After the operation, Amor was even more dry, and he looked like a skeleton.

Lancelot directly reached out and took out a longevity fruit and stuffed it into his mouth: “Lao Tzu has lost a lot, this fruit can temporarily extend your life for ten years, I myself am not willing to eat a bite.” ”

Amor ‘s eyes moved.

The longevity fruit is like a jade liquid, which melts in the mouth.

His withered body swelled up rapidly.

The black-brown, corpse-covered body quickly became rosy and blood-colored.

Gradually, it became the color of a normal person.

Detached from the form of a dry corpse.

The Grass Elf desperately unleashes his power to heal his wounds.

It also constantly injected him with exuberant life force.

“It’s OK!”

Xiao Zhurong kicked over.

“You don’t want to die, even if you are an elf, you can’t stand to give it like this, it’s a waste!”

“You have to take care of it!”

The Grass Elf was very annoyed and reached over to continue injecting the Life Essence.

The fire elf was furious, “You are not brain-dead, you are wasting mana in this way!” ”

After saying that, he kicked Lan Er fiercely, and then raised his hand, condensed the aura of the troupe, and gently pressed it on Amor on the acupuncture point: “In this way, a little bit of transportation is delivered to his blood vessels and bones, and you are randomly transported into his body, and there is a fart to use!!!” ”

Lan Er suddenly froze.

“I really shame our elemental elves, I’ve never seen you so stupid.”

Looking at her unformed appearance, Xiao Zhurong burst into flames: “Look at what you see, learn to do it!” ”


Three days later, Amor was able to get down the aisle.

His mental state is very good, ten years of life, half a million years of faith power!

To tell the truth, thirty years of recruiting state, he was going to obey Lancelot.

The two sides signed a blood contract, but it was a fair blood contract, and Lancelot would not do anything that would damage the personality of others.

But he must contribute to Emerald.

Moreover, for thirty years, you must not leave Emerald!

Lancelot asked him to deal with some of the main decisions and to follow the rules!

However, this old Fa Saint was simply famous, and his appearance shocked the entire Emerald Emerald.

Especially those who came to visit the people of the Kingdom of God.

Those great mages, all of whom had long been well-known, kept greeting him when they saw him.

But this old man, in the end, is old.

The old eyes were dizzy, he had presbyopia, and he couldn’t see who it was.

In fact, by now, he did not have a comprehensive understanding of the beauty of Emerald Emerald.

This bothered Lancelot.

How do blind men fight?

And he wanted the old man to teach him magic.

His arcane suit requires constant memorization of powerful magic.

Lancelot had a bit of a headache, the loss was too great!

But he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Gang Clay happily agreed to come down, and it took less than three days to build a warm little optical shop.

Lancelot spent 10,000 prestige points in exchange for a full set of optometry equipment, as well as tutorials.

I personally trained two shop assistants.

Then, under the joy of the people, the wind and fire opened.

Optical stores? This attracts quite a few guests.

And looking at their introductions and the banners they played, this is a shining place.

It is said to cure many patients with eye diseases.

“Little fellow, can it really work?”

Lancelot skimmed his lips: “In this acre and three points of land of Emerald, the only one who turns over and over again to ask me if I can do it is only your old one.” ”

The clerk skillfully began to refraction.

This old man, highly astigmatized eyes.

Left and right 600 degrees of astigmatism, plus 500 degrees of myopia!

The clerks quickly established the problem of Lao Fa Sheng’s eye disease and set about making lenses.

“Choose a frame you like, old man.”

Amor couldn’t believe it, but chose a gold-rimmed frame that suited him.

In the afternoon, the clerk personally handed over his glasses.

He lamented all the wonders of the world, he had been unable to see things clearly for more than 40 years.

Unless you are particularly close, everything you see is vague and distorted, or you can’t see it.

But since having this spectacles, his world has returned to light.

For decades, the old Fa Saint once again felt the beauty of being alive.

Look at your hands, skin, cheeks, bones and feel your breath.

He felt that the fire of his life had been rekindled.

“Grandpa, why are you crying?”

“Silly boy, it’s too windy…”

It’s nice to be alive.

“Grandpa, is there no wind?”

Amor couldn’t help but knock on her little head, “It’s been more than a hundred years, you’re still so unprogressive, no wonder that fire elf called Zhu Rong always looks at you unfavorably, hey.” ”

Amor asked for a letter to the Kingdom of God.

However, the letter was stopped by Lancelot.

Samoyed blushed, not because he was unfaithful to Lancelot, but because he didn’t expect Lancelot to be so angry.

“I asked him to bring it back.”

Lancelot’s face was very bad: “Old Mr. Amor, I said that from that moment on, you have no connection with the kingdom of God, and for the next thirty years, you know what to do, not because I am desperate, but because I do not allow disloyalty!!!” ”

“You misunderstood, Lord Lancelot, that is just an ordinary greeting to the family.”

Lancelot’s attitude eased a little: “That’s not okay, Amor you can’t take revenge, since you have decided to wave goodbye to the past, do you want the underworld to find your family again?” ”

Amor fell into a long silence, for a long time, before he arched his hand: “You are right, since you want to leave, go clean, indeed you can’t leave troubles behind, harm others and harm yourself, hey, I don’t know as well as you young people, the times have changed.” ”

He himself burned the letter to ashes.

Lancelot nodded, “Just so you know. ”

Instead, he squinted his eyes at Samoyed, and the Samoyed scalp was about to explode.

“Me, I didn’t think…”

Lancelot Pi smiled and did not smile: “Start now, the order is halved, the discount is canceled, and the people you bring over in the future must submit materials for review, the audit is not passed, it is forbidden to enter the Emerald, the audit is passed, we will issue passes and temporary residence permits, and now, go to the accounting room to pay all the goods funds.” ”


“Me, we have a contract.”

“Then I’ll tear up the contract, give you compensation, and it’s time to find a new partner!”

Samoyed’s hair stood upside down: “Xiaolan, you won’t come really, will you?” ”

“What do you think?”

Samoyed was stunned, he could not get off the stage, and he realized that standing in front of him was a lord who did what he said.

And he has crossed the line.

Lancelot snorted: “This discount has been cancelled, and in the future, the person with the belt must be reviewed, apply for a pass, and then there is a next time, our love will end here.” ”

Samoyed smiled, “Hey, you’re scared to death, I’m losing money, I’m losing money, you have to make it clear, I don’t know if this makes you so angry, otherwise you borrow my guts, I don’t dare to scream.” ”

“Oh yes!” Samoyed put an arm around Lancelot’s shoulder: “Optical shop, let me be an agent, make amends for your sins, I will pay twenty million gold.” ”

Just as Lancelot was about to push him away, a cold light from the training ground rose to the sky.

Alsaris was holding a long sword, and a cold light exploded in the sky, and a towering ice sword pierced the sky.

After he took the Orb of Awakening, he actually evolved.

Lancelot spread his wings and flew straight over.

Looking at the cold sword in Alzaris’s hand, Lancelot was very surprised: “I go, Alzaris, you have the sorrow of frost!” ”

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