The matter of the expedition camp was solved.

Lancelot glanced at his recent gains and wasn’t very satisfied.

The system is now starting to play rogue.

Every time he took the initiative, the final task was all a challenge, a time limit, a restriction on the sacred relics, and even a restriction on his great magical legacy.

What is even more ridiculous is that once again, in order to embarrass itself, the system has actually restricted the attack troops…

This expedition earned 300,000 gold and tranquilties, 150,000 prestige points, 1 million military seal experience, and 300,000 faith strength.

Of course, there are also 6 points of honor in the kingdom of God.

【Balance: 501342 Kim】


【Honor points:6】

【Power of Faith: 1.03 million】

【Seal of the Soul of the Army: 1.3 million】

That’s the main thing.

Lancelot had developed the habit of saving up for 10 Divine Glory Glory and carrying out an eleven consecutive draws.

This is the work of Krypton.

A single kryptonite never gets a good reward.

But ten times in a row, protect the liver and save life.

Unfortunately, through this expedition, his desire to earn 10 Divine Kingdom Honor Points was not fulfilled.

Only three large tribes were encountered, and the other small tribes basically had no rewards.

The system doesn’t even bother to give.

Lancelot was helpless.

At present, the front line cannot be stretched too long, otherwise the follow-up supplies will not keep up.

It’s good that an expedition camp can be developed.

He intends to continue to build a number of stations in Middle-earth to facilitate the transportation of supplies.

Once the problem of the steam engine is solved, laying rails in the desert can be achieved.

Modern technology has solved the problem of laying railroad tracks in the desert.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work out, he still has magic!

It’s a magical world.

There is nothing that magic cannot solve, magic cannot solve, and alchemy.

Alchemy is not good, he still has underground tunnels, and he must dig them.

Lancelot was relieved that all the problems were gradually on track, and now.

He already had enough reserves to face the threat of the Sand Lizard Empire and the Golden Sands Empire.

Emerald rejoiced, and every time Lancelot returned from a business, he returned from the expedition.

The whole Emerald will be plunged into the ocean of calling.

This man is their leader, their faith, and their spiritual pillar.

Beyonta was eager to plunge into his arms, and Bonarotti’s hearty laughter echoed in Emerald.

The warriors and the people cheered, and the generals breathed a sigh of relief.

“Do you need Masaki, Lord Lancelot?”

Lancelot’s face was a little red, “I’ll do it myself.” ”

Beyonta slashed.

Bonarotti laughed, “Or I’ll give you a bath.” ”

“You two don’t make a fuss…”

Lancelot got out of the car.

Looking at the flourishing Emerald, Lancelot also breathed a sigh of relief: “Nothing has happened recently, right?” ”

Beyoneta shook her head, “It’s all right, but I also had a little problem.” ”


“But don’t worry, you’re not under attack, just rest, we’ll take care of the wind and dust for you.”

It doesn’t seem like a big deal.

As long as there is no large-scale war.

The dinner party was still lively, and in the twenty days since Lancelot left, Emerald had developed smoothly.

The situation is good.

Samoyed is resident in Emerald, and he eats and drinks every day by soaking in the library.

From time to time, he goes to play chess and billiards, and occasionally participates in basketball games.

He wants Lambé Yunita to sign some cooperation plans.

Unfortunately, they were all rejected by Beyonita.

Those documents, she hoped Lancelot would sign.

Moreover, the current financial situation of Emerald is very good.

This month’s financial report has not yet come out, but Beyonita’s mouth has been closed, and every day is a daily jinjin.

The infrastructure task that Lancelot gave her, she completed perfectly.

As long as all the buildings are completed and the targets are met, you can be promoted to the third level of the Ruling House.

At that time, there are new buildings that can be unlocked.

“In addition to finances, two things are very important.”

Lancelot wiped his mouth: “Say it. ”

“Lord Lancelot, we captured a few people and are still in our cells.”


Lancelot was stunned: “Spy? ”

Beyonta shook her head, “You can’t say that either, but it’s not a good thing either.” ”

“What do you say?”

Beunita handed over a report: “There is a confession and relevant information in it, Lord Lancelot, there is a little bit of a small but rather troublesome problem. ”

The first report looked like this.

Fallen nobles from the western shores of the Golden Sands Empire come to the desert for opportunities?


Lancelot’s eyes were drawn to the past.

It is said that the current Jinsha Empire has set off a boom in exploring the endless sand sea.

Because of the rumors, the endless sand sea has found salt mines, metal mines, and the remains of the Gem Kingdom.

There are many merchants, explorers, and troubadours who have set foot on this endless sea of sand.

Seeking opportunities, even many national spies have mixed with horse thieves, caravans, expeditions, and expeditions.

Their goal is very much the same, which is to explore the endless sea of sand.

Lancelot slammed on the table: “Raninhardt!!!” ”

You uncle’s, you dare to play yin!

Lancelot’s anger stunned several of Emerald’s henchmen, who had never been so angry.

“I’m sorry, I’m out of shape.”

Lancelot set off terrifying waves in his heart.

It really touched the nerves of the world, and he didn’t know what the nerves of the world were.

But now, he knew that he was in big trouble, and it was not good for Emerald to be exposed.

Expeditions, expeditions, caravans, troubadours from various countries and forces.

Nima’s, Lanehart, blood is thicker than water, although not a mother’s birth, you boy is too fierce.

The Endless Sand Sea was his territory, and he actually spread rumors and lured all the major forces to the desert with huge benefits!

If he fights back, he is bound to offend countless people, countless forces, and even countless countries.

If he doesn’t fight back, he’ll be a laughingstock.

And once he fights back, his strength will inevitably be exposed!

Worthy of being the most vocal heir to the imperial throne, good heart, good poisonous wrist!

Beunita smiled, “My lord, what are you going to do?” ”

She laughed playfully, but not at Lancelot, but at Joy.

She had already smelled the conspiracy, and things had become fun?

Lancelot laughed too, and it was getting fun.

He looked at the report, and the second was still an uncatchable agent.

But this time… It’s a little bit special.

“Half-blood elves?”

Beunita nodded, “That’s right, from the Mobisu Mountains, he has been spying on us for a long time, and when he was ready to go back, he was taken down by our people.” ”


Beyonta nodded, “This guy has a tight mouth and has to talk to you.” ”

Lancelot was a bit surprised, the forces of the Mobiswu Mountains were looking for him?

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