Lancelot was shocked, the crosser of twenty thousand years ago?

And Magic and Technology?

Since it is science and technology, it means that it is also a modern person?

There seems to be discrepancies on the timeline.

Not the same.

But this stuff is undoubtedly precious.

He continued to flip through it, and at the end of the book, the font suddenly became sharper.

I think you must be very happy to see it in the end.

Don’t be too excited too soon, though, my juniors.

Although magic guides are otherworldly sciences, they can replace various energy sources.

But the magic crystal mine is far more valuable than you think.

If you give you everything, it’s not interesting.

Therefore, let me remind you that the Sea of Innocence is my name, and under the deep sea, there is a vein of magic crystals.

Under the magma of the dwarves’ holy mountain of Asahi Mountain, there is also a vein of magic crystals.

There are a few more places, leave a little difficulty, let you find it yourself.

Finally, my fellows, my descendants, a word to you.

In the days to come, when they meet the gods, they will kill, and when they encounter the devil, they will slash, and those are the scum of the next three abuses.

I am above the heavens, with you.

Lancelot was shocked beyond measure, such an arrogant tone.

Kill when you meet the gods, and cut them when you meet the devil?


Lancelot couldn’t help but have a big sleeper.


Just looking at it makes my blood boil, waiting for me above the heavens?

Will I be able to live to that time?

Yes, the Faith Store has the fruit of life extension, one that can increase the life expectancy of ten years.

However, just eternal life cannot go to heaven.

“Lancelot, little Lancelot, my little Lance!”

Leliana was in a bit of a hurry.

“What’s wrong Aunt Realana?”

Lancelot looked back and saw that Leliana was looking at him worriedly.

“Can you read the words above?”

Lancelot shook his head: “No, I can’t read a word, that’s why I turned it over.” ”

On this point, it must not be leaked out.

“You child, once you put it in, are still so serious.”

Realanna was extremely worried: “Little Lance, you have to remember that you are a lord, and now your situation is very embarrassing, even dangerous, you must always pay attention to protect yourself, you can’t be so involved in one thing, otherwise you won’t know if you are attacked.” ”

“I remember, Aunt Leliana.”

The goods brought by Lancelot had been loaded and unloaded.

On this trip, Leliana gave him 400,000 golden dragon coins.

Hundreds of tons of wood, steel, copper, charcoal, have various resources.

Lancelot directly gave the 30 Golden Dragon Coin to Leliana: “I don’t have many places to use the Golden Dragon Coin at present, Aunt Leliana, used to develop the Canary Chamber of Commerce, train more reliable henchmen, support the rich and powerful soldiers of the Star Moon Empire, and get me more resources if you don’t want to, aunt, I want magic crystals, magic scrolls, magic props, magic books, alchemy books, and alchemical materials.” ”

“But, little Lancelot, this is already after the dividend…”

Lancelot waved his hand: “Aunt, do you think I look like I’m short of money?” ”

Leiliana was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and nodded: “Then I will not be polite with you, I will try to help you collect more resources, and I will also help you keep an eye on the intelligence of the Sands Empire, but little Lancelot, you only come once every few months, it is too much trouble, this is for you.” ”

Lancelot took a look at it, and it was a pair of birds that were alive and well: “What is this?” ”

Realanna said solemnly, “The miniature magic guide from the Divine Ring is called the Mandarin Duck Bird.” ”

“Mandarin duck bird?”

Is it really the handiwork of that senior?

“Well, although this magic guide is very small, and there is no lethality, but they are very fast, and they can record voice information, as long as the male and female Mandarin ducks are positioned separately, record the location information, you can exchange information, and when I have an urgent matter to notify you in the future, it will be convenient, and the female and male birds will definitely find each other and convey love.”

So powerful!

Lancelot thinks this is really a hanging sky, this is the Magic World version of the phone? BB machine?

“The male bird gives it to you, and after bringing it back to your territory, turn the beak, and the words you want to convey will be automatically recorded, but to be concise, the beak can only turn five times, and it travels thousands of miles a day.”

Lancelot nodded, “That’s a really good thing, thank you, Aunt Leliana.” ”

“Go get some rest, my little Lancelot.”

Back in the room, Lancelot fell into contemplation, thinking like a fountain of pen in the rapid transcription of “Magic and Science”.

Hillkins’ desperation caused Lancelot to develop a great dislike for the throne.

The desperate king abandoned him like a man, and Rankhat thought he had no place to die.

It’s really interesting, family affection, go to Nima’s affection.

Lancelot clenched his fists.

He didn’t have a sense of belonging in this world, and now, he wasn’t going to hesitate.

Since you have an iron heart to ride on my neck and pull, I will let you know why the flowers are so red.

Let the horses come!

“System, Absorbing Magic and Science”

Lancelot had to admire Leliana’s ability to do things.

These supplies could not be loaded in one trip, and Lancelot decided to return.

Because the system gave him something incredible.

Last night, after the system absorption was completed, he was rewarded with a building.

【World Recognition:20%】

【Great Magic Heritage Factory】

【Land area:50,000 square meters】

【Cost: 1 million gold stas】

【Duration: 180 days】

【Function: Unlock production magic guide】

【Magic guide production has special needs, not only the need for gold and gold, but also the need for magic crystal ore]

This can spoil Lancelot.

However, the magic crystal mine is a big problem, and the reputation value has become a big problem.

He needs to go back and scale up production.

Strengthen military training, mass production of housing, and absorb more population.

Enter the era of super military training.

The Sand Lizard Empire must be taken down as soon as possible!

This Great Magic Wizard Heritage Workshop must be completed immediately and obtained immediately.

Back at Emerald, Lancelot arranged for people to go to Caogu Town and continue to transport supplies back to Emerald.

Regarding the underground tunnel, he was not going to let his aunt know.

Let a sleeping dog lie.

Before he could greet the crowd, Lancelot hurriedly gathered several of his main confidants.

“A magic factory?”

Beunita looked stern, and Alsaris also serious: “The area is too big, can the wind and sand barrier of the guardian beast cover it?”

Bonarotti is also serious: “Yes, if the goal is too big, in its current form, I am afraid it will be exposed, then it will be a big trouble.” ”

On this point, Lancelot has already asked about the system.

Walls enclosed by gold rods do not count as systematic protection.

It is not listed as the guardian range of the guardian beast.

What he had to do now was to upgrade the Ruling Hall to the Level 3 Ruling Hall, and then expand the city wall at a cost of gold.

“No problem, you plan a place to come out, and I will immediately expand the main city.”

The crowd began to discuss with all their tongues, and the main city expanded, so their scale was about to expand again.

“Don’t worry about the finances, just come up with a plan.”

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