Lancelot had a bit of a headache.

It is really a big trick of the tree, his brother does not stop, the sand lizard empire does not stop!

Now even the forces of the Mobiswu Mountains are looking for stubble?

Beunita is really going to make people happy.

Not too much trouble…

He simply opened the third document, which made him feel a little better.

The third document was not so bad.

The excavation of the groundwater vein is already half completed.

The tunnel has been opened and is directly connected to the groundwater vein.

But halfway through, they made a design change.

Because they dug up an underground relic and had to change the route of the project.

And that underground relic was not small, and Alsaris had already sent people to surround it.

Also let the skeleton soldiers station.

Without Lancelot’s orders, they would not have dared to venture into the underground ruins.

Lancelot was in a slightly better mood.

Ruins, that’s interesting.

Last time he got a map of the Jewel Kingdom in the Serpent Bone Tunnel.

The reason why the Griffin Knight was sent to survey and map was also to find the remains of the Gem Kingdom.

Unfortunately, the wind and sand cover for thousands of years have made the entire endless sand sea scenery single.

Even when compared with Einstein’s map, only a few of them overlap.

Actually, there are no eggs to use.

The information given by the map is really limited.

Only when you put it together completely, you may be able to get useful clues.

After all, the Jewel Kingdom is only a legend, although it has been determined that it really exists, but it can’t be found, so it is useless.

Perhaps, what clues can the ruins give?

That’s good news!

Dolnigun also made some presentations.

The Canary Chamber of Commerce was indeed in a hurry, and Shanniya led a wave of people deep into the desert, seemingly looking for their tracks.

But Dolnigun did not rush into contact.

Emerald is not allowed to be exposed.

Lancelot guessed correctly, and his aunt couldn’t wait.

“The problem of the ruins, wait until we come back from a trip to Caogu Town, first take me to meet the half-blood elf.”

“Can I go along?”

Sylvana became interested in the half-blood elves.


Sylvana nodded, “Can humans be combined with elves?” ”

Lancelot rolled his eyes: “Haven’t you been traveling around the world, for thousands of years, and haven’t seen it?” ”

Sylvana was full of curiosity, or shook her head: “Or shall I try it with you?” ”

Lancelot instantly felt two terrifying murderous gases surrounding him.

“Go to the cell!”

He really had a headache, couldn’t the women of the system kingdom of God be ashamed to nag about that little love?

The little thing at the head of the pit, when you open your mouth, comes without blushing and beating your heart.

Inside the hurried cell was unusually quiet, and a green-haired teenager sat on the bed.

His skin was white and clean, and although it was dirty, it still couldn’t hide the essence of the scum he had fallen down.

He sat there silently, looking at the book.

Lancelot was a little jealous.

How the elves, this race, so wicked, God seems to have given them all the good.

Handsome, beautiful, magical, close to nature, long enough to live almost immortal!

There is also a powerful healing power.

Even if it is a mixed-race child, it is also such a look against the sky.

He didn’t look up when he heard someone coming.

“I only talk to your leaders.”

Suddenly, a man from another cell came along: “You, Lord Lancelot!” ”

Lancelot was stunned and looked over, “You know me?” ”

The man’s eyes widened and he cried, “Lord Lancelot, it is really Lord Lancelot, O heavens, the gods are on top, I have saved, Lord Lancelot!” ”

The eldest is not a small person, and he actually cried a handful of tears.

“Well, don’t cry, how do you know me?”

“I have seen you, Lord Lancelot, the Korzin family of the North, your rite of passage, remember me, it was me, I was Taylor Kolzin.”

Taylor Corzin?

Lancelot looked down and thought.

There is indeed such a thing.

Come to think of it……

“That’s right, it’s you.”

“Great, you, do you remember me?”

Lancelot nodded, “So, you became a spy?” ”

Tyler almost fell to his knees: “No, no, no, Lord Lancelot, please believe me, I am not a spy, I am really not a spy, I have come to the endless sea of sand for opportunities, but also to find you.” ”

“Looking for me?”

Taylor nodded vigorously, “Yes. ”

As he had to say something, Lancelot waved his hand: “Dolnigun, take him out and wait for me.” ”

“Do as you are told.”

“Lord Lancelot, you can’t do this to me, I’m really not a spy, I’m not a spy…”

“This is up to me to judge, rest assured, I won’t kill you now, go out and wait for me first.”

Hearing that it was not to send death, Tyler gave a sigh of relief and followed out tremblingly.

“As for you!”

Lancelot looked at the elf, “This is my territory, and you have committed the crime of espionage, and according to your next words, you will decide whether you live or die.” ”

The half-blood elf put down the book, sorted out his clothes, wiped his face, and had green hair.

Then he took a deep breath, walked slowly to Lancelot, and knelt down on one knee: “Dear Lord of the Endless Sand Sea, the great Lord Lancelot, I am Hugo Cecil from the Holy Mountain of Mobisou, I am a mixture of the elves of the forest and the human, I beg you, save the elves of the forest of green buds.” ”

Lancelot felt a little headache, how to catch the two secret talk.

As a result, one knows, one calls for help?

“Me, save you?”

Hugo nodded stoically, “Lord Lancelot, I was deliberately caught, I have been paying attention to Emerald for a long time, please, save the elves in the forest of green buds in the Mobiswu Mountains, please.” ”

The tone was already pleading.

Lancelot waved his hand: “Well, don’t beg me anymore, first talk about the situation, what is the deliberate arrest, have you been lurking in Emerald for a long time?” ”

At the thought of this, Lancelot shuddered.

Hugo Cecil Cecil seemed so innocent that he had no idea what he was saying wrong.

Unbeknownst to him, Lancelot had a murderous heart for him.

“I, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to make sure you had that ability, not to spy on you, not to spy on you.”

Lancelot’s inner killing machine burst out: “What do you mean?” ”

He was suppressing his own killing heart.

“Me, I inherited my mother’s abilities.”

At this point, he didn’t know how to explain: “Let me show you.” ”

After saying that, the whole person disappeared out of thin air.

The crowd tingled in their scalps and almost said in unison: “Invisibility? ”

No, not stealth.

Lancelot was glad he hadn’t shed his legacy of magic.

It’s a space spell!

This half-blood elf actually knows the spell of the space system!

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