Lancelot’s eyes were bright, which was a good idea.

“But can they obey?”

Beunita learned from Lancelot, hugged her shoulders, touched her chin and thought, “Easy to do, you see how to do this, let them possess the Golden Army of Bones, and then let our craftsmen create a large number of special armor, and then put them on the Legion of Bones, I use the secret method to imprint on the equipment, disobedience directly exploded!” ”


Lancelot had always felt that Beyonta was a bit violent.

It doesn’t matter if the other person is a necromancer or not.

As long as Beunita is unhappy or unwelcome, she will not give a good face, and the means are quite cruel.

“Wouldn’t that be cruel?”

“The Golden Army of Brilliant Bones will not die, the explosion is the necromancer, Lord Lancelot, you can rest assured, this time, even if the team goes out, as long as it does not take off its armor, who knows that it is the necrophilia and the skeleton, and the talking bones are not very good.”


“That’s right, you see, first of all, no one suspects that you are colluding with the necromancers, and secondly, there is a strong army that is invincible and not afraid of being beaten, and those necromancers are possessed by the golden army, and his combat experience is quite rich, and finally, if you don’t like it, is it also excellent to use it as coolies, and you can also be cannon fodder, not afraid of waste.”

Beyonta seduced her.

She did prefer a holy light to go to these dead spirits to reunite with the ancient family.

However, it is also a fact that Emerald lacks people and warriors.

Whether it’s the military or the workforce.

Bonarotti looked at the two of them muttering, a little unhappy: “So what is the whisper, is it still possible to communicate yin and yang, adjust the temperature of the emerald?” ”

Beunita opened her mouth, “Oh my God, little Ti, you’re so smart! ”

The two women glared at each other.


Lancelot was troubled by the two women: “Well, it is just that the expedition to the Sand Lizard Empire has gathered. ”

Filling in the underground ruins, Lancelot and they returned.

The new town is still empty.

Scold…… Undead……

St. John leads an army of ten thousand undead and possesses the Golden Army of Bones.

These golden skeleton racks, one by one, can all speak with their mouths agape.

It’s that the picture is too beautiful for you to see.

Beunita’s plan is good.

Build a batch of armor and arm the Legion of Bones.

Without seeing his face, no one would suspect that he was colluding with the undead and demons or the like.

Beyonta can also seal the armor with a Holy Light spell, trapping the undead inside.

It’s a lot of fun.

It wasn’t Lancelot who was cold-blooded and ruthless.

They were all raised by their fathers and mothers, although they were separated by 20,000 years, but they were also compatriots of the Terran race.

It’s just that on the continent of Haagen-Dazs, the existence of demons and the undead is considered taboo.

Once you see it, it’s basically a group attack.

The system has repeatedly reminded Lancelot that it is best to have nothing to do with the Necromancer and that props are the best things to get rid of.

That’s why.

Before growing up, these things would make Lancelot passive, even on the opposite side of the continent.

“St. John, the new town is for you to use for the time being, and Xiao Ti has prepared simple accommodation conditions for you, but unfortunately you can’t drink and eat…”

“It’s all right, Lord Lancelot, please let us be insensitive to the allegiance of Emerald.”

“No, rest first, remember the past, and I’ll let you know when I need you.”

“All right, Lord Lancelot.”

“Something to worry about?”

Lancelot glanced at the Legion of Bones: “No, there are worries, but not them, I’m worried about the thing that ran out of it!” ”

Bonarotti nodded, “Indeed, I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.” ”

Lancelot smiled, “It’s a blessing rather than a curse, it’s a curse that can’t be avoided, just let the horse come.” ”

Lancelot couldn’t wait to look at these water crystalline columns: “System, how’s it going?” ”

[Host, analyzed completed, can extract magic crystal ore: 5000]

“Extract it!”

Seeing those magic crystal ores disappear, Bonarotti was a little anxious: “I said Lancelot, you leave me some ah, you are too unhappy with your own woman.” ”

“When did you become my woman?”

Bonarotti looked a little heartbroken: “Am I not your man? ”

“Yes, yes, but is there any connection between my person and my woman?”

“Then it’s no problem.”

Said and held out his hand.

Lancelot smiled and took out a piece of magic crystal ore and gave it to her.

Bonarotti took a flying kiss and went straight back.

The crisis was over.

Lancelot had the 9999 Magic Crystal Vein.

“Little Bey, what did Hugo say?”

“The kid can’t wait, but keep this patience.”

Lancelot sighed, “Little Bey, Sylvana, Arsaris, I don’t really trust anyone other than Emerald. ”

The crowd nodded.

In fact, they all understood that Lancelot did not want to have contact with the outside world.

So those two guys, Tyler and Hugo, weren’t spies at all.

Lancelot, on the pretext of being busy, kept hanging them.

And, indeed, it is really busy.

But they all understood that Emerald was not ready to be exposed to the outside world.

Even his aunt, Lyliana, was eager to see Lancelot’s domain.

But Lancelot never agreed or told him where he lived.

“Actually… It doesn’t matter. ”

Beunita hesitated, and Arsaris nodded, “You can tell Lord Lancelot, Lady Lady.” ”

Lancelot was stunned: “Why? ”

Beunita said: “Before today, maybe we can be afraid of external forces, but after the Golden Temple, don’t be afraid, the existence of the Golden Army of Bright Bones, to make up for the lack of troops, we ourselves have enough strength to deter the outside world, and our gunpowder technology is mature, the gold rod can highly compress gunpowder, in order to improve stability, in fact, it is very simple, add a stable small imprint Fa Array can be.” ”

“After the high degree of compression, the moment will be out of the critical state, at any time can explode, we followed your instructions, after several attempts, it is really not easy to grasp the compression concentration, but if after stabilizing the French array, the gunpowder compressed by high strength, it will be thrown out of a stable state, the insurance ignites, the array disappears, bang.”

“Who came up with such a good idea?”

“Wawu Anna, the child spent all day only eating, drinking, and having fun, farming, and was fascinated by fireworks while hanging out in the blacksmith’s shop, and then Watt chatted with her, and she gave the idea and helped to study it successfully.”

Beyonta took out a grenade imprinted with a mysterious magic array.

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