Lancelot was relieved.

“Xiao Bei, now we are not short of money, it is all the things that should be built, decided to talk to me, I agree that you can issue a government order, the military organization gives priority, recruit troops as soon as possible.”

“Oh, yes!”

Lancelot remembered something again: “The Adventurers’ Union gives priority to the visit of Emerald, you arrange a rotation system, so that the soldiers can enjoy a few days of vacation every month, relax their spirits, don’t have too much at a time, try not to leave Emerald on a large scale, after all, there is a shortage of troops.” ”

Beunita smiled, “I’ve already discussed this with Ti and Alsaris, as well as the various generals of Emerald, and you just need to sign the decree.” ”


Beunita smiled brightly, “Lord Lancelot, steam engine, we built it.” ”

Lancelot suddenly smiled, “Well, take me to see it.” ”

Watt was laughing wildly inside the blacksmith’s shop.

“Wow hahahahaha, great, great, with this thing, this iron horse train is much simpler, guys, look at the wagons we tried to make?”

“Boss, mighty, so Lord Lancelot will be happy.”

“That is, after a few months of hard work, it has finally been done, and tonight we must celebrate well, and the brethren will go to the tavern together for a few drinks.”

“No problem, I’ll have a treat tonight, and I’ll let the kitchen sit you on a special side dish!”

“Lord Lancelot!!!”

The crowd suddenly stopped ripping and restored their solemn and solemn images one by one.

“Okay, why are you so serious?”

Watt was excited: “Lord Lancelot, you have come just in time, take a look, we have succeeded!” ”

With enough resources and manpower, they have overcome the problem.

In just thirty days, a real steam engine was built!

Lancelot looked at the finished product that had been successfully operated and suddenly smiled: “Heroes, Emerald will remember you.” ”

“That’s our pleasure.”

“Tonight I invite you to personally celebrate your achievements, and our next task is to build several railways in Emerald Emerald, through Emerald, New Town, Lower Town, and carry out trial operation!”

“Obey the order, Lord Lancelot!”

All blacksmiths are in full swing.

What excited them was that Lord Lancelot was going to celebrate them personally.

Lancelot has been greatly inspired since it had the Great Magic Heritage Factory.

After he went back and read Magic and Technology over and over again, he was inspired to do so.

For example, now, he sits in the Adventurer’s Guild, sipping tea while watching all sentient beings.

It’s really funny.

There are many tourists from the Land of the Systematic Gods who have developed a keen interest in the Adventurers’ Guild.

For example, this great mage, after visiting the Adventurers’ Guild, looked at Lancelot, the emerald lord, with great interest.

And Lancelot, sipping his coffee gracefully, looked at the novel.

His thoughts are like fountains of pen and pen are constantly writing and drawing.

The aroma of coffee was so tempting that the old mage took a breath and liked it very much.

Unfortunately, Lancelot threw himself into work and leisure.

The old lady was not found at all.

After the novel was almost written, he finally stopped, glanced at the old mage, and smiled kindly.

“Irin, go make the old gentleman a cup of coffee and come over with me.”

Ariin blushed and quickly nodded.

The old mage was a little surprised, tasting the coffee, and his eyes lit up.

“Lord Lancelot…”

Arein was a little restrained.

“Sit down, you’re welcome.”

Irin quickly sat down, and Lancelot inquired about the workings of the Adventurers’ Guild.

Beunita was also a force, allocating 400,000 gold to the Adventurers’ Guild on the same day.

Adventurers from the Land of the Systematic Gods collected this thing, and they did not accept the circulating currency of Häagen-Dazs.

Risking Guilds has a rating system in existence.

50 C-level missions to advance to Bronze Adventurer.

40 B-level missions to advance to Silver Adventurer.

30 A-level missions to advance to Gold Adventurer.

20 S-level missions to advance to Diamond Adventurer.

At present, most of the tasks required by Emerald are A-pole and S-level.

However, Kanban Lady is professional in the end, and after sorting out the intelligence, she has released many low-level tasks.

For example: a C-level mission, to capture the low-level sand lizard clan, a 10 gold slump, which can be sold to the Samoyed Chamber of Commerce to earn.

It can also be trained as a subordinate sand lizard clan class.

For example: B-level missions, explore the endless sea of sand, draw accurate maps, and reward 50 gold bumps (with a specified scale range).

For example: A-level missions, capture Sand Lizard Empire warriors (mages), these rewards are above 100 gold.

For example: S-class mission, collect information on the Sand Lizard Empire.

S-class missions to explore the Möbisu Mountains, including mapping, races, mineral deposits.

There is also an SS-level mission: hunting high-level Warcraft.

All kinds of tasks, acquisition of Warcraft cores, magic crystals, magic crystal mines.

These rewards are relatively high.

Lancelot smiled brightly: “The task freedom is very high, can be set at will?” ”

“As long as it’s not too outrageous, Lord Lancelot.”

Ariin breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that she had misunderstood Lord Lancelot.

“Irin, look at this.”

Lancelot handed a piece of paper to Ariin.

It reads:

Mission: Recruit a Grand Mage who is proficient in Formation and Magic Seals to participate in the improvement of the track train.

During the mission, room and board are provided and the trial period is 7 days.

Deliberately swindling to eat and drink will be permanently forbidden to enter Emerald.

Bonus: Emerald 30-Day Pass.

Hold the Emerald 30-day Pass, stay, travel, play, eat, and get free for 30 days.

“Is this okay?”

Ariin nodded, “Yes Lord Lancelot, this task is not difficult, it can be defined as a special task. ”

Lancelot smiled, “Very well, then post it to the mission board.” ”

“Do as you are told.”

Lancelot stretched out and got up to leave the Adventurers’ Guild.

This really bodes well.

He saw that one after another, mercenaries from the System God Kingdom had begun to register adventurers.

Moreover, Emerald warriors also came to register to earn extra money.

Bonarotti holds a gold rod.

The track has been laid.

The train has also been assembled and currently has only three carriages.

The reason why Lancelot has not yet been allowed to open to traffic is because it is looking for a clean and pollution-free energy source.


That’s right, the Great Magic Legacy has inspired him so much.

He didn’t have a coal mine, he couldn’t afford to burn charcoal, and transportation was too cumbersome.

Therefore, why can’t we leave the magic guide factory and develop it independently?

Why do you have to spend that amount of money?

If you are poor, you will change, and if you change, you will change.

Magic, isn’t it fragrant?

Irin’s voice came from behind him: “Lord Lancelot.” ”


“Lord Lancelot, this mage is looking for you.”

“Looking for me?” Lancelot was a little surprised, this is the old mage just now?

“Introduce yourself, Lord Lancelot, Adolf, the Seal of Learning, the Great Teacher.”

Then he pulled out an Adventurer Medal and shook the mission document in his hand: “I took this task.” ”

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