Lancelot hadn’t intended to embarrass them too much.

At most, it is to let the subordinates feel comfortable.

Moreover, they bring sufficient benefits.

But when it was Pankini’s turn, the atmosphere fell into a strange state.

Lancelot leaned against the throne, his fingers tapping regularly on the throne, looking at the diminutive goblin.

There was a silence of up to ten minutes.

Poor Pankini was suddenly flustered, and he wanted to take the initiative to speak.

But he was oppressed by Beyonita’s murderous eyes and did not dare to speak, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

His cold sweat was coming down, me, was he saying something wrong?

The goblin race is different from lovers.

They are shorter.

And there are no stone spirit tribes, elves, dwarf tribes, so long lifespan, they usually only live for a few decades.

Over a hundred years old is almost non-existent, and seventy years old is considered an advanced goblin.

But the reproductive ability they dare to say first, no one dares to say second.

Because goblins like to dig gold and like to make holes.

Living underground all year round, it is naturally difficult to climb the elegant looks.

They themselves carry a look that people don’t like.

Fierce, cruel, treacherous.

And, in fact, goblins are unpopular throughout Häagen-Dazs.

In addition to these attributes of fierceness, cruelty, and treachery, it is also because of the huge number of goblins, which is difficult to unify and even difficult to count.

These guys are distributed all over the continent.

They were poorly organized, poorly disciplined, and infamous, and that was notorious and quite bad.

When fighting, he likes to attack in groups, and the most annoying thing is that he likes to rob and bully the weak.

Fight through a rush, can’t fight, scatter.

This stinky creature, Lancelot thought with his ass, took it as a vassal?

Don’t make a fuss, he’s not so masochistic.

Pankini cold sweat brush brush down the down.

He worked hard, even desperately, to squeeze out a ‘kind’ smile.

Yet the eyes huddled together, red with excitement, made that funny face.

It seems even more ferocious and treacherous.

This face is indeed unpleasant, even annoying.

But Lancelot never took the initiative to taunt him, let alone laugh at him, just did not speak.

Fifteen minutes later, Pankini’s cold sweat had wet the ground.

He couldn’t help it, he thought this confrontation would eventually be something for himself.


He seemed to think too much, and they were right, King Lancelot didn’t lack anything, so why should he help me?

“Lord Lancelot, the Goblin Patriarch of the Mobisvu Mountains, Pankini, I would like to extend my highest greetings to you, and I am afraid that the prejudice of the world against the Goblins has led to some misunderstanding among you about the Goblins of the Mobisł Mountains.”

Lancelot laughed, and the boy seemed to be on his way: “Oh, what kind of misunderstanding?” ”

The muscles in Pankini’s face twitched.

He didn’t dare to have a hippie smiley face, but he knew that goblins were naturally unpleasant, and this face was a bit fierce and vicious in itself.

Moreover, he could not show off his cleverness in front of this one.

If he says the wrong thing, the Möbisł Mountains have no place for him and may even face the wrath of Lancelot.

Facing the fall of his little friends.

Taking a deep breath, he slapped his face fiercely: “Lord Lancelot, since you have given me the opportunity to defend myself, I will certainly seize it, thank you for your great talent, thank you for your kindness, but Lord Lancelot, not all the world is as black as crows, at least the goblins of the Mobiswu Mountains will not be like the image you know.” ”

Lancelot was unmoved, just looking up and down at Pankini.

Pankini sighed, “I hope you don’t judge people by their appearance, there are many races in the Mobiswu Mountains, we Mobiswu goblins have made great contributions to these races, and even contributed countless wealth and labor, we are different from the goblins known to the world, we are self-sufficient, from the dwarves to learn to forge, from the elves to learn to farm, from the stone spirit tribe to learn stability and architecture, I also led the clan to make great contributions to the Mobiswu Mountains.” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Yeah, let’s hear it.” ”

“The entire water supply system of the Mobiswu Mountains was developed and designed by us, the roads were built by us in cooperation with the Dwarves, the navy of the Mobiswu Mountains was almost built in cooperation with the Dwarves, and this invasion of the Sand Lizard Empire was the common people of the Mobiswu Mountains that our Goblin Clan had been protecting, and the underground city we had dug and stored sufficient supplies.”

Pankini straightened his chest: “The goblins of the Mobiswu Mountains, with their ability and actions, have proved to everyone that we are different, and I am not ashamed of the whole Mobisł Mountains.” ”

After saying this, he looked at several other people for help, and he was not lying about this.

Now is the time to test the reliability of your teammates.

The goblins of the Mobisio Mountains are truly different.

The bearded Hussein was the first to stand up: “Lord Lancelot, on this first point, we can guarantee that at least in the Mobisu Mountains, the reputation of the goblins is not bad, especially under the leadership of Pankini, formed into a complete institutionality, he did not lie.” ”

It seems that Hussein has a really good relationship with Pankini, and even offered to help him speak.

He even used ‘we’ to force Zakrama and Irma to speak.

Zakrama nodded, “He didn’t lie. ”

Irma also made a statement: “At least in the Mobisu Mountains, the goblins led by Pankini are not so bad, of course, there are bad people everywhere, but they have developed in a good direction.” ”

Lancelot fell silent again, “I believe it, but so what, aren’t you going to turn to the demons?” ”

Pankini’s hair stood up one by one, and the curse came out of the mouth?

“I, I, that’s bragging to everyone, I, I’m just mouthy.”

Lancelot smiled brightly: “But they say that you didn’t say that for the first time, why should I believe you?” ”

The bearded Hussein sighed, “Usually it makes you stumble, but now it’s good, I’m sorry, I can only help you here.” ”

The other two patriarchs were silent, and in the final analysis, Pankini had to solve the problem himself.

It’s just that……

They can’t interject too much.

After all, the reputation of the goblins is really the stink of rotten streets.

Pankini was going to despair.

The script is like this, it’s not quite right.

Beyonta frowned, “Goblin, you only have a chance of saying a word!” ”

Pankini immediately covered his mouth, and the words he was about to blurt out just now were forced to hold back.

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