Samoyed really doesn’t think of himself as an outsider.

He said, “But I think you can do anything, there must be a way.” ”


Lancelot was stunned for half a day: “Do you really think of me as a god?” ”

“You can!”

Lancelot nodded slightly, “No, I’ll see it later.” ”

Emerald needs strong, invincible power.

And the warriors of the system god kingdom are the most loyal, and the benefits that can be brought by a good relationship are incomparably huge.

His food street, entertainment street, has now retained many system strongmen of the kingdom of God.

Adolf, for example, has now become a university lecturer at Emerald.

Many warriors and mercenaries of the System Kingdom are registered as adventurers in the Emerald Adventurers’ Union.

Successively, many tasks were also taken, and even many tasks were completed.

He was full of starting points for the future, and there would definitely be more system god kingdom masters who would come to visit.

Jump out of the system rewards, he can also get enough troops and resources.

“Okay, Xiaolan, this side please.”

It’s like your own home…

Lancelot was speechless.

This is an old mage who is already 260 years old.

His hair was white and his eyes were dizzy.

He was skinny, withered, and had a pained expression on his face at all times.

He was lying in an easy chair, and a small elf was landing on his shoulder, gently pumping aura into his body.

She was continuing the old man’s life.

“Big Brother Samoyed, here you are.”

Samoyed nodded, “Is Old Mr. Amor resting?” ”

The elf flapped his green wings and nodded with red eyes, “Big Brother Samoyed, didn’t you say that Grandpa might have been saved here, so save Grandpa?” ”

The Fire Elf Zhu Rong suddenly came out with a yawn.

These days she has been busy reading novels, reading all night, day and night.

“Well, Grass and Wood Elves?”

“You, are you an elf?”

The Grass Elf was obviously shocked.

“How, you can be, I can’t be?”

“No, I’m me, I don’t mean that.”

Xiao Zhu Rong glanced at the old mage, “Such a powerful mana, but unfortunately, he has run out of oil and the lamp has dried up.” ”


The Grass and Wood Elf was directly angry: “Grandpa is still alive, you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you.” ”

Xiao Zhurong was directly annoyed: “Hey, you have the ability to say it again, there must be a limit to self-deception, thanks to you or the spirit of grass and trees, what is the situation of this old man, you don’t know it yourself!” ”

The grass and wood elves were all red.

The pained old mage breathed a sigh of relief.


He stared viciously at Lancelot and the others, especially Xiao Zhurong: “They all blame you, you woke up Grandpa, I want to teach you a lesson.” ”


Xiao Zhu Rong lived: “Your brain was kicked by a donkey, looking for stubble is not it, believe it or not, I teach you to be a human being in minutes!” ”

The old magician opened his cloudy eyes.

“Well, Lan Er, how many times have I told you not to be angry with people casually, is there a voice louder than you?”

His words were all gossamer, using the mana to emit a little bit of strength in the Dantian tremor.

“Grandpa, Grandpa…”

The old mage tried hard to get up, but he really ran out of oil.

The strength to stand up is almost gone.

If it weren’t for the Spirit of Grass and Wood hanging his life with the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, he would have died a long time ago.

Lancelot quickly held him up, not even daring to use the slightest force.

“Old man, don’t force it.”

“You are, yes, uh-huh… You’re Lancelot, right? ”

“Old man, it’s under it.”

“Old decay, I’ve seen the Lord…”

“Don’t, old man, just get rid of the etiquette, I’ll show you first.”

The old mage nodded slightly, he was too weak.

Breathing was going to become a luxury for him.

The grass and wood elf named Xiaolan suddenly became excited: “You, can you save my grandfather?” ”

Lancelot smiled and shook his head: “You talk less, don’t delay the time, I need to see and check it out.” ”

“System brother?”

[I’m not a doctor]

“Can that be saved?”

The system was silent for a moment, and a faint divine light flowed into the old mage’s body.

Lancelot was like a decent handle, making it look like the real thing.

After about five minutes, the system gave the answer.

And the old mage Amor saw Lancelot’s technique, and in the cloudy eyes, he couldn’t help but be a little more shocked.

But Lancelot took the pulse seriously and did not care.

[The host, first, this old man, has been cursed, a curse from the underworld, and everything he has been swallowed up by the underworld]

[Second, it is not impossible to save him, but he must stay in Emerald, otherwise it will bring you disaster]

[Third, I suggest you kill him directly]

Lancelot was dizzy: “What, what? ”

[Kill him, there is no trouble, you have to cure him, if he does not stay in Emerald, it will be a big trouble]


[It’s not fun to tell you, of course, you have to make your own choice!] 】

Lancelot scolded in his heart that the system is sometimes a pit.

“Then how do you save him?”

[Can lift the spell breaking spell at the level of the forbidden spell, break the contract he has made with the underworld, and then extend his life]

【Faith store has longevity fruits】

He slowly released his hand, and the price was not small!

Spell relief spell to lift forbidden spells?

It seemed that the whole Emerald Jade seemed to be the only one who was proficient in this aspect of the spell.

The fruit of longevity…

Oh, he himself is reluctant to buy, hundreds of thousands of faith powers, like a joke.

“I can save you.”

The Grass Elf’s eyes widened suddenly, “What are you talking about?” ”

Even the old mage of Amor was shocked, and his face was a little more rosy.

Desperately struggling: “Really, really? ”

Samoyed’s eyes widened: “Sleeper, Xiaolan, is it really fake, is this all right?” ”

Lancelot smiled, “Don’t be too happy, old Mr. Amor I can save you and prolong your life, but it’s not without a price.” ”

Excitedly, Amor opened his mouth, and he leaned back: “There is no free lunch in the world, you say, Lord Lancelot.” ”

Lancelot told him very frankly: “Save you, yes, but I will bind you with a contract, your fate is full of ups and downs and disasters, saving you will bring me ruin, so if you want to live, you must sign a 100-year service contract, during the contract, you need to stay by my side and serve Emerald.” ”

The grass and wood elves directly exploded: “Shameless fellow, you are taking advantage of the fire to loot.” ”

Xiao Zhu Rong sneered: “Shut up, it’s not your turn to talk here, what’s more, you want to get benefits, you don’t want to pay, what a bullshit robber logic!” ”

“You, you dare to scold me!”

“Lan Er…”

The old mage of Amor sighed, and the Grass and Wood Elves directly closed their mouths.

“I can’t stay here, I have something very important to do.”

Lancelot sighed, “Well, forgive me for not being able to help.” ”


Lancelot waved his hand: “Hugh wants to say more, Samoyed, I saved him, I have to bear the danger of destroying the country, what he has done, I know, to tell the truth, if it were not for your face, now that I have driven him away, I cannot put my people in danger.” ”

Samoyed opened his mouth and eventually did not speak.

“Xiao Sa, take this old gentleman with you, in the future, without my permission, Emerald does not need you to bring anyone over.”


Samoyed was startled and a little overwhelmed.

The impression of Lancelot, but not such a sharp side, will be such a direct send-off.

Lancelot was really frightened, because just now, although he was talking to the system, but because he was wearing a secret suit.

He felt as if there was a force inside the old man’s body, tearing him apart and trying to swallow him up.

This kind of person, he doesn’t want to save!

After turning his head and leaving, Amor used up almost all his strength: “Lan Er is the most powerful elemental elf, with the ability to heal all things, I can entrust her to you, I don’t need a hundred years, I don’t need ten years, give you a year to extend my life.” ”


Lancelot’s body paused, but he still did not look back: “My price is the burial of the whole country, the beautiful consultation, she can heal all things, but she can’t cure you, and I am not a three-year-old child.” ”

The grass and wood elves exploded again: “You dare to underestimate me, what is great about you, you know what, Grandpa is for all mankind…”


Amor sighed, “Lord Lancelot, I, I am not a bad person. ”

“Bad people never say they’re bad.”

“You stand still, why did you abandon Grandpa, do you know how much he paid for mankind, you are ungrateful!”

Xiao Zhurong’s huge fireball condensed in his palm: “Take back what you just said, otherwise, I will destroy you!” ”

That huge fireball made the temperature of the entire Emerald suddenly rise.

The Grass and Wood Elves were startled.

Amor struggled to get up and stopped in front of Lan’er: “I postponed a year to come and serve. ”

Lancelot did not look back: “Don’t think about it, want to get, you must give, I am not doing charity, and, save you alone, sacrifice my whole Emerald, in exchange for you, do you promise?” ”

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