[Golden Army of Bones: Bound and will disappear with the death of the host]

[Quantity: 10,000, no rank restrictions, with undead spells]

[No thought, no consciousness, existence is to carry out Lancelot’s orders]

At first everyone was startled, thinking they had been raided, but watched as these powerful golden skeletons landed in front of Lancelot.

One by one, they knelt down respectfully, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

The whole body is made of golden bones, and each skeleton exudes a powerful and cold breath.

Everyone had a weapon made of gold in their hands.

Lancelot is really invincible…

With this legion, he could directly launch an expedition to wipe out the Sand Lizard Empire.


These golden armies of brilliant bones suddenly formed a phalanx one by one.

“Take a break!”

Brush, brush in unison, uniform.

“Standing upright!!!”


Lancelot watched with excitement.

“Get started, go !!!”

The Golden Army of the Bones suddenly stood up with Lancelot and took a military step.

Under his consciousness of thought, he was the god who controlled these golden armies of brilliant bones!

The others looked stunned, although it felt very funny, but why did Lancelot’s serious appearance make people feel very sacred?

Even so solemn that people can’t laugh.

“Raise your arms and surround the enemy!”

Brush, the Golden Army of Brilliant Bones sawed weapons at the same time, surrounding the several adventurers from the System God Kingdom.

Five hundred corpses transformed into a golden skeleton of brilliant bones, which was indeed super perverted.

Because they could jump, they jumped directly in front of the enemy, and the desert trembled for it.

The guys of the System God Kingdom were stunned and didn’t react for a while.

However, Emerald has always been a simple folk custom, and when he heard Lord Lancelot say that he was the enemy.

Qi Brushed and all raised their weapons, aiming at these poor guys at the same time.

“Lord Lancelot, we are registered adventurers of the Emerald Adventurers’ Guild, what do you mean by that?”

Lancelot raised his staff, “Ready! ”

Bows and arrows, crossbows, staffs, shields, swords, and brushes are aimed at these adventurers.

One of the leading old mages came down in cold sweat, and he suddenly realized something, and quickly smiled and said, “Mr. Lancelot, I think you misunderstood, the old man is a lot old, his brain is not very good, and the old man is dizzy, what happened today, the old man did not see a word.” ”

Another bearded lover also reflected: “Oh, yes, Mr. Lancelot, I have amnesia and I have corns…”

The others reacted instantly.

One by one, they looked at each other, as it were.

This guy is a good face.

When he was deep underground, he, as the supreme ruler of Emerald, was also suppressed on the ground.

The dead man knelt down, unable to lift his head.

Also by that goddess a mouthful of a despicable.

But speaking from the heart, no one itself laughed at Lancelot, in that case.

At first, some people thought he was spineless, but he cut two divine !!!

This is something that can blow to heaven wherever it goes.

I didn’t expect him to care about this, and he seemed to be quite serious.

Lancelot made a stunned look: “What do you guys say?” ”



Everyone had a question mark on their faces.

Lancelot turned his head and revealed a sly smile, Lao Tzu is a lord after all, don’t want face?

The crowd was immediately clear.

“Oh… Oops, that and that, we didn’t say anything. ”

“Right, right, nothing!”

Lancelot waved his hand: “Raise your weapon and light the fire.” ”

Lancelot took his head and raised his hand: “Send off your fellow citizens!” ”

He took the lead in casting powerful fireball spells.

The overwhelming flames smashed directly into the underground ruins.

All that should be dug up has been dug, everything that should be taken has been taken, and everything that should be killed has been destroyed.

The undead, who are bound up, should also be liberated.

As the exuberant fire burned, the entire desert was illuminated as if it were daylight.

Countless white dots of light flew up into the sky.

Trapped for tens of thousands of years, tragically died under the clutches of demons, enslaved by gods and demons, involuntarily self-contained, and deeply resentful.

At this moment, all dust is over, dust returns to dust, and soil returns to earth.

The light of the soul flew to heaven.

“Compatriots, all the way.”

“Good all the way!”

It was a beautiful spectacle, and it was a pleasure to see it in this life.


Lancelot shrunk his neck and felt a little cold in his body: “I said… You’re leaving, everything else is flying, what are you still doing here? ”

The opposite side is densely packed, all of which are Ah Piao.

One by one, they maintained the appearance of their lives.

Solemn, solemn, watching the souls of those who have died return to heaven.

Beunita also frowned: “Hurry up, you have made your wish, you can’t stay in the human world, reincarnate as a Buddha.” ”

But the undead still don’t go.

Beunita narrowed her eyes: “What, want to fight?” ”

The undead still did not go, and one of them, taking the lead, looked at the corpse of the knight king Crissa and slowly walked to Lancelot.

Then, one knee fell, and the next moment, the undead behind them all knelt down.

“I am St. John, Lord Lancelot, thank you for liberating your fellow Terrans, but we have been cursed by the Holy See and we can never be reborn, please accept our submission and let us be your guardian warriors.”




The endless sea of sand, at this moment, a cold wind blows, as if the yin wind of death is gusting.

Lancelot shuddered.

I can’t help but snort, I have now changed from a lord to a slave owner, then in the direction of a Lich Demon, to become a God Slayer, and now, to a necromancer?


Lancelot simply refused.

“I don’t want my territory to become a paradise for the dead, and my house is not a cemetery!”

“Let us follow you, Lord Lancelot.”

A yin wind came to the surface, and Lancelot couldn’t help but be a shiver again.

“Don’t even think about it, hurry up to heaven and go to heaven!!!”

“Please let us follow you!!!”

Lancelot jumped to his feet, “Little Bay! ”

Beunita smiled helplessly, “Lord Lancelot, if not, just kill them, they are cursed by the worship of the Holy See, and they can only float like this forever.” ”

Raising his hand, the Divine Light Spell was cast, but smoke continued to rise from the undead warriors.

But no one left.

Beunita let go of her hand, “Or not, take it?” ”

Lancelot rolled his eyes: “What are you doing, you want to turn your home into a cemetery?” Or do you want the whole continent to come and fight me? ”

Beunita covered her mouth and smiled and leaned over to Lancelot’s ear, almost biting his earlobe.

“Lord Lancelot, how do you see this…”

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