The derailed suspension train exhibits extremely high performance.

Under the blessing of the magic seal, it is about 60 miles away from the sand, and it needs to be controlled by the conductor.

In a way, it’s no longer different from an airplane.

Lancelot broke away from the Great Magic Factory and built it himself!

Although he was a little bit behind the magic guide train in the magic guide factory, he was very satisfied.

Rose Sword Ji showed a strong combat ability.

Under the leadership of Raynivier, he directly rushed into the enemy position, when the swordsmen consumed all the skill times.

Rui Ni Wei Er arrogantly opened the Sword Ji to perform martial arts, and in an instant, the restriction on the use of skills was completely lifted.

The tsunami-like sword qi was constantly spewing out.

It’s basically chopping melons and chopping vegetables, without any challenge.

However, as they deepened, in the depths of the Endless Sand Sea, the Demon Beasts became more and more powerful.

Many unseen species of Warcraft have come out of nowhere.

For example, those dead sandworms are several times larger centipede species.

That stuff is so hanging.

According to the newly recruited beast master, this is a completely new species, which is not recorded in the Warcraft Illustration.

The guy was covered in crimson armor and his claws were knife-shaped.

When it is wielded, it can float and fly in the sky, and it can fly far and fast.

At least there are eight orders or more, which is close to the strength of the ninth order.

Lancelot didn’t say a word and sent the Legion of Bones directly.

These powerful golden skeletons, one by one, dressed in handsome armor that fell to the slag, are inlaid with gold and silver, depicting the mysterious Fa Formation.

Each one is fierce and fierce.

Lancelot went straight to the expedition, and it was because of these guys.

Beyonta is really too strong.

She found out through communication with St. John that these guys could go into the water!

That is to say, they did not use ships, and they could directly launch an expedition with the Grey Legion.

Lancelot also found a prop in the Faith Shop, a skill book dedicated to the Lords: Mermaid Bubbles.

This skill is perverted to a heinous point.

As if it were built exclusively for Lancelot’s water army.

That is, the ability to attach the skill [Mermaid Bubble] to 1000 warriors.

After the skill is used, the warriors can go deep into the sea for 24 hours, keep their breathing, and are not restricted by the deep sea.

The cooldown time is also 24 hours, which means unlimited use.

Maybe this is for mining, right?

Unfortunately, the price is also extremely beautiful, 3 million the power of faith.

Lancelot can’t afford it yet.

After the Brilliant Bone Legion joined, with the help of the swordsmen’s crazy attack, these undead guys were also possessed by those heroic spirits.

The picture is so beautiful.

The big bugs, who had originally killed all directions and made it impossible for them to get close to them, were directly dragged down by their bare hands.

The Sword Ji Legion and the Tower Shield Legion stood there dumbfounded.

I saw St. John commanding the warriors before his death, jumping up one by one, as if playing with a trampoline.

Can you imagine?

A thousand golden skeletons, playing with trampolines…

Then the five-storey tall insect was directly smashed to the ground, and the sword, sword, sword, axe, hook and fork, greeted him with a desperate greeting.

The big bug could still struggle.

It was its sad discovery that it could not get up.

Five hundred skeletons can be transformed into a golden bone.

“Tap, tap…”

Hai Erkai was frightened: “Don’t kill, don’t kill, you can make a contract!!!” ”

St. John slammed his fist into the face of the big bug, “Huh? Can you still make a contract? ”

Haier Kai shouted angrily, “Bastard, Lord Lancelot’s Beast Trainer Clan wants powerful magic beasts, what contract do you take when you kill the Beast Trainer, are you going to rebel!!!” ”

St. John scratched his head in embarrassment: “I’m sorry, I haven’t moved my muscles in a long time, it’s a bit too much.” ”

St. John bent down apologetically, “Legion of Beasts, this guy is yours.” ”

Helkai breathed a sigh of relief: “Katyusha, it’s yours, go ahead.” ”

The big bug felt very sad, he had never seen this species, so cruel, that it could beat him to the point of no return.

Alsaris holds the sword.

He felt that Lancelot’s movements were very handsome, and he had long wanted to try it.

So, the sword gently knocked on the head of the big bug and slapped him on the face a few times: “If you dare to resist, you will be destroyed!” ”

The big bug was so frightened that his body curled up.

However, he was restrained by those golden armor warriors and could not move at all.

The result went smoothly.

Katyusha got the beast.

Through the spiritual connection, Katyusha jumped up with excitement: “It says that it is the king who came to the underground, the Millennium Elder!” ”

Millennium Elder!

Lancelot’s Beast Spectrum soon had its place.

[Millennium Elder: Centipede Demon Beast, one hundred years long, nine orders of the millennium]

At present, this thousand-year-old elder is still five years away from being able to advance to become a legendary Ninth Order Fighting Demon Beast.

This is the lifelong dream of any veterinarian.

Katyusha did not expect that she had just arrived at Emerald and had received such a big surprise.

Her career, debut is the peak!

Helkay and Cameron’s jealous eyes were red, oops, sloppy!

Unfortunately, with their current rank, they could only tame one Warcraft.

And another beast buddy, Sheila, she got a pet like a hill.

A hill-like scorpion, the Pink Girl.

It is wonderful to be able to spew poisonous mist, shoot out poisonous needles, and build a house on the body.

This magic beast has eight orders!

Lancelot did not expect a windfall, which strengthened his conviction in the expedition.

“Start the siege, lay the tracks, build the infrastructure, prepare the troops, Bonarotti, here is handed over to you, I need to go to the front!”

Bonarotti opened his mouth and nodded at the end: “Be careful all the way.” ”

Lancelot and they boarded the Magic Seal train, on which he sat and observed the Möbisł Mountains with the most advanced optical telescope.

Nothing can be seen except the endless forest.

Looking at the sea of innocence, Lancelot was suddenly surging with new waves, and after crossing this sea, it was the Sand Lizard Empire.

“Lord Lancelot, there are people!”

He noticed it too.

A sand lizard empire team of several hundred people was chasing a small group of people.

Those people were very embarrassed, wrapped in cloaks, but the warriors of the Sand Lizard Empire had completely surrounded them.



Arsaris gave St. John a wink, and the two quickly jumped off the train and rushed toward the group.

The train turned the locomotive, directly cutting off the path of the Sand Lizard Empire.

This sudden scene made everyone stunned.

“Terrans, who are you who dare to stop the great Sand Lizard Empire warriors!”

Lancelot sneered, “Cut it, don’t leave one.” ”

The battle was no suspense, just a few breaths of kung fu, those self-righteous Sand Lizard Empire warriors.

One by one, they were slaughtered.

“You, you must be Lord Lancelot.”

Lancelot was surprised: “I don’t remember having friends in the Möbisł Mountains and the Sea of Innocence. ”

Inside the cloak was a sweet voice.

She pulled the cloak down.

Lancelot’s breathing had to be forgotten.

“The great Lord Lancelot, the mermaid of the sea, salutes you.”

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