The mage gave up the broom and rode a bicycle instead?

A knight in golden armor, instead of riding a war horse, rode something called a motorcycle, and his speed was extremely fast.

At present, even if it is Emerald, there is only one track that allows them to ride.

The buildings are basically made of transparent glass, which is simply a luxury.

It looks clear and bright, and you can see the outside from the house.

Even many cups of tableware and drinks are made of this exquisite glass.

A few patriarchs of the Mobius Mountains, some not calm.

They feel out of touch with the world.

Are the Terrans already strong enough to do so?

The answer is no, because the bearded Hussein often goes to the human world through special channels to buy some supplies.

Terran civilization has obviously not reached this point.

This scene is limited to Emerald Emerald!

“Guys, please get in the car.”

The guide who led them on a tour of Emerald invited several to the car.

“I didn’t believe it at the time, Cecil, you little fellow, I believed it, and I apologized to you.”

The bearded Hussein looked shocked, and he was still unsatisfied.

Emerald Everything is so beautiful.

Hugo Cecil shook his head, “I don’t believe it either, if I hadn’t witnessed Emerald from the log cabin to the impregnable fortress, I would have felt that I had broken into the Divine Realm.” ”

Hussein was a little annoyed.

He looked at Pankini angrily.

“We all blame you for being a fool with an ugly face, and that’s all, knowing that your good heart is still acceptable, but can’t you change the problem that your stupid mouth owes, so that we will be driven out.”

Pankini developed a keen interest in the Magic Train, and he was a goblin mage himself.

The magic train is guarded, forced to snoop, and he will be arrested as a spy.

The advertising slogan on the train is clearly written.

[This train has been protected by magic printing, and the use of magic in the car will be regarded as a provocative act and violate the law of Emerald Emerald]

[The light ones are detained and imprisoned, the heavy ones are killed on the spot, this train has a nine-order magic beast escort, please rest assured to ride]

Pankini, who was looking at these advertising words, suddenly couldn’t stand it.

The crux of the matter is that when he needs help, we watch the hilarity and stand by and watch, which angers the heavenly face of the person, makes us look like the grass on the wall, only to see the wind and rudder, and in fact, we just do this, people don’t want to, blame me?” 」

The faces of the people were immediately red.

Hugo Cecil looked annoyed.

“I’m sorry, I blame me, I should encourage everyone to help, I thought it would cause such a result, I just want everyone to see the greatness of King Lancelot…”

The bearded Hussein laughed hahaha: “Oh, forget it, what you little doll knows, it has nothing to do with you, we all have to thank you, this trip is worth the trip.” ”

Zakrama also sighed: “Yeah, don’t come here, never know, the outside world has become like this.” ”

Irma shook her head: “It’s Emerald, it’s still the same outside, it’s just that here, it’s changing with each passing day.” ”

Hussein nodded, “Indeed, hey, it’s really careless, if you know it, you know the face and don’t know the heart, some people’s, even if he has a good temper, but it doesn’t mean that his followers have a good temper, that Alzaris is too strong, I feel that a few of us will not be his opponents, and Beunita, she is the most dangerous, King Lancelot cares a lot about their feelings, and our actions anger the Prime Minister of Beyonita.” ”

“Then you die this heart!”

Pankini snorted, “Well, I thought about it, that woman, loyal and protective to Lancelot, is as strong as iron, and she will not give anyone an opportunity to take advantage of, let alone be bribed, and, unless she is removed, it is impossible to do so, and we absolutely cannot do that.” ”

Irma sighed, “Pankini, I think we should part ways with you, your mouth will cause trouble sooner or later, you really dare to say what you just said!” ”

The other people’s faces were not very good.

Pankini opened his mouth: “I’m just, just objectively analyzing…”

Give yourself a mouth when you’re done.

“Well, I was wrong.”

Zakrama hesitated and said, “Actually, I don’t think King Lancelot is looking into what we mean, he seems to be giving us a chance.” ”

The crowd was slightly stunned: “What do you say???” ”

Zakrama said solemnly: “He is a person who makes me feel very close, there are not many races that make the Stone Spirit Clan close, and individuals are even rarer, but I myself am very close to him, do you remember, at that time at the crucial moment of creating the sea, the miracle of gathering spirits needed faith, and the so-called faith is to worship him as a god and the only one, it is not easy to do this, he wants absolute loyalty, supreme faith, but, so far, we are still talking about no basis, he does not believe in us, It is also normal. ”

Irma frowned, “I’m afraid this won’t work, I see what you mean, but the elves advocate free will and serve the way of nature, except for the mother of nature, the world tree, it is difficult for us to change our ways.” ”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!”

The bearded Hussein suddenly revealed a strange smile.

He pulled out a medal!

“This is???”

Hussein laughed, “The Order of Registration of the Emerald Adventurers’ Union, which I registered by going to the toilet, and, you see!” ”

As he spoke, he pulled out a few scrolls.

The above task requirements are all magic crystal mines!

He even got a small piece of sample magic crystal ore.

“Old Hou, what do you mean by that?”

Hussein’s eyes narrowed: “Our inaction and unfounded words cannot impress Lancelot, even if it impresses him, he will not easily forgive us for the sake of the heart of the cold prime minister and the general, but he gives us the opportunity to visit in Emerald, this is a signal, this magic crystal mine, Mobius Wool Mountains have!” ”

One by one, the crowd watched it.

Zakrama was slightly stunned: “This is… Crystal of God? ”

The Crystal of God is the name of Häagen-Dazs.

Pankini was a little surprised: “Isn’t the use of this thing already lost on the main road?” ”

Elma said seriously, “No wonder they have a magic guide workshop, and they actually master the cutting method of the Divine Crystal.” ”

Hussein smiled and said, “That’s right, and as you can see from their union tasks, the demand is quite huge.” ”

The crowd suddenly understood, “You want to mine the Crystal of the Gods?” ”

Hussein said seriously, “Well, I’m afraid that’s the only way out for us.” ”

“But isn’t the Sand Lizard Empire also coming towards this, where do we have the energy now?”

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