Lancelot also had a palpitation sensation.

Even those tourists had to look at the sky in horror.

The desert is cloudy and thunderous, which is the rhythm of the devil.

“Calm down and speak slowly.”

The desert scout swallowed hard, “Lord Lancelot, when we were supervising the laying of the tunnel tracks today, it collapsed, and a large group of ruins appeared underground, and a few lizardman slaves fell, and they seemed to have touched some kind of organ seal or something, and as a result… You see it, it’s chilling. ”

Lancelot also felt it, such a terrible breath, depressing.

It makes people palpitate and feel cold all over the body.

This kind of vision, in the novel, is generally the birth of some big devil who hangs the sky.


“Do as you are told.”

The crowd quickly got out of the car, and he couldn’t take care of the matter here.

Beyonta instantly changed into her uniform: “Lancelot, I will go with you.” ”


Beyonita’s face was solemn: “You forgot how you wrote it, Jundang sword, concubine Zi Suilang.” ”

Lancelot was about to refuse, and Beunita shook her head: “And, you forgot, I am the Daughter of the Light, and I can restrain this evil spirit!” ”


Bonarotti suddenly patted Lancelot: “Okay, what the mother-in-law does, let’s go, today we must follow!” ”

“You’re not obedient either.”

“Concubine Suilang, did you write it out to play?”

“That’s a novel!”

Lancelot had a headache and regretted letting them read the novel.

Seeing that he was saying not to listen to these two women.

Lancelot gritted his teeth, “Well, don’t leave me. ”

“Erein, go and release an urgent mission so that the adventurers of the Kingdom of God can participate.”

“Do as you are told.”

“Sylvana, tell Vawuanna that Emerald has been handed over to him.”

“I’ll go back when I go.”

“Claude, Raynivalier, you keep the Emerald.”

“Obey your orders.”

It only took a few minutes for Alzaris to order the people.

Mages, Magic Masters, Tower Shields, Scouts, Rangers, and Sand Lizard Swordsmen!!!

“Get on the sleigh and go!”

Led by the desert scouts, they quickly marched towards their destination.

The tunnel leads to the salt mine, connecting the groundwater veins of the original Sharaphuzan community.

The salt mine needed to build a track to go over.

They quickly approached the target location.

The thick black qi broke through the sky, making the desert dark and depressing.

When Lancelot approached, those slaves of the Sand Lizard Empire.

Under the watchful eye of the Emerald Emerald warriors, one by one stood there looking panicked.

The breath of darkness rose from the place where the collapse was located.

Now it has gradually dispersed.

But beneath that huge bunker, there was still a terrifying feeling.

“Lord Lancelot.”

Gunners Kata and Maran quickly stepped forward to salute.

Lancelot nodded, “What’s going on?”

Kata shook her head: “Suddenly it collapsed, what is the specific situation inside, we don’t know, we don’t dare to go deeper, but, Lord Lancelot, we have cleared the surrounding yellow sand, opened a stone door, you can go straight in, inside is the underground ruins group.” ”

Lancelot patted him on the shoulder: “You guys did a good job, evacuate the slaves to safety, and then leave it to us.” ”

To Lancelot’s surprise, there were more than a dozen people behind him, and they were all very powerful people.

There are elven troubadours, dwarven bearded hammers, and human mages.

There are also a few mercenaries who have been playing in Emerald recently.

They are now carrying the Adventurer’s Medal and taking on special assignments.

Lancelot skimmed his lips, the number of people was a little smaller, but it seemed to be very powerful.

They didn’t even move in, and Beyonta gave herself all the data for them.

Ability, family lineage, race, origin, rank, rarity.

I have long had the heart to love money and recruit, but if people are not bad at money, they will not have this opportunity at all.

It seems that today there is this opportunity.

“Let’s go inside!”

Lancelot clenched the Secret Staff in his hand.

Arcerius nodded, “You step back, I’ll take the lead.” ”

After saying that, he beckoned: “Mage team, illumination!” ”

The mages brushed together to cast some simple lighting spells, which did not count the number of times at all, and were completely free of charge.

“Ranger, crossbowman, loader!”

“Tower shield soldiers, two platoons, open the way!”

Lancelot smiled, and he suddenly raised his hand, and two intermediate magic spells unfolded.

Petrified armor, resists five attacks, wood protection, after attack, restores three traumatic injuries, with a hemostasis effect.

And Beyonta smiled directly, raised her hand, the light added, the effect: illumination, blocking the invasion of dark and spiritual magic.

Resist five attacks.

The whole team is constantly covered with layers of aura.

And Sylvana, not to be outdone, quickly cast the protection of the wind, which can block three attacks.

Increase movement speed.

At this moment, the mages looked at each other, what else do they want us to do?

Wouldn’t it really be a lighting fixture?

The adventurers behind them were also protected one by one, one by one, somewhat unexpectedly.

Emerald is really talented, this one by one, the cooperation is too intimate.

Slowly entering the stone gate, they saw a huge group of ruins.

Here, it turned out to be a huge group of ruins, a well-preserved palace.

Mysterious frescoes everywhere, exquisitely carved.

However, this palace is obviously a bit weird.

Because after they started going inside, the style of painting was a little chaotic.

The frescoes, which were originally very comfortable, are full of mysterious and sacred atmosphere.

But when I got inside, it was actually altered, covered, and a little bit gradually blackened, and even began to collapse.

Angels became demons, and the divine gradually became depraved.

“What kind of crap is this, mythological age, demons, hell?”

Dolnigun took a sip and felt very uncomfortable.

For whether holy or evil, in all the frescoes, human beings are enslaved by killing.

I don’t believe you look at this statue, most of them are worshiped by humans.

Lancelot was suddenly very upset, and used to be a kick: “Go to your uncle.” ”

Dolnigun was startled: “Lord Lancelot? ”

“You have listened to me well, and anything that appears here today has been bulldozed and killed for me!”

“Do as you are told.”

Just after the voices of the crowd fell, Lancelot suddenly froze: “Host, the main mission site has arrived, and there is a dangerous approach.” ”

The next moment, a cold wind swept over his face, and countless blood-red eyes appeared on the opposite side.

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