The Sea Clan of the Sea of Innocence finally gave a force and did not disappoint Lancelot again.

Strong faith, endless aura, let him feel a strong illusion of dominating heaven and earth.

He felt that he could squeeze the stars with his reach, and that he could stomp everything under his feet with his feet.

And the scene where he just sent away the little animal with the brilliance of his body won countless pious kneeling and faith.

Lancelot’s power of faith had soared to an astronomical figure of 6 million at this moment.

And the reputation value is also as high as 900,000.

This made Lancelot’s breathing forget.

In his mind, he had already recorded the entire nautical chart and the structure of the deep sea of the sea.

This is what the Innocent Sea has done with the strength of the whole clan since this period of time.

When they saw that they really copied the structure of a sea without any mistakes, everyone’s breath had to be forgotten.

All they can do is get down on their knees, crawl down, pray three times and nine times, and worship.

This great man is their only deity and only faith in the future.

Lancelot pointed to the country and waved the golden rod.

He saw endless mountains and rivers and saw everything inside the Gathering Spirit Array.

He saw every grain of sand he glanced at thousands of miles.

It’s about to be done, and it feels wonderful.

The golden rod is like the best brush, where it passes, it is like a picture!

Lancelot is full of joy, no wonder everyone wants to be a god, I want to be a fairy, happiness is boundless, wonderful, wonderful!!!

He kept swinging, watching his faith and prestige soar.

It was wonderful.

Just as it was about to finish, Lancelot’s body suddenly dimmed, and the next moment his body shook.

The action of waving the gold rod suddenly stopped, and the gold rod became hot.

The faith is still there, but the aura is insufficient…

The golden rod was actually absorbing its life and blood?

Lancelot’s scalp was going to explode.

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Beasts Spectrum suddenly floated into the sky, and the gigantic Leviathan and the North Sea Demon flew out from inside at the same time.

Leviathan opened his mouth wide and a mighty aura gushed out, sending faith and aura directly to Lancelot.

And his body, quickly became smaller.

The same goes for Kraken.

Lancelot clutched the golden rod deadly, and in his mind, the last corner of the Sea of Innocence was formed in an instant.

Heaven and earth roared, and the brilliance of the array slowly dissipated.

This thrilling scene lasted for a full eight hours.

From sunrise to sunset.

And Lancelot, at the moment when the Gathering Spirit Technique ended, the golden light on his body dissipated, and the aura dissipated.

With a snap of the golden rod, it shattered into fragments.

And his hands had been burned black.

Lancelot’s head was dizzy, and he fell to the ground.

He overdrawn…

It had been three days since Lancelot had awoken.

He was a little heartbroken and couldn’t breathe.

The gold rod is a magic weapon of Emerald Heavy Industry.

That’s it.

Soon, however, Lancelot began to bleed and harassed.

“System brother, system brother, report again, just again.”

[There is no end, are you a child?] 】

Lancelot continued to grin.

The loss is indeed very large, but the harvest is simply against the sky.

【Host: Lancelot】

【Divinity: 10%】

【Divine Fragment: 4, to be repaired】

【Lifespan: 500 years】


【Power of Faith: 9 million】

【Reputation value: 1 million】

【Kingdom of God Honor Points:38】

Lancelot’s lifespan has been improved, not to mention, the divinity has increased to 10%!

The power of faith and prestige were enough for him to throw off his arms and squander it.

And, the best of them are here!

[The host has completed a true miracle and the golden rod is broken]

[Due to the first miracle display, the system rewards the Kingdom of God Honor Points: 10, Divine Points Golden Rod x1 (out of print authentic)]

[Divine Point Golden Rod: Relic of Hohenheim, real artifact, remove the limit on the number of uses, follow the principle of alchemy]

[Do not violate the principle of equivalent exchange, otherwise the damage will disappear immediately, this item characteristics: unique]

【The scale of use will be comprehensively evaluated according to the user’s spiritual strength, magic, physical fitness, and all aspects】

“You, you’re awake…”

Lancelot only felt himself in his arms, and a tear fell on his neck: “You scared me to death.” ”

Beunita’s voice trembled somewhat.

Lancelot had some difficulty breathing, but the softness, the fragrant smell, was truly endearing.

Lancelot was going to melt.

“Okay Xiaobei, just hug it, it’s my turn.”

Beyonta clung to Lancelot, “Little Ti, are you going to be disrespectful to Lord Lancelot?” ”

Bonarotti was a little annoyed: “You want to play Lai? ”

“Lord Lancelot needs to recuperate.”

Bonarotti clenched his fists, but without moving, he was about to cry…

Beunita opened her mouth, but still sighed and released her hand: “For you, but you have to lighten up.” ”

“That’s what it sounds like.”

Bonarotti’s tears immediately disappeared without a trace and he threw himself into Lancelot’s arms.

This rugged and heroic woman, at this moment, is even more bird-dependent than any woman who is dependent on people.

“I knew you would be back.”

Lancelot was flattered, and it was too soul-destroying.

Lancelot had never been so big that he had ever hugged his right and left like this.

“Cough, guys, should I recuse myself?”

Sylvana came with a basin of hot water, and during this time, everyone was busy non-stop.

No one is idle.

After Lancelot successfully copied the Sea of Infallibility, the entire Emerald Jade was still relocating the Sea Clan non-stop and continued to build the sea.

The members of the Sea Clan who had no delusion also quickly fought with Emerald Emerald.

Originally, the Emerald Warriors, and even the Lizard Man Warriors, were full of hostility to the Sea of Innocence.

After all, Lord Lancelot had been so traumatized for their sake, which made the Senseless Sea Clan feel a little landless.

But Beunita did a good job, telling Emerald the warriors that since they were vassals, they were their own.

Lord Lancelot would not be happy if he saw you targeting them.

Very good, the problem solved, now everyone kisses like blood is thicker than water.

Emerald these big beauties, take turns to take care of Lancelot every day.

Looking at Sylvana, Beunita’s nervous mood finally relaxed, and she laughed: “What, you want to hug too?” ”

Sylvana was stunned for a moment, and then she thought seriously: “You don’t say, I haven’t thought about it, but this is a good choice and experience.” ”

Beyonta rolled her eyes, “You still don’t have to think about it, this heart is dead.” ”

It’s just gentle.

But Lancelot coughed a little, disguised his color and soul teaching, and asked solemnly, “How is the Sea Clan settled?” ”

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