ecstasy Dafa.

“Toss as you please, as long as you cut the Sand Lizard Empire’s affairs, I will allow you to toss and turn.”

Yuki’s smile grew brighter, “That’s my honor, Lord Lancelot.” ”

“Claude, strike the iron while it’s hot, the nearest big tribe nearby, let’s go?”

“Do as you are told.”

Throughout ten days, the expeditionary force camp underwent three expansions.

Once again, they expanded the low-level sand lizard clan of eight thousand people.

The warriors of the Sand Lizard Empire had beheaded more than 7,000 people, and this desert was almost stained red with blood.

Lancelot’s iron blood was ruthless, making all the lowly sand lizard tribes shudder.

Before they left, hundreds of talking lizard people were selected in the sand lizard tribe display.

Command these vassals and slaves.

Lancelot did not intend to do everything himself, as the talent grew.

He could already let go of a lot of things.

“It’s time to go back and see my aunt, who must have become the Canary Lady.”

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