Lancelot was really shocked, but he wore the Great Magic Legacy and instantly unlocked the ‘stealth’ skill of this space system.

Not stealth, but stealth into multidimensional space.

It was too powerful to imagine that this half-blood elf could actually use the spells of the space system.

A moment later, Hugo Cecil reappeared in place.

He also maintained a kneeling posture and looked at Lancelot humbly.

“In recent months, the fleet of the Sand Lizard Empire has straddled the Sea of Infallibility, approaching the Sea of Endless Sand, and their armies have come and gone, and we have intercepted some of their letters and learned that they have encountered a strong enemy, which has given hope to the many races of the Mobiswu Mountains, and we beg you…”

Lancelot waved his hand, “How long have you been hiding in Emerald?” ”

Hugo Cecil thought for a moment: “It’s been almost three months. ”

Lancelot narrowed his eyes, and the killing machine burst out again, and Hugo Cecil still didn’t realize it.

His life has been caught in the countdown.

He angered Lancelot’s bottom line, and also made Lancelot extremely annoyed, even afraid.

“So, no one knows about the existence of Emerald yet.”


Lancelot smiled, “But I can’t trust you!” ”

Speaking of which, Lancelot’s palm condensed into a terrifying flame, and a hundred primary fireballs were condensed together.

Become a powerful spell with explosive power comparable to high-level spells, or even more powerful than high-level spells.

“You can go…”

Hugo Cecil, no matter how simple, should understand that he is going to die!

“I, I am not lying, please believe me…”

The fire elf suddenly flew out and blocked in front of Lancelot, “True, Xiaolan, what are you going to do, you scared him, he didn’t lie, I can promise.” ”

Lancelot’s eyes were extremely solemn: “Get out of the way! ”

The fire elves were startled, and the coldness in Lancelot’s eyes made her shudder.

Everyone else held their breath as well, and Lord Lancelot became angry.

Someone had been lurking in Emerald for months, and they hadn’t even noticed.

It’s horrible.

“You, why are you so fierce…”

Lancelot narrowed his eyes: “I’m not in the mood to play with you now, Zhu Rong, I only said one last time, let go!” ”

“If I don’t let me, can’t you just let the family finish talking?”


The ground shook violently, and a huge figure resembled electricity, and a few breaths came before Lancelot.

The fierce Tuanzi looked at everyone with teeth and claws.

The fire elf was startled, “Slave Scepter! It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it, slave scepter, you control him, you listen to me. ”

Beunita and Bonarotti suddenly grabbed his hand at the same time, and Beunita sighed, “We understand your feelings, Lord Lancelot, calm down and let Xiao Zhurong finish.” ”

Lancelot clenched his fists for a long time before he slowly let go of his hand.

“Say it.”

Xiao Zhu Rong breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Beyoneta gratefully.

“It’s very simple, I have noticed him a long time ago, this little guy has done nothing bad except stealing food, and even wants one to stay here, he admires you very much, Xiao Lan, he did not lie, he did come to you for help, if he did not have malice, I would have killed him a long time ago, don’t you even believe me?”

“Did you find him earlier?”

The fire elf nodded, “Don’t let you think that I really hide from the dumplings, I am actually busy with work, one of them is staring at him, I just want to see what he is going to do, and this guy treats this place as his own home, in addition to stealing food is stealing food, and often secretly hiding at night to shed tears, I want the entire Elven Clan of the Mobius Mountains to enjoy this kind of life and be protected by you.” ”

Xiao Zhurong said here, looking at Lancelot seriously: “You are too tired, I know you may blame me for not telling you, I want to tell you when I am sure, I can even touch the melon smoothly, as a result, this guy did not go anywhere, you can rest assured, I actually left a fire on him, not honest, as long as it detonates, the Mobiswu Mountains will be gone.” ”

Lancelot inhaled a cool breath.

Hugo Secia also took a breath of cool air.

The Mobius Mountains are gone?

“Forbidden spells?”

The Fire Elf nodded, “Yeah, haven’t you always wanted to learn, if you’re really upset, detonate it and you’ll learn.” ”

Lancelot sighed, “Oh, forget it, what is this all about?”

“Get up and talk.”

The next words are indignant.

And Lancelot was upset.

In this world, there are always some people, some things, that make people look bad and are born evil.

The ruler of the Sand Lizard Empire, Chuan Da Puni XXIII, a war maniac.

Keen on plunder, he is known in the tribe as a heroic hero.

He has conquered the surrounding countries, plundered countless wealth, and branded the surrounding countries as slaves.

From the moment he inherited the throne, he was on the road to war and war.

The Sea Clan of the Sea of Innocence, the race of the Mobius Hills did not spare any of them.

Everywhere we went, there was war.

The originally sea-free sea tribes and the Möbiswu Mountains tribes have sufficient resistance.

I didn’t even take him seriously.

But that changed last year.

Chuanda Pu you have gained some kind of powerful help to build a warship that can fly at sea.

A magic guide capable of crushing mountains was created.

They began to plunder wildly, capturing the elves as slaves and selling elven maidens as forbidden breasts.

Cut the blood vessels of the elven virgins and release their blood as a drink without letting them die.

They enslaved and mined, caught mermaids and sirens and sold them to brothels.

They also imprisoned the dwarves to craft magic guides.

And now, the Mobius Mountains are about to be lost.

Once they had breached the Möbisu Mountains, they had completely opened the route to the Terran Race.

But in recent months, the vanguard of the Sand Lizard Empire has almost always come and gone.

So he ran out alone, seeking reinforcements, and unexpectedly arrived at Emerald.

He watched Lancelot perform miracles again and again.

The thought of calling for help had long been moved, but Lancelot was either busy or on the road.

Either in a war or on the way to a war.

He didn’t stop.

Hugo Cecil found that he had no chance, and even if he did, he was embarrassed…

Because when Lancelot was idle.

You can fall asleep with your head upside down.

He didn’t think he should bother.

And Lancelot went out this time, he followed him, thinking it was an opportunity.

As a result, he was overwhelmed and arrested.

“Magic Guide!”

Lancelot squinted his eyes and sneered, sure enough, it was not simple: “Tell me, what is that!” ”

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