Lancelot was very surprised, such a cowhide magic master, or a magic seal scholar.

Why are you still an adventurer?

Seen Lancelot’s thoughts.

Adolf took the Adventurer Medal and mission documents into his arms.

“The old man started out as an adventurer, and I’m not short of money, but I’m very interested in what you said about the rail train.”

Lancelot smiled: “So welcome Mr. Adolf, but you should know that after taking on this task, you are going to sign a confidentiality contract, and if you leak it, you will die, but it is not a joke?” ”

Adolf smiled: “Of course, honesty is the basic virtue of human beings, and you can rest assured that I have signed a confidentiality contract and will not steal your technology.” ”

“The old gentleman is really happy, so let’s get in the car, just go along.”

The magic of the dotted golden rod has gradually been revealed.

Without violating the principle of equal exchange, Lancelot could produce a lot of things.

For example, the Emerald Astronomical Center under construction.

It is nominally an astronomical center, but what actually hurts, that huge modified telescope.

You can already see ten miles away, and the technical level has improved by leaps and bounds.

Emerald Watchtowers have been rapidly replaced, and more advanced telescopes are now in use.

Ten miles away, the slim is everywhere.

“This is a rail train?”

Lancelot nodded, “That’s right, we’re getting ready to start debugging today.” ”

On the car were several backbones of Emerald Emerald, and everyone was very excited.

Emerald is making rapid progress and can be said to be flying every day!

Adolf was also aroused by curiosity.

Lancelot made a gesture of please, and the crowd went straight to the front of the car.

Watt’s face flushed with excitement: “Lord Lancelot! ”

Lancelot nodded, “Watt, ignition, traffic!” ”

“Yes, Lord Lancelot!”

With a bang, the boiler had already ignited, and at this moment the flame was increased and the blower was started.

The whistle echoed in Emerald Emerald, attracting the attention of countless people.

The next moment, in the midst of that shocked gaze, on the tracks, the train started slowly, slowly.

Touching everyone’s heart.

Lancelot found that his prestige and power of faith were on the rise again.

Sure enough, constantly increasing the happiness of life will bring unexpected gains.

Adolf was stunned: “Really running?” ”

Lancelot had a big smile and a great victory.

He proudly straightened his chest and began to give Adolf scientific knowledge, telling him the principle of the steam engine, the principle of the train moving.

Adolf was mesmerized to hear it.

“How can there be such knowledge in the world?”

The crowd nodded their heads.

Bonarotti was always cheerful: “For the first time, I am like you, the esteemed Master Adolf, who has a technique that is more exciting than magic!” ”

Adolf nodded, “Exactly. ”

“Then, Lord Lancelot, what about my duties?”

Lancelot pointed to the steam engine and the boiler, and then pointed to the black smoke outside: “Although the steam engine can become the power, it requires a lot of fuel to make steam, and the charcoal is too precious and polluted, so I have raised a subject.” ”

Adolf listened attentively, telling the truth.

He lived a long time and was not alarmed by anything.

But after coming to Emerald, he was a little suspicious of life.

Gourmet, oh, he traveled all over the Divine Continent, shitty delicacies.

No matter how delicious it is, it is not as good as a bowl of white rice with a plate of braised meat.

The restaurant also offers a small plate of refreshing side dishes plus a drink.

Damn, those drinks are only given away after consumption in restaurants, Emerald Food Street and not for sale!

This lord is so shrewd.

It’s okay, play croquet, snooker, and mahjong.

Ah, the most hateful thing is playing chess, Go, which is simply addictive.

Many times when he and Deng Weishao returned to God, it was already dusk.

Had to eat in Emerald and take a bath, damn, their big bathhouse was so comfortable.

Not only are there people scrubbing the bath, but there are also hot springs and sweat steaming!

Every time I came out of it, the fatigue of the whole person was swept away.

And that damn shampoo, shower gel, refreshed when you’re running out.

Lying on that Simmons bed again, oh my God, life is simply beautiful and heinous.

He even had the idea of taking root here with several old guys and sending his life to the end.

This lord of Emerald is so capable of tossing and turning, and three days and two ends bring people all kinds of surprises.

He didn’t expect that he was a lot older, and one day he would have endless things to do, and he couldn’t eat enough good food.

Until now, he has been able to eat Emerald food every day without repetition.

Sometimes without playing chess, you can spend a day in the library.

The librarian even adds free cold drinks to you at all times.

Two pots of tea are brewed under the peach tree, a stone table and a stone bench, and a Go board.

It’s bad.

But everyone is having fun.

Because the next day when they woke up, a few old guys were either going to play basketball or chess.

After losing and wanting to win back today, they won themselves and were not willing…

Then a few people arrived at the meal and ate a dish one by one, and they ate happily.

He couldn’t help it, what kind of young man was this Lancelot?

People who listened to Emerald said he seemed to be only 17 years old.

And the rise of Emerald is only half a year.

Adolf looked at the magic academy not far away, and the magic factory full of holiness.

Those places, with their mysterious forbidden powers, could not be visited without permission.

But that magic guide factory really made these old mages scratch their hearts and scratch their livers too much.

They have lived a lifetime, and some have already stood at the peak of the Demon Dao.

He is the ultimate magic master, but he is limited by those forbidden powers and cannot peek…

But that was so tempting, to be honest, they really wanted to go to the magic factory to find out.

What kind of existence can make such a great thing.

That’s why he lowered himself and became a… Well…… Adventurer.

He wanted to be close to this young lord and gain his trust.

Then, let them, the old guys who have been obsessed with magic all their lives, feast their eyes.

See what kind of existence that magic guide factory full of mysterious powers really is.

“What subject?”

Lancelot pointed to the steam engine: “I need to be proficient in magic seal technology magician, provide an ignition circuit that can make the steam engine burn continuously, this is the first, the second, through the magic seal technology to connect the vehicle to the track, connect the steam engine and the drive wheel, with the power of magic, the cycle to push the machine forward.” ”

Lancelot looked at Watt, who quickly pulled out a drawing and handed it to Adolf’s Great Wizard.

“Mr. Adolf, with this line of thought, let the magic constantly circulate in the car, reducing pollution and power consumption, and this is your task, the trial period is seven days.”

“Perpetual motion device?”

Lancelot shook his head: “No, it is not a perpetual motion device, the perpetual motion machine is basically impossible to achieve, my design is the premise of the magic seal loop, the cycle of magic energy will produce losses, but with magic protection, he can continue to operate, what I need is to solve the technical problem.” ”

Adolf thought for a moment: “Well, yes, I appreciate the subject you have raised, and I have taken this task, but the old man has a small request.” ”

“Oh? But the old gentleman said it was all right. ”

“Coffee, want to drink.”

“No problem, if you want to drink and talk to Watt, they just say it, but you can’t take it away.”


At this moment, the earth seemed to shake in an instant.

A dark breath soared into the sky.

This endless sea of sand was actually cloudy, and it blew a creepy cold wind.

“Lord Lancelot, it’s not good, something big has happened!”

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