It was a scene that people couldn’t help but worship.

The Emerald people were shocked to kneel on the ground, their hands crossed, and bowed their heads in prayer to the sacred statue.

The whole Emerald Jade became a new look at this moment, it was like the sun and moon had changed into a new heaven.

It’s dazzling and dreamy.

The Emerald Emerald Building to which the Endless Sand Sea belonged was instantly upgraded to the highest level, without counting the upgrade time or calculating the consumption of the Golden Crater.

Only gorgeous and shocking.

At this moment, under the shroud of brilliant light, Emerald is like a gorgeous castle.

The five-storey Emerald Government Hall, an elegant homestay.

Gorgeous commercial buildings, featuring various workshops.

Even the lower government offices in the lower city have been upgraded to the second level.

All of them have also been upgraded, and the level is 2 Yaju.

The number of sand lizards that can accommodate is 10 people.

Lancelot looked at the emerald that already had the scale of a real metropolis, and smiled and couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

He was looking at the system’s power of faith soaring to a value of 1.8 million.

And his reputation has also been greatly improved.

【Congratulations to the host for completing the first large-scale upgrade of Emerald Emerald, and the overall scale is upgraded to level 3】

【System Reward Divine Kingdom Honor Point +2】

【Balance: 81342 Gold Bumps】

【Reputation value: 460,000】

【Honor points:8】

【Power of Faith: 1.8 million】

【Seal of the Soul: 1.7 million】

The Seal of the Soul also gets experience storage?

He glanced at the training ground, no wonder, he had been training soldiers recently, and the accumulation of experience was normal.

This means that he can once again create vassal classes on a large scale.

Looking at the magic class area, between meditations, between elements, and the magic academy, these things can already be directly integrated and upgraded to the magic academy.

He has received the legacy of great magic.

Meet the conditions for integration and upgrade.

“System, what price?”

【60,000 gold bumps, with a mage tower, instantaneously completed, is it integrated?】 】

“Can you recruit mages directly?”

【Mage Tower can directly recruit mages】

Lancelot gritted his teeth: “Fight, integrate!” ”

【Executive integration】

At this moment, the Mage Arms Complex was enveloped by the brilliance of the system, and a magnificent magic academy was instantly completed.

What shocked Lancelot was that the Magic Dao Academy at this time was a bit like the Divine Magic Ring.

The huge magic element formed a magic ring and surrounded the magic academy covering an area of more than 10,000 square meters.

It includes meditation between the elements, and a 100-meter-high mage tower.

Sacred and solemn.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Magic Academy, the overall quality of the magic department has improved, and the recruitment conditions have been reduced]

【Magic Academy: The pioneer of magical civilization, can train and recruit mages of various departments】

【Promoted Class: Magic Road Temple】

【Lifting condition: Unknown】

[Magic Temple: Recruit a great magic master, unlock forbidden spells, and master special magic]

[Example: Space Mage, Light Spell, Dark Spell]

[Unlocking Recruitment: Junior Mage, Intermediate Mage, Senior Mage, Magician]

Lancelot shook his hand and opened the recruiting screen.

Every recruiting law profession has many options.

Fire Mage, Ice Mage, Thunder Mage, Earth Mage, Wood Mage.

[Junior Mage: Proficient in all known primary magic]

[Recruitment amount: 300 gold, limited recruitment: 30 per month]

[Intermediate Mage: Proficient in all known beginner and intermediate magic]

【Recruitment amount:1000 gold bumps】

【Monthly Limit Recruitment:30】

[Advanced Mage: Proficient in all known primary, intermediate, and advanced magic]

【Recruitment amount:1500 gold】

【Monthly Limit Recruitment:10】

[Magician: Proficient in all known primary, intermediate, and advanced spells, with the option to switch to ultimate magic]

【Recruitment amount:5000 jin】

【Monthly Limit Recruitment:2】

Lancelot couldn’t help but lie in his heart and keep sleeping in his heart…

This money is too much to spend, and it directly solves the gradual development progress of the magic class.

But this recruitment amount… Seriously?

A Magister 5000 Golden Bumps? 10 is 500,000, 100 is 5 million?

Can the pit daddy afford it?

And two a month, can only recruit 24 a year?

But yes, if there is no restriction on this, with his current financial harvesting ability, he can quickly organize a magic guide corps to come out.

Not much, 100 magic masters, just standing there, unleashing the ultimate magic together, hitting whoever will finish the calf!

“Recruit two magic masters!”

【Star Recruitment, Recruitment Completed】

The Magic Dao Academy slowly walked out of the two big witches, the big long legs, the little face, the green hair, the peaks and mountains.

Lancelot had a nosebleed coming out.

Since the establishment of the Emerald Women’s Association, some classes have been randomly given to female classes and civilians.

His population began to gradually become balanced between men and women.

“Lord Lancelot, greeting you to Charni/Kerryla.”

“Great, welcome to you, Xia Ni, the beauties of Kerry La’s from the Magic Academy, the Emerald Gate is open for you, if there is any trouble, just tell me.”

“That is our pleasure, Lord Lancelot.”

The two great beauties in mage’s robes smiled brightly.

“Why don’t you have special care for men?”

Beunita had a look of resentment, and Rao couldn’t hide her excited expression.

Emerald once again performed his miracles, which made everyone see and everyone was fascinated.

The mysterious Magic Academy is simply admirable.

“Xiao Bei…”

Lancelot was a little embarrassed: “You know, I don’t mean that. ”

“What does that mean?”

Bonarotti is also unhappy, why does it feel that the number of competitors is constantly increasing?

Lancelot scratched his head in pain, “I…”

Beunita sighed, making Lancelot seem unhurried.

She pretended to be angry, but she said seriously: “Lord Lancelot, the miracle is great, but if we go on like this, our finances will bottom out…”


Lancelot just let out a sigh, and as a result, the Magic Dao Academy successively walked out of 10 high-level mages, minus 15,000 golden scourges.

Get out of 30 mid-level mages and spend 30,000 gold.

Get out of 30 junior mages and spend 9,000 gold.

Balance: 77342 gold.

Beyonta saw that the treasury was about to be emptied, and her face changed: “Lord Lancelot. ”

Lancelot was so addicted to spending money that he didn’t seem to hear Beyonita’s call.

“System brother, come, let’s not be short of money, build a rose manor.”

【Rose Manor: Rose Sword Ji exclusive building, sword Ji training and entertainment place, specific functions need to be explored】

【Cost:10,000 gold crane】

【Construction time:30 days】

“Don’t be wordy, just build.”

It’s over, Lancelot is finished, and spending money is addictive.

But that’s not all: “System, build griffin’s lair.” ”

[Griffin Lair: An exclusive resting place for griffin beasts, which is what griffins riders are looking forward to]

【Griffin beast can be placed to rest and lay eggs】

【Cost:20,000 gold crane】

【Construction time:15 days】

Intuition told Lancelot that this must be built: “Execute the construction, don’t ask me if I want to spend money, you just spend.” ”

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