The answer is obvious, and a fool will say yes.

“If it’s to save everyone…”

“I’m sorry!”

Lancelot directly interrupted him: “Don’t use your moral high ground to measure me, people have their own aspirations, you have to guard your world, that is your heroic legend, your own responsibility is great, but I also want to guard my world, my people, we are doomed not to call, you can’t watch your people die, you let me watch my people die?” ”

Lancelot sneered, he hated the moral code of the Guardians.

“Besides, no one prescribes what you want to do, it’s all a responsibility imposed on you by yourself, whether you want to save the world or save a person, it is all based on your own standards, but the truth is that the earth is missing anyone, the same turn, I don’t believe, the kingdom of God without you, he will burp and fart.” 」

After saying that, go straight out the door.

Leaving Samoyed awkwardly standing there.

Amor sighed, shook his head bitterly, and began to cough violently again.

“Grandpa, you’re all right, you don’t want to be like that guy, he’s a jerk, we don’t need his help.”

“Lan’er, don’t talk nonsense.”


Samoyed stood there embarrassed: “Old Mr. Amor …”

“Hey, Xiao Sa, I’m really sorry, this time, I caused you a lot of trouble.”

“No, no, no, no, yes, I’m embarrassed, I thought Xiaolan would be so harsh.”

His eyes were full of inquiry, but in fact he was also very curious.

What did Old Mr. Amor do that would make Xiaolan react so violently.

“That was a long time ago, my life is short, and this secret should also be brought to the grave.”

Samoyed was a little disappointed.

But he still nodded, somewhat reluctantly: “Mr. Amor, I think Xiaolan is not wrong, in fact, there is no need to cling to the past, the world or something, it is not your responsibility alone.” ”

He said solemnly, “Holy Sect Army, Royal Janissaries, Tower of Sages, Warrior Regiment, Daozong, Dharma Ring, Watchtower, Gray Robe Group, Thirteen Round Tables, which one can’t stand alone, not worse than you.” ”

Amor was stunned: “But they are not united. ”

Samoyed sighed: “My old sir, the regiment is not united, is it related to you, is not united, because none of them obey anyone, they all feel that they are bullish in heaven, and they all want to be the boss, but, take ten thousand steps back, I say something is not good, if the world is over tomorrow, do they still have time not to unite, the world is hanging, do they still want to fight who is the boss?” ”

Samoyed rolled his eyes: “I’m afraid that you are at the peak of your life, twisting them together, what does it mean to disobey, or disobey, what does it mean, the development of the world is a law, looking for death and finding life, it is all a part of the law, I don’t believe it, the continent has had so many extinction events, how many heroes have risen, and in the end they have not all survived, and they have not seen who will not live without it.” ”

Amor opened his mouth, “What if the Samoyed family lacks you?” ”

“They still make money like this, without me, the thirteenth generation, or the fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, my grandfather’s generation, Samoyed, the family is bankrupt, the family is surrounded by disciples, the result is not a comeback, my grandfather’s generation, almost sold Samoyed to the royal family, forced to jump off the building is useless, in the end did not survive, my generation, and my grandfather, my son, my three sons, now even if I am not serving the family, they still live well.” 」

“What if I say that the world will be finished tomorrow?”

Samoyed rolled his eyes: “Old sir, you are about to pull it, I don’t believe it, without you, Ming’er will fall into the sky, those big guys can watch and wait for death, you all look at the burial for safety, stop a little, don’t do anything historical remnants, just leave it to the young people to toss.” ”

Amor leaned back in the Taishi’s chair for a long time, and he raised his head and said with difficulty: “You go, help me ask the bastard boy, twenty years, no, no, the old man will go back to buy the coffin.” ”

Samoyed ran out with a cigarette, and within five minutes, he came back breathlessly.

“Thirty years, he said not a day less!”

“Then come in, old man, give him this life.”

A hundred years…

In fact, Lancelot is really asking for a price.

With his current development intensity, thirty years is enough to develop, and when the time comes, who can stop him?

Who can beat him?

He is not a fearful person himself.

Thirty years, that’s enough!

The temporary operating room has three chief surgeons ‘physicians’.

Lancelot, Beunita, Tuanzi, Bonarotti, and, several bystanders.

In fact, Lancelot is eating Amor today.

After the meeting, I asked the system about the treatment plan.

Beunita is the first choice of the main knife, and Tuanzi, this guy looks fierce and cute, but is a real clamor war pet,

This guy can eat demonic qi, and he also has the effect of devouring and restraining the breath of the underworld.

And his presence was also for a reason, Amor ‘s contract was imprinted on the heart, and his chest had to be cut.

I’m afraid that this technical work is only done by Lancelot.

Bonarotti is ready, a precision microscope in research and development.

Beyonta was ready with the most powerful spell-breaking holy light.

Although they are not yet at the level of lifting the ban, they have Lancelot.

As long as Lancelot learns, dozens of times the superposition may be effective.

Moreover, the success rate of the operation is quite high, and once the curse of the underworld is solved, the dumplings are responsible for eating and eating.

The Grass Elves are responsible for healing wounds.

“Do you remember the process?”

The crowd nodded.

Lancelot took out his scalpel, and Bonarotti put a lens on him, and with the push of a switch, he could infinitely enlarge the fibrous tissue.

The wound spurted blood, and hemostatic forceps pinched the wound.

The bracket stretched out the chest, and a series of operations were thrilling to watch.

The heart that almost lost its function, actually… It’s kind of stopped beating.

Dry, kind of like a rotten persimmon.

“My heart, what color?”

“Black, don’t know, think you’re old and hard-hearted, you’re a demon.”

“You are not allowed to slander Grandpa like that.”

Amor remained awake at all times, which was a requirement of the system, and once he fell into a coma, the process of unspelling the spell could be controlled.

But after seeing this heart, Beunita suddenly frowned: “Old man, your human feelings are indebted, if you don’t come here, no one can save you, the contract has become one with your heart, sucking away your life and flesh, and even depriving you of your existence and destiny, what have you done, if your soul is still there, I thought you sold everything to the king of Pluto.” ”

“That was a long time ago.”

“Then don’t talk about it!”

Beunita suddenly shielded Amor with the Holy Light, “Lord Lancelot, the plan has changed, the opportunity is only once, I suggest that the treatment be delayed, or only you can use the most powerful Holy Light superposition to try to solve the curse.” ”

Lancelot nodded, “I see it. ”

He took a deep breath: “He has no time, it’s now!” ”

After saying that, he raised his hands violently, and his left hand was thirty times the intermediate spell breaking holy light, and the right hand was twenty times the middle level spell breaking holy light.

Then they rubbed them together, and the next moment, they grasped Amor heart.

A vicious demon erupted from the heart: “Who is destroying my curse!” ”


Lancelot didn’t finish speaking, and the ball bit down and nibbled at the gray demon that spewed out.

In a few moments, I was full of food and drink, and I burped a full belch, which was not enough, and I let out a fart.

The room was suddenly stinking.

The golden holy light slowly dissipated.

Lancelot was already sweating: “Grass and wood elf, repair his body.” ”

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