The non-cold and crude government office has met the conditions for upgrading.

The long-awaited Level 3 building for Lancelot will soon be executed.

【Emerald Ruling Hall Level 2】

【Upgrade condition has been met, upgrade can be performed】

【Emerald Level 3 Government Hall】

【Upgrade amount: 100,000 gold bumps】

【Land area:5000 square meters】


【After upgrading, new buildings will be unlocked】

Seeing the upgrade conditions of 100,000 gold bumps, Lancelot couldn’t help but convulse…

Pit Daddy, last time it was only a few thousand pieces, now you give me a hundred thousand!

It’s like having fun.

With a sigh, Lancelot didn’t argue anymore: “System, ready to upgrade.” ”

【Whether to deduct 10 gold and elevate the Emerald Ruling Hall】


After another bout of flesh pain, the system shrouded in divine light, and the ruling hall was constantly widening, lengthening, and increasing on the basis of the original.

It was transformed into a grand and magnificent small palace.

【Upgrade completed】

【Unlock new features: spend as much money as dirt】

[Splurge on dirt: you can upgrade all buildings at once to the highest level]

[Spending money like dirt to upgrade the level of the building can be completed, but the corresponding need to pay a huge amount of gold and rubble]

[The amount of consumption is reduced according to the quantity and level, and the host can use it as appropriate]

The whole emerald boiled again, and the people prayed reverently.

Lancelot’s power of faith has once again increased, and it has become 1.23 million.

And those guests who came to the Emerald to play and travel were also stunned.

No matter how many times I watched it, I was shocked by the miracle of Emerald.

Lancelot couldn’t wait to open the new Governing House.

At present, more and more buildings have been unlocked.

【Unlocked: Lower level Ruling Hall Level 2 Upgrade】

【Unlocked: Emerald House Level 3】

【Unlocked: Warehouse Level 3】

【Unlocked: Watchtower Level 3】

【Unlocked: City Wall Level 3】

【Unlocked: Barracks Level 2】

【Unlocked: Training Ground Level 2】

[Unlocked: Land of the Tamed Beasts: Level 2, Ability Boost, Other Unchanged]

【Unlocked: Emerald Arrow Tower】

[Unlocked: Medical Center, can recruit the Sacrifice of Light, can be used to treat injuries and diseases]

[Unlocked: Special Building: Rose Sword Ji Manor, stable life, enough faith, maybe a windfall]

[Unlocked: Special Building: Griffin’s Lair, Griffin Beast is the other half of the life of a Griffin Knight, or has a serendipity]

[Unlocked: Oil Mill Level 3, double production, recruit oil pressers]

[Unlocked: Emerald Research Center, which can recruit and cultivate cutting-edge talents]

[Emerald Research Center will be one of the main ways for hosts to obtain prestige points, it is recommended to understand the needs of Emerald people]

[Meeting the needs of the people can enhance the prestige, the power of faith, and more in one fell swoop]

[Unlocked: Emerald Academy, can recruit professional mentors to impart knowledge]

[Unlocked: Emerald Ranch Level 3, Grass Recovery for 7 Days]

【Unlocked: Emerald Farm Level 3, improve animal husbandry meat quality, fur quality】

[Unlocked: Emerald Emerald Fish Pond Level 3, restores production every 30 days]

【Unlocked: Magic Road Holy Land】

【Between the Integrating Elements, Between Meditations, Magic Academy, and Mage Tower as a whole department】

【Integration conditions: Need Great Magic Heritage Secret Set, manual integration is required】

【Unlocked: Alchemy Association】

【Integration of alchemical towers, integration of alchemy workshops, alchemy rooms, alchemy colleges】

[Integration conditions: Require alchemy heritage points gold rod (true), need manual integration]

[Unlocked: Dyeing Workshop, which can cost gold, recruit dyeing workers, and produce dyeing]

[Unlocked: Textile Workshop, Textile Workers to Recruit]

【Unlocked: Preserved Fruit Workshop】

【Unlocked: Emerald Bath】

[Unlocked: Glass Workshop, professional craftsmen can be recruited (production increased)]

【Unlocked: Emerald Lumber Yard (Recruit Professional Craftsmen)】

【Unlocked: Emerald Printing Factory (Recruit Full-time Craftsmen)】

[Unlocked: Emerald Adventurers’ Guild, Building Conditions: 500 Level 3 Buildings]

[The scale of Emerald is already large enough, can be internal, external, directly release tasks, perhaps corresponding materials]

【The Adventurers’ Union must pay an adequate amount】

[Detects that the power of the host’s faith exceeds 1 million, the system upgrades the faith statue and refreshes the faith store]

[This upgrade will be integrated: guardian beast spirit, imperial banner, ability will be greatly improved]

[Host, do you upgrade the statue of faith?] 】

Lancelot swallowed hard, “Good! ”

【Upgrade, upgrade completed】

The next moment, the entire Emerald Emerald erupted into a dazzling glow, and everyone saw this dazzling light.

It is as if countless rains of starlight make everyone’s spirit a hundred times stronger, like a spring breeze.

The statue of Lancelot’s faith has changed dramatically.

In his hand was a book, the Genealogy of the Ten Thousand Beasts, and the armor had become a great magical legacy.

He had a staff and sword around his waist, and he held aloft a red pentagram flag.

【Sacred Statue】

【Unlock Miracle: Bath of Light】

[Bathing of Holy Light: Perform a miracle once a month to heal all wounds and improve people’s happiness]

【Skill: Refuge of the Nation】

[Asylum of the Kingdom: Within the boundaries of the Kingdom, all creatures, buildings, and no harm in three minutes]

【Number of times to restore once in seven days】

【Skill: Wind and Sand Protection】

[Protection of the wind and sand: Cover the territory of the main city with the power of the wind and sand, hide it from being discovered, and be invalid under the real vision gem]

[System tip: If you encounter the holder of the True View Gem, please be sure to kill it at the first time]

Lancelot took a deep breath, and the whole person was overwhelmed with excitement, it was too powerful.

All buildings can basically be upgraded to level three.

However, military buildings all seem to be one level lower than people’s livelihood buildings.

Moreover, the number of barracks and the number of refineries has increased to 5.

This means that he can recruit an additional 150 soldiers per month.

Moreover, the increase in the number of training grounds means that one training ground can train 100 soldiers at a time.

As long as the population is enough, he can get more low-level troops a month, and with the Seal of the Military Soul, he can get more warriors and expand his troops.

Three-level workshops can increase production volumes.

Moreover, the workshop given by the system is different from the workshop he built, and he can recruit professional craftsmen.

And don’t have to cultivate it yourself!

That means he’ll solve more technical problems and no longer have to worry about developing talent.

Lancelot took a deep breath: “System, the overall rise to the highest level, how much does it cost at a time?” ”

[Hello host, a splurge of money will cost 300,000 gold, the first upgrade, the system will give a 20% discount]

Lancelot smiled: “Very good, execute the splurge like dirt, carry out a full upgrade!” ”


The next moment, the entire emerald emerald was enveloped in brilliant light, as if the heavens were auspicious, and there seemed to be the joy of the gods.

Under the incomparable sacredness, a shocking scene stung everyone’s eyes.

Shake the souls of all.

Lancelot stood under the statue of faith, holding aloft the staff, and the whole emerald seemed to be possessed by the gods.

The heavens and the earth rejoiced, the gods rejoiced, and under the light of the light, the emerald emerald rose from the ground.

In an instant, the appearance has changed dramatically!

Miracles unfold, as if picturesque.

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