After completely replicating the terrain of the sea without delusion, everyone was not idle.

Beunita and Bonarotti have always been the best candidates in the Lord.

With the assistance of the two of them, Emerald has always been in the process of orderly development.

The opening of a new sea is already in the second phase.

There are currently only three coral trees in the sea area.

Two trees were in Lancelot’s hands, and one was rooted in the depths of the Sea of Innocence.

The rooting and development of coral sacred trees requires the soil structure of the seabed.

The Sea Clan has transported unpolluted silt and layers of geological structures from the deep sea.

Beunita chose the location of the Endless Spring.

Bonarotti and she were both distressed that the Endless Fountain had given to the Sea Clan in this way.

After all, these guys, all along, have not been at ease.

But after the miracle of the last sea-making, most of the people of the sea tribe have returned to their hearts.

Become a true vassal and enjoy the protection of Emerald Emerald.

Moreover, these three days passed through the House of Elders and the Naga Queen, as well as the little princess, and the mobilization of those who participated in the miracles.

The Sea Clan of the Sea of Nothing has been shaken, and even a very small number of Sea Clan are still watching.

Although the reproduction of the terrain of the Sea of Innocence was successful, they could not believe the authenticity of the Endless Spring.

However, this incident had gradually shaken the hearts of the Senseless Sea Race.

When the geological preparation of the Sea of Innocence was completed, the emerald female prime minister completed the placement of the endless spring, and the coral sacred tree was also planted.

Even the Great Whirlpool was returned to the Sea of Innocence and rearranged in the New Sea.

Eye of the Sea They didn’t own it either, really…

In the perception of the Sea Clan, the Terrans do not have a good thing.

They were all greedy people, but this Lancelot lord was not only recognized by Her Majesty the Queen and the Presbyterian Church.

Even the little princess was in love with him.

In the face of the treasure of the Sea Clan, they did not have the greed heart at all, taking it from the Sea Clan, returning it, and using it for the Sea Clan.

Even the entire Emerald Terrans… It’s all a little weird.

They call the people of the Sea of Innocence brothers and brothers, meticulous and very considerate.

What was even more frightening was that they had tamed the lower sand lizard tribes, which had learned human speech and were reasonable.

The work is quite contrived.

Lancelot showed no sign of usurping their treasure.

He even performed miracles for them, exhausted his spirits, and was in a coma for three days.

“Xiao Ti has sent someone to lay a water supply pipe, and the water source of the endless spring will be connected to Emerald through the pipe, and will not let the Hai Clan monopolize this treasure.”

“You are simply wise and mighty, Xiao Bei, Xiao Ti.”

“For your sake, Lord Lancelot.”

Lancelot was in such a happy mood that he greeted the morning light, spread his wings, and flew directly over the new sea.

Everything was arranged, the sea tribes were ready to go, and they were eagerly awaiting the scene of living in the sea.

Only then will they be completely at ease.

But the Sea People who had participated in the miracle all believed that this was bound to happen.

Lancelot surveyed the new sea.

Countless people saw him, all worshiped reverently, shouted slogans such as Long Live Lord Lancelot, is he an angel?

The wings radiate divine radiance.

There are even pious sea tribesmen who kneel down to pray and contribute to the power of faith!

Lancelot landed directly next to the Endless Spring.

Bonarotti actually laid a pipe, which Lancelot was amused to watch.

Women are careful with their eyes, their own good things, cheap and vain, he is also a little bit of flesh pain.

But in exchange for something, it is worth it.

Queen Naga was shocked: “Is he a member of the Celestial Clan?” ”

Alsaris shook his head, “That’s just a flying skill, and it has nothing to do with the Celestial Clan.” ”

Alsaris has changed a lot lately.

I started to say witty things and started to get cheerful.

Emotions are contagious, and Lancelot’s awakening has caused countless people to surround the new sea.

They looked at Lancelot, their hearts filled with great excitement and anticipation, this man woke up, what was he going to do?

And Lancelot took one look at the Endless Spring, and without his orders, even if Beunita placed the Endless Fountain and the Eye of the Sea here, it would not be able to activate.

The powerful deep-sea power of the Sea Eye has transported a thin layer of seawater to the seabed, covering the base layer of the seabed.

It was always approaching the Endless Spring, as if it were longing for it like a child.

Lancelot smiled, and he shouted to the sky: “Children, the time has come to witness the miracle, and the sea has opened!!!” ”

With the power of Hongda, this sound penetrated the air and reached everyone’s ears.

The next moment, the endless spring spewed out, spewed out thousands of meters, clean water sources, quickly filling the sea.

Under Lancelot’s will, the endless fountain was unleashed.

The sea was rising, and the cheers were thundering.

The whole Sea Clan was in ecstasy.

“All right.”

Lancelot fell before Queen Naga and the Presbyterians: “My fellow citizens, the greatest problem has been solved, and I have good news to tell you, starting now, walking through the gate of the Holy Light and taking oral the antidote of the Pomorin, you can gradually let the compatriots of the Sea of Innocence settle in, and before that, I have gifts for you.” ”

With that, Lancelot struck a wave and in system space, a complete palace of the Bay King, situated at the bottom of the deep sea.

This was purified by Lancelot with ten times the Holy Light.

The Sea Clan of Innocence was suddenly a burst of cheering, which was the taste of hometown.

With the Bei King’s Palace, with the Great Whirlpool, with the coral god tree taking root, the current environment of the seabed has the appearance of a sea without delusion.

It would take a long time, but they believed that Lancelot could do it.

All this in front of you is absolutely real, not illusory.

Twenty times the divine dispel, ten times the light of advanced purification, stood like a door near the new sea.

“From now on, the compatriots of the Sea Clan come to line up, the antidote of the Vantagonism, the holy light can dispel the filth and demonic qi on the body, and it can also heal your pain, the treatment is complete, and those who can’t wait can go to the sea first.”

On the side of the Sea Clan of No Illusion, of course, there was also a team of pioneers.

For the sea water indicators of the new sea, they still need to test, and they can’t let all the sea tribes pour in at once.

To complete this test, the Sea Clan prepared a team of 5,000 people.

They were the first to be cured of the infection of Mox.

And at this moment, Watt House Anna, came with the magic train.

She had the best relationship with Tuanzi, rubbing it with her arms and looking at Lancelot and nodding.

“It’s time to start, Lancelot.”

“That’s going to be hard for you.”

Lancelot unfolded the projection map to show several of the Sea Clan biospheres in front of Watt House Anna.

“This pollutes the ecology before, and the only thing we can restore is to this extent, and the ecological vegetation that can be preserved has been stored.”

“What about seawater density testing?”

Lancelot nodded: “Every time the sea level rises, we will detect, you can rest assured, the endless spring can adapt to all water sources, he repairs the endless spring, the density of the sea water completely follows the standards of the sea, but the ecological environment of the seabed geology needs the coral tree to recover slowly, and the unpolluted seabed mud will continue to transport the unpolluted seabed mud on the other side of the sea.” ”

“Well, I’ll leave it to me to restore the vegetation, but it may take a little longer, and you’d better let some marine life take the lead in stationing it, adapting to the same ecosphere that coexists one link after another.”

Lancelot glanced at Queen Naga.

Queen Naga nodded, “Already done, in addition to 5,000 volunteers, there are hundreds of millions of sea creatures, sea level rise to 1,000 meters can be carried out.” ”

Fifteen days later, the entire new sea was filled with seawater.

During this time, Lancelot and Beyoneta continued to use the power of the Holy Light to delay the survival cycle of the Sea Clan without delusion.

Tired of becoming a dog.

And the Sea Clan of the Sea Without Delusion has already lived in the Sea of No Delusion in four batches before and after, and there is no difference.

Xinhai, success!!!

Standing on the walls of Emerald Emerald, connected to Emerald, countless sea tribes cheered and jumped into the new sea.

The new sea was born.

[Congratulations to the host for completing a great miracle, harvesting 3 billion ocean believers, and the system gives special rewards]

[System Rewards: Sea Capital, Xianbei Bridge, Sea Patrol Train Set, Random Legendary Class Recruitment Ticket x1]

[System Rewards: Prestige Value: 500,000, Faith Power 1 million, Military Seal Experience 10 million, Jin Ku La 500,000]

【Special Rewards: Divine Fragment x1, Awakening Orb x1, Awakening Orb can be given to Epic Heroes】

[Chance to be promoted to Mythical Hero, Minimum Awakening Hero Special Ability]

[System Rewards: Legendary Orb x1, Legendary Hero can be used, Awaken special abilities]

[System rewards special items: Heavenly Officials blessed, after use, immediately get a divine prop]!

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