The whole battlefield fell into a strange scene, and these knights actually stood up in a military posture in an instant.

Take a neat step and sing a battle song!

The song is a language that has never been heard before.

But under this song, tens of thousands of Sea Clan warriors knelt on the ground in pain one by one.

They were shocked by the song and were deranged and miserable.

One by one, he rolled on the ground with his ears covered.

Even Casey and Huxha covered their ears, the pain unremarkable.

The battle song is high-pitched, but it seems that countless fierce spirits are wailing and roaring.

It makes people mentally break down and physically miserable.

Alzariz’s sword pierced through Hakcha’s chest and cut off his head directly.

And St. John will also be the head of Classy.

The city gate was shattered by the echo of the undead in an instant.

The treasure of the undead even has such a use.

“Stand still!”

The entire Bone Legion stopped in an instant.

Because something they couldn’t believe happened.

Under this Chinese version of the horror “Echoes of the Undead”, the sea tribe warriors who howled in pain fell to the ground one by one.

Struggling on the ground in pain.

And with that, it was the dark and inky evil aura that spread.

Those sea tribe warriors who were struggling in pain, after a mental breakdown, their original form was revealed.

One by one, blood-red eyes raised their heads.

A dark force constantly squirted out.

Beyonta sneered, “Sure enough, Lord Lancelot, you guessed it. ”

“I wish I hadn’t guessed right.”

The continent has a common enemy, and it is also the most hated enemy of the Holy Light Church.

Even the enemy that the entire continent hates, the Demon Clan!

At the time when Lancelot was collecting demonic qi from seawater samples and blood samples from the Sea People.

Lancelot’s plan for the Sand Lizard Empire was urgent.

Because such an ignorant race as the Sand Lizard Empire could not grasp the existence of magic guides.

Since there is magic in the sampling, that can only be explained.

The Demon Clan, which had disappeared for thousands of years, intervened into the Sand Lizard Empire.

The wounds of Krassi and Hackcha healed quickly.

The two of them stood up at the same time, twisting their necks, and the scarlet eyes stared at the Brilliant Bone Legion with a wicked smile.

“So, I said, how can an ordinary human knight have extraordinary powers, I didn’t expect to be a fellow human, you are that Lancelot?”

The corners of Lancelot’s mouth lifted.

“One living mouth is enough, if you can’t do it, you will kill them all.”

“Obey orders!”

Alsaris raised his sword and pointed it at the two guys: “You are in the way. ”

The scuffle exploded in an instant.

St. John laughed, “Kill! ”

The Bone Legion laughed wildly and rushed up.

However, with the addition of the sword and axe, they ignored it and had no effect at all.

Beunita shook her head, “Actually, you don’t need a single living mouth, the demons are not so easy to die, once the Holy Light shines, all of them are finished!” ”

After saying the Guangdu spell that had been prepared for a long time, he directly threw it over.

With a stinging sound, an overwhelming holy light enveloped the heavens and earth of the deep sea.

One by one, the Brilliant Bone Legion was stained with the Divine Light Breath.

The demon-possessed Sea Clan Legion was suddenly stunned.

Attached to the divine weapon, slashed at those demon-possessed Sea Clan warriors, the divine light exploded in an instant.

Then the skin opens and the flesh blooms, and in the blink of an eye, it is the head of the body.

Harry Siren watched like a wooden chicken, and she couldn’t understand what was going on in front of her.

Alsaris had already kicked over Haqcha, grabbed him in the face, and pierced his chest with a sword.

Pressed against this huge body, he knelt down: “Dirty demon, die.” ”

“It’s impossible!!!”

Huxa roared hysterically, “No way, how can the undead resist the Holy Light?” ”

Alsaris said lightly, “Do I look like the undead?” ”


“You’re behind, Lord Alzaris.”

St. John swung his cigar and carried Cracy’s head.

Alsaris kicked out, and Huckcha’s head was in a different place, and his heart was completely crushed.

“Don’t be complacent, the more powerful one should be in the back.”

The Brilliant Bone Legion entered the Bei King’s Palace in a crushing manner, and the gate of the Royal City was completely broken at this moment.

The counterattack of the possessed demons is also quite domineering.

However, after these possessed demons came to the human world, they doubted life for the first time.

These Terran knights were even more like demons than they were.

It is impossible to cut at all, and the armor is strong and difficult to break the armor.

Because of the addition of the Hikari spell to it, it is specially designed to restrain demons.

The Guangdu weapon, on the other hand, can cause great damage to possessed demons.

The situation is completely one-sided.

The Brilliant Bone Legion began to crush through the dense crushing past, rushing into the city gate and directly approaching the palace compound.

Lancelot led the crowd slowly into the palace of King Bey, and it was almost time for the Lord to come out.

Harry Siren, on the other hand, followed behind him like a piece of wood.

If it weren’t for the light in her eyes and her body moving, everyone would have thought that she had lost her expression and even affirmed her characteristics.

Any resistance is futile.

Those possessed Sea Clan warriors, one by one, were under the holy light, and there was nothing to hide.

What made them despair was this human knight, which was simply unbelievable.

Their armor could not be penetrated, and neither a psychic nor magical attack was effective.

Armed attacks cannot break armor, magic attacks cannot work…

Are they devils?

The situation of passive beating is a foregone conclusion.

At the moment of the death of Krashi and Huxa, the battle situation collapsed completely.

In the face of these knights’ tireless and powerful momentum, even the demons were shocked.

A force more ferocious than a demon… I only see it in my lifetime.

Saint John laughed, “Children, let me rush in, step on the Demon Clan, occupy the palace, liberate the lovely Sea Clan compatriots, and let them overpass!” ”

“Oh oh oh !!!”

Lancelot had a headache, the slogan is quite ordinary, why is the incitement so strong, what kind of high-pitched you are.

The first wave of Brilliant Bone Legions that rushed into the Bei King’s Palace were all shocked by powerful waves and flew out in an instant.

The powerful shock wave made the entire Bony Legion turn over on their backs.

The aftermath of the power alone is so strong?

The next moment, the sky was dark, and the palace of the Bei King’s Palace was surrounded by flying undead spirits.

It’s like a dead city.

The smell of darkness is uncomfortable.

A huge figure slowly stepped out of the palace.

Harry Siren suddenly opened his mouth, “Aunt Jorna…”

Harry Siren was stunned, wasn’t Aunt Jorna supposed to go to the Great Whirlpool?

“You grew up Harry, and you brought back terrible reinforcements, and you did a good job.”

Harry opened his mouth, her face flushed and asked, “Aunt Jorna, what the hell is going on, didn’t you go to the Great Vortex to suppress Leviathan?” ”

Queen Naga suddenly laughed, “Only you believe these lies, little Harry, isn’t it good for you to live carefree, why come back?” ”

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