The Great Magic Guide Factory has a design with relevant directions.

Lancelot copied it directly.

In order to save resources and learn more magic and technology, he released missions in the Adventurers’ Guild.

I couldn’t imagine that a powerful magic master could bring such a huge harvest!

“On behalf of Emerald, I thank you, Mr. Adolf, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Lord Lancelot, now that the mission is complete, I will follow up until the technology is perfect, and at the same time as giving me the reward of the Adventurers’ Union, I have a request.”

“You old please say.”

Adolf smiled and said, “It is Mr. Lancelot, I would like to build a few railcars for my hometown, of course, I can not sell the magic seal train technology, but I can also accept the steam engine train.” ”

Lancelot hesitated and did not agree.

He doesn’t do anything good, his financial problems have been solved, and what is needed now is resources, especially mineral resources.

“If you can provide the resources yourself, we can provide assembly parts, and the steam locomotive can give it to you, but, with all due respect, Mr. Great Magus, I can’t believe you.”

Adolf thought for a moment, “Contract, Lord Lancelot, when I was young, I traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, and now it is time to recuperate, I see that Emerald is building a university, and there is a magic college, you see how it is, we signed a contract of appointment, I will not divulge Emerald’s secret information, I can teach at your university and the magic college, teaching magic and magic seals.” ”

Lancelot hesitated, and seemed reluctant, and pulled out a contract document: “Five insurances and one gold, two days off every week, providing food and accommodation, 13 salaries at the end of the year, all benefits of Emerald are treated equally, once the terms of the contract are violated, the spirit is destroyed.” ”

Lancelot handed it over: “After signing, you can go to work tomorrow.” ”

Adolf took the contract and looked at it carefully.

In addition to the necessary teaching duties, not only are there two days off every seven days, but also free time outside of the lectures.

Leave is possible, and room and board are available.

There are no overlord clauses either.

The only thing you need to care about is that.

It is forbidden to divulge any military, technical, confidential information of any Emerald Jade.

Any unfavorable behavior against Emerald is prohibited.

If the contract is violated, the spirit is destroyed.

It ends with a special contract imprint that Adolf had never seen before.

But he could feel the divine covenant.

After hesitating, he still nodded and pressed the handprint.

Three days later, the derailed Magic Seal train underwent its first trial run.

Two magic seal trains, 100 carriages, 1,000 legions of bones, 200 Terran warriors, and some supplies.

The Magic Seal technique is a scaled-down version of the Magic Circle.

When many mages are bored, they constantly improve the Fa Array so that they can maintain their original power after infinitely shrinking.

And maintain the original stability.

However, only a very small number of French fronts are able to do this.

Most of the magic seal techniques are original to the mages.

The original magic seal technology was born in the era of magic guides.

But the hundreds of thousands of years of continental changes in Haagen-Dazs eventually led to the loss and absence of technology.

The presence of magic guides is sealed and even considered taboo.

This led to the decline of the magic seal technology, and now there are almost no magicians in Haagen-Dazs who study the magic seal.

Therefore, the magic guide of the Sand Lizard Clan is Lancelot’s big problem.

They will not gain such great power for no reason.

Now, it was time to dispose of the threat, he didn’t want Emerald to be attacked on his back.

The Sand Lizard Empire cannot be allowed to rise, nor can the big brother succeed in their treacherous schemes.

Three steps at a post, five steps and one sentry, which was what Lancelot was expecting, but he didn’t have so much time to be busy.

The matter was left to Beunita and he was relieved.

And now the Emerald population is gradually growing.

Not limited to craftsmen, heroes, everyone can be trained to become craftsmen, heroes.

Before leaving, Lancelot used the point general platform again, this time, still in the act of drawing lots.

To Lancelot’s surprise, this lottery actually fell on the body of Rose Sword Ji.

Raynivier! This Rose Sword Ji Legion is now the nominal leader.

The sword leader of Emerald’s First Lady Army.

Under the light of the dot platform, Raynivier successfully awakened and advanced.

【Rinevier: Rose Sword Lord】

【Rose Sword Hime: Level 6 Class, Heavy Armor Sword Hime】

【Talent: Broken Armor】

[Team Skill: Holy Shield Charge, 100 swordsmen can only be launched, forming a burst sword array, penetrating the enemy’s heart]

【Number of casts per day3】

[Team skills: sword qi like a rainbow, 100 sword Ji can only be launched, broken armor sword qi straight line five consecutive slashes, range of 100 meters]

【Number of casts per day3】

[Skill: Light Crossing Armor, immune to all attacks within five minutes, unable to resist the knock-off effect]

[Skills: Holy Light Healing, Acting on Yourself and Teammates, Healing Wounds, Restoring Life, Limit 3 Times/Day]

[Skill: Shield wall, absolutely defensive within five minutes, but unable to move, allowed to slash]

[Skills: Rose Sword Qi, Rose Sword Qi triple slash, range 50 meters straight, limit number of times 3 times / day]

【Rose Sword Lord Talent Skill: Sword Ji Performing Martial Arts】

[Sword Ji Performing Martial Arts: Let the Roses Bloom, Battlefield Five Hundred Yards Atmosphere, I Minute, Sword Ji Legion Skill Lifting Limit 】

[Can use the Sword Ji skill frequently, but after casting, the Rose Sword Lord falls into a state of inability to fight]

Lancelot inhaled a cool breath.

Although it is only an awakening skill, this skill is simply too perverted!

His hundred Sword Ji Legion, within five minutes, can be called invincible, right?

The two-track magic seal suspension train is speeding in the desert.

At three o’clock in the afternoon the next day, they arrived at the expedition camp in just 6 hours!

Today’s expedition camps, in less than a month, already have the scale of a town and the atmosphere of a city.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

A large number of supplies arrived, and the warriors entered.

And those low-level sand lizard clan vassals have been trained in an orderly manner.

Everyone has lived a civilized life, and the Sand Lizard Clan vassals are no longer stupid, and every look in their eyes carries a desire for life.

Lancelot had only rested for an hour.

“Have you chosen the location?”

Yang Yuji has grown into a remarkable general who has governed the area in an orderly manner.

Without a big tooth, he also became energetic.

“Lord Lancelot, welcome to your return and extend my most loyal greetings to you.”

“You’ve grown a lot.”

“Indeed, Lord Lancelot, this time there is a reluctant request, in fact, it can lift my spiritual imprisonment, I want to work for Emerald.”

Lancelot smiled, “Then it depends on your performance, at least now, it’s not the right time.” ”

He was very disappointed, obviously a little disappointed.

Yang Yuji used to be a kick: “Get out of the way, show your chance.” ”

Turning to Lancelot, he said respectfully, “Chosen, we have received a message from you that you asked Claude to pass on, Lord Lancelot, please forgive me for crossing the line, in recent times we have expanded the camp, established more than twenty sentries, and connected the next camp with the expedition camp, but… Without a water source, there were a large number of demonic beasts after all, and if there was no Emerald Emerald’s main battle force, our losses would be quite heavy. ”

“No problem, then link it now.”

“So, today?”

Lancelot nodded, “Now. ”

He wanted to supply the rear of the expeditionary force and plan the future city.

Another source of water, just a few hundred miles from the Möbisł Mountains, served as the first line of the expeditionary camp.

Alsaris had already set up his troops.


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