The poor goblin patriarch, covering his mouth, looked helplessly at Lancelot.

It took a long time for him to send his hand away, constantly adjusting his breathing, and then relaxed.

“King Ruolanslott expeditions to the Sand Lizard Empire, a family of goblins, originally pawns before horses, pioneers, as cannon fodder.”

Just such a sentence was thrown out.

Pankini breathed a sigh of relief, any sophistry, any clever remarks.

Anything that could be eloquent and forceful, he thought about it and then ruled out all possibilities and success.

He gave up, and none of that could have fooled Lancelot and the prime minister.

So, that’s all he can do.

Lancelot leaned back on the throne, one hand supporting his cheek, and his smile was bright.

Beyonta frowned, “What qualifications do you have to serve Lord Lancelot as cannon fodder, we can’t trust you, if you fight back on the battlefield and betray Emerald, we will suffer the enemy on our backs.” ”

“On this point…”

Pankini said seriously, “Please rest assured that the Prime Minister and King Lancelot will enable the ancient war covenant, the alliance contract will not deceive anyone, if under the war alliance, the goblin clan will inevitably suffer a catastrophe, I said that I am not ashamed, the goblin clan of the Mobius Mountains is different from other goblins, please give me this opportunity, this is the greatest sincerity I can come up with.” ”

Lancelot struck the throne for a long time before he sat up straight: “You can go back.” ”




The atmosphere suddenly fell into a state of dead silence.

Several patriarchs looked at each other, all unclear.

Hugo Cecil couldn’t help himself: “Lord Lancelot? ”

Irma gave him a look and told him not to make a sound.

For a moment, she did not react.

Things are big, they are not far away, but not for such a picture.

“Before you go back, you can have a meal and go shopping.”

After saying that, Lancelot looked at the watch on his wrist: “At 1:30 p.m., there will be a train to the first and second camps of Emerald, and you can take the convenient car back.” ”

The upright Zaklama was anxious: “Lord Lancelot, can you tell us why, are we saying something wrong?” ”

Lancelot shook his head, “No, you’re all right, and I’m very impressed, but it’s really good that you’re staying here now?” ”

Lancelot continued to ask, “Do you really need me?” ”

“It is precisely because you have enough resistance and even self-protection that you have come to me en masse, so if you can fight, why do you still come to me?”

“Isn’t this a fart that takes off your pants, a superfluous move?”

The crowd opened their mouths again, looked at each other, and could not find a rebuttal.

“In fact, we suffered heavy casualties, were beaten everywhere, and could only be passively defended.”

Zakrama was very reluctant.

“So, why are you still here, and shouldn’t you go back to the enemy?”


The crowd was speechless again, he was pushing the ball?

“That’s why we came for help.”

The bearded dwarf Hussein also became serious: “Lord Lancelot, you don’t look like a person with a small belly, nor do you look like a person who will entertain me and so on. ”

Beyonta looked cold, “Dwarf, pay attention to your words. ”

Hussein shook his head, “Your Honor, I am not questioning King Lancelot, we have shown the greatest sincerity, and we are even willing to become a vassal of Emerald, so why bother us?” ”

Beunita sneered, “Without the miracle of the sea, Er, would you still be standing here?” ”

Once again, the atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

The faces of the people are not very good, to be honest, will not…

Irma sighed, “So, King Lancelot’s plan to expedition to the Sand Lizard Empire is about to be postponed?” ”

Lancelot smiled and didn’t answer her question, after all state secrets had come.

“You guys are here for a long time, just at noon, come, how to say, I will enter the friendship of the landlords and have lunch together.”

These guys, their minds can’t turn around.

It felt like since coming over, completely led by Lancelot’s detached mind.


Everyone exchanged glances and decided to stay and eat the meal.

They could not understand that the words had reached such a point that Lancelot could reject them.

Is his heart really so narrow-minded?

Although they have faults in the first place.

But who goes through such a thing, there will be such and such considerations, right?

You can’t ask everyone to be a sage!

So, this meal, you may wish to eat it.

And then……

These two or five boys were conquered by the beautiful scenery of Emerald Emerald, and they were also infected by the simplicity of the people.

The main thing is the magnificent building here, the fortress of Guo Ruojintang.

The powerful warriors were all completed in less than half a year.

It is a miracle that the gods are on top, and the existence of Emerald is a miracle in itself.

Oh yes, these meals are simply delicious.

These poor patriarchs swore to heaven that they had never eaten anything so delicious.

It’s one thing to hear it from Hugo Cecil’s mouth, and it’s quite another to taste it for yourself.

It is simply a delicacy on earth, and there is such a beautiful food in this world.

Eat it in your mouth, and the whole person will melt.

And these beautiful desserts, tasty drinks, exquisite pastries, and a huge variety of small snacks.

A magic academy that exudes a powerful magical atmosphere, a magical legacy handed down from ancient times.

A guild of venturing warriors with powerful warriors, elven archers, and frequent haunts of great magicians.

A dizzying variety of commodity streets.

Beautiful, never-before-seen, yet dazzling fashion.

Noble and elegant rose estate.

You can see the observatory far away.

An entertainment street full of disputes, but the atmosphere is extremely happy.

Snooker looks elegant, basketball looks bloody, football looks passionate.

The library was overcrowded, but it was extremely quiet, and everyone followed the rules.

The lower sand lizards, the sea tribes, and the human races live peacefully in this earthly wonderland.

They never knew that lizardmen, elves, mages, mermaids, these people could sit in a room and read quietly.

It’s an incredible place to behold.

And its beauty makes people linger.

“All right, everyone, the next magic train to the Möbiswu Mountains will depart in ten minutes, so get ready to pedal.”

Ten minutes is a concept, they don’t know very well, but Emerald many people carry something called a watch in their hands.

This thing can clearly tell everyone that the corresponding time of each day can be accurately divided into seconds.

But unfortunately, the telescope that can see the sky, the watch that records the time, is not sold at all, only Emerald.

And the whole Emerald was extremely devout to Lancelot.

Buying a watch?

This is an imperial secret, and again, you will enter the Emerald Heavenly Prison.

It is full of the temptation of red fruits, the temptation of emerald emerald.

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