“I want you to die, I want you to die!!!”

Under the roar of Classy, a body was like a fury of fire, but in the flames, there was a bit of a foul-smelling black silk of demonic qi.

Almost overflowing.

And throughout the Bei King’s Palace, countless warriors poured in from all directions.

St. John looked at him in disgust: “Dirty things, sure enough, not clean!” ”

He hated demons to the bone before he died, and after his death, he never lived forever because of these bullshit demons.

Eternal life lingers on earth as a dead spirit.

I can’t smell the aroma, I can’t breathe the air, I can’t eat food, I can’t drink wine.

Not even feeling it, not being able to touch a woman.

He is already a disco-possessed demon.

The entire Sea Clan warriors of the Sea of Innocence quickly assembled.

“Dare to infringe on the sea of innocence, kill without mercy!”

For a moment, the two armies were opposed, shields, swords, crossbows, spears, staffs, and brushes were raised.

Crasy smirked, “You’re dead, you’re dead, and you, you traitors of the sea, you deserve to die!” ”

One by one, the spoiled people laughed.

St. John made a very frightened appearance: “Oh, people are so scared…”

Lancelot had a black line in his head.

Well, take back the preamble, this guy is not handsome, but!

Crasy was furious: “Call me, call me!!!” ”

The Brilliant Bone Legion faced these thousands of troops and horses, and one by one they laughed fiercely.

This time the military appearance was neat.

Above the sea king beast chariot, one after another heroic and extraordinary sea tribe warriors looked at the enemy who was coming.

“Classy, it’s not your turn here to point fingers, shame on people, roll me down!”

“Ha, Lord Hakcha…”

The man who spoke rode a three-meter-tall sea horse.

He was sturdy, his breath was fierce, he was holding a war gun, his eyes were red, and the hidden dark power on his body was about to come out.

“General Hakcha…”

The little mermaid princess seemed to have finally reacted.

However, Huxar turned a deaf ear to her, as if he did not know her.

Instead, he faced the direction of Lancelot and the others: “You have found the wrong opponent. ”

Lancelot laughed too: “Yes, then it is too much!” ”

“Ignorant and ignorant, you human beings are always so arrogant.”

At the order of Hakcha, tens of thousands of Sea Clan warriors launched an onslaught.

This battle is not the drama just now.

The atmosphere was not right, because from the moment they entered the royal city, they seemed to be blocked from going out.

Although the soldiers were also very strong, their intuition told Lancelot that things had become interesting, and that this Crassi and Huckcha, with a hint of magic on them, made people feel extremely disgusted.

“Don’t delay too long, let’s attack directly!”

Alzaris nodded, “Obey the order.” ”

Beunita added, “Alsaris, don’t be ruthless with the demons, be sure to cut the grass and root it out.” ”

Alsaris nodded and drew his sword, and went straight over, passing by one sword after another.

Beunita quietly cast the Light Crossing spell.

As long as her mind passed, all the warriors in the range would surely become demon slayer warriors.

Until then, though, she needs to wait and see.

She hid her breath from letting people know that she was a light mage.

Because their guess came true.

There are indeed huge problems with the sea tribes without delusion.

Those damn old men are simply abominable.

“You can die!”

Crasy laughed maniacally and rushed towards St. John.

St. John spat dryly, “You’re right, but I’m sorry…”

I’m dead, and that line should be hanging.

But he couldn’t say, after all, Lord Lancelot asked for secrecy.

“But it’s you who died!”

This time, St. John found out that after this guy’s magic qi overflowed, he actually became stronger!

I was able to resist his blow.

“Nice and nice, little loach, work harder!”

Even the chopping belt is chopping, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Casey’s face was very confused, it was really strange, ordinary human knights would not be so strong.

The rank of these people is only that of a heavy knight.

How could he have more power than the Paladin and be able to face his demonic might?

The strong qualities of these warriors are the same as the collective smashing of magic potions, not knowing whether they are dead or alive, and tireless.

Rampage, no routine, is basically like a cathartic slash.

“It’s really annoying, the Terrans are really annoying!”

St. John burst out laughing, “I’m sorry, but what is even more annoying is that you damn bugs who only know jealousy and aggression!” ”

St. John was ready to tease him, and the battlefield had just begun to fight.

The two sides fought together.

The Sword of Alsaris was paired with Hakcha: “Good job! ”

However, Alsaris directly ignored Haxa: “St. John, five minutes, break through the royal city, take the sea of innocence, who should kill you know.” ”

St. John scratched his head with regret.

“Okay, well, I’d like to have fun for a while.”

The next moment, St. John was already fierce: “Legion of Bones, our boss said, take the royal city in five minutes!” ”

One by one, the Brilliant Bone Legions in the confrontation turned back.

They are golden skeletons transformed by the divine, not those evil demons, the demons of hell.

On the contrary, it is when it emits a powerful breath, because of the dazzling light brought by the gold.

Stain them with a breath of holiness.

“Step by!!!”

At the order of St. John, the Brilliant Bone Legion suddenly gave up the battle…

They quickly returned to a huddled state.

Then one by one, line up neatly and start brushing the steps!


Brush! Brush! Brush!!!

The Brilliant Bone Legion raised its weapons in unison.

I thought he was going to see if he was slashing people.

As a result, St. John took a cigar and began his performance: “Sing to Lao Tzu!” ”

A group of golden skeletons dressed in heavy armor used their weapons as microphones while singing the ‘military song’.

Echoes of the Undead!

Lancelot also admired himself, luck one by one.

His men were also stronger than the other.

After the formation of the Legion of Bones, Lancelot and the others discussed how to hide the gang.

Beyonta offered to dress them up in magic heavy armor to cover them up as skeletons.

And it’s a bunch of guys who are possessed by heroic spirits (necromancers).

Once Lancelot is exposed, it will become the target of public criticism, and Beunita has a good approach.

And Alzaris has a unique insight.

He said jokingly: “Let them not talk nonsense, force them to speak a foreign language…”

Lancelot was instantly happy.

On the spot, I exchanged a copy of the Chinese Dictionary and several language textbooks.

Let these Brilliant Bone Legions learn Chinese.

St. John’s learning ability is extremely strong, and he learned a lot of buzzwords at the first time.

And they can now sing Echoes of the Dead in Chinese.

In the instant when the song of the dead spirit echoed, the heavens and the earth collapsed.

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