This is a shot in the arm for everyone.

Originally, they did not intend to turn to Emerald.

After all, the forces of the Mobiswu Mountains are accustomed to living a life without controversy.

They thought they could get through it on their own.

However, the power of the Sand Lizard Empire expanded too quickly, and every large-scale attack would be sharper.

If it weren’t for their geographical advantage, I am afraid they would have been beaten down.

They took several seats as the main forces of the Mobisou Mountains, and the defense became more and more difficult.

The presentation is constantly compressed.

Force them to retreat to the rear.

Even many tribesmen have begun to go underground, working together to get through this difficult time.

However, the Sand Lizard Empire’s offensive was getting stronger and stronger.

Now even magic guides are starting to appear!

Since Lancelot gave them the opportunity, he cherished it.

The invasion of the Sand Lizard Empire, in addition to enslaving labor, the other most important purpose is to obtain the Divine Crystal, right?

And Lancelot needed that too.

The Crystal of the Gods of the Möbisł Mountains is the existence that they have guarded from ancient times to the present.

Their ancestors left only the same sentence at the beginning, leaving them a person who can make good use of them.

Naturally, they were referring to the Crystal Mine of God.

Speaking of which, the races of the Mobisou Mountains, these races, are not aborigines.

It’s an outsider.

Thirty thousand years ago, their ancestors took root and sprouted here.

The life span of a lover is generally more than three thousand years, and the elven clan, living for ten thousand years, is a small matter.

Not to mention the Stone Spirit Clan, whose fertility rate is very low.

After their ancestors took root in the Mobius Mountains, they multiplied for two generations.

Let them give the Divine Crystal Mine to the Sand Lizard Empire?

That’s simply not possible.

“Go back and make a big counter-offensive!”

Zakrama also became active this time, and the general elven race was not easy to occupy.

For example, the elves, as long as they don’t mess with them, basically won’t fight with you.

The bearded Hussein also became serious: “It’s time to fight a beautiful war.” ”

Pankini smiled brightly: “Then, take the Divine Crystal Mine, the whole family will run, with Lancelot’s benevolent character, it will not turn us away, let us drink the northwest wind!” ”

The crowd couldn’t help but look at Pankini in amazement.

“What, why are you looking at me like this, am I saying something wrong again?”

Everyone shook their heads.

Hussein smiled, “Your brain seems to be open, as long as you don’t take the evil door, it’s still quite good.” ”

Irma also smiled: “That’s right, if you have some other things that you can get your hands on…”

“For example, the general of the Sand Lizard Empire, the living demons!”

“That’s it!”

“But we have to be careful, if we fail this time, we won’t have a chance to come out, and the Sand Lizard Empire and the Demon Clan won’t give us the next chance.”

“Then let’s go back to the war conference.”

“I hope the tribesmen can hold up.”

“Lord Lancelot, you just let them go?”

Lancelot smiled brightly, “Otherwise, do you have to go anyway and let them stay?” ”


Lancelot smiled: “Well, Xiao Bei, this is the common sentiment of people, in fact, it is me, in that case, I will also choose to wait and see, and they are not stupid, they should understand what I mean.” ”

“Lord Lancelot, aren’t you going to take them as vassals?”

Lancelot shook his head: “Of course I do, but too soon, what I need is absolute loyalty, let them show their own sincerity, if they don’t do it well enough, I am not a shelter.” ”

“That about the expeditionary force…”

Lancelot thought for a moment, “As long as it doesn’t take more than fifteen days, even if the power of Mambiswushan is qualified, if it is over, we will go and knock down the Mobisvus Mountains, and then cross the Sea of Indifference and directly smash the Yellow Dragon of the Sand Lizard Empire.” ”


“Xiao Bei, tell me, that little female demon, how is the torture?”

Beunita sighed, “It’s a pity, they are not demons who ran out of the underground ruins group, but other places around them.” ”

“Huh? What is the purpose? ”

“A lot, for example, they want to take down the Mobisvu Mountains, use the Mobis Wool Mountains as the rear, and attack human society from the Mobisu Mountains.”

“However, because of the resistance of the major forces in the Mobiswu Mountains, they have not yet been defeated, and even with the use of magic guides, they still have not been able to occupy the overall advantage.”

“Why did they have to attack the Mobisu Mountains, didn’t they cross the desert?”

“Lord Lancelot, that’s because they really can’t beat it, so they compromised.”

“That’s really interesting.”

Lancelot thought for a moment: “Is it necessary to be so persistent, what good is the Mobisou Mountains?” ”

“The Crystal Mine of the Gods Who Makes Magic Guides, Lord Lancelot.”


Lancelot was surprised: “What is that, it won’t be… Magic Crystal Mine, right? ”

Beunita nodded, “According to the description, I’m afraid it is, and, moreover, in large numbers!” ”

“So, the magic guide was given to the Sand Lizard Empire by the Demon Clan?”

Beunita nodded.

“Where did they come from?”

“She’s just a little demon, Lord Lancelot, and my Holy Light torture is a burning of the soul, and she really doesn’t know it, but the demons have some antiques in their hands, which is not a rare thing.”

Lancelot was shocked!

No wonder the Demon Clan mixed in, it turned out that these flies-like guys were simply useless and early.

Since they had the development technology of the magic guide, they obviously needed the support of the magic crystal mine.

Unexpectedly, there was even a magic crystal mine in the Mobiswu Mountains!

“Xiao Bei, how many demons have they mixed in now?”

Beunita said solemnly, “I’m afraid there are tens of thousands of low-level demons!” ”

Lancelot stood up at once: “What the situation, how did they come over, crossover!” ”

“She’s too low-ranked, Lord Lancelot.”

Lancelot understood something.


Beunita patted him on the back, “Oh, well, don’t worry, you’re not a, just now you said you have confidence in the Mobisu Mountains, if this can’t be done, what is the use of it?” ”

Lancelot was a little embarrassed.

“Rest assured, my lord, those demons are basically in the Sand Lizard Empire, but we should almost be ahead of schedule, they are not easy to deal with, if we don’t know the roots of their coming to the human world, we may face countless demon legions.”

“Am I not… Made the wrong decision? ”


Beunita laughed, “Now is the time for the heroes to save the beauty, and I think if you pass when they fight, a twenty-fold purifying light can save the world and the water, and blow away the stench of the demon.” ”

Lancelot gave a thumbs up.

After the Griffin Knight returns, he embarks on this secret mission to monitor every move in the Möbiswu Mountains.

Lancelot quickly assembled his large army in the direction of the Mobisau Mountains.

Hesitant to make the sea, land and land clearance, they now shorten the round-trip process by a greater distance.

The demonization of the Sea of Innocence has become an irreversible foregone conclusion.

The madness of the Sand Lizard Empire has shown its spearhead.

According to the report of the Griffin Knight, and Claude’s secret message, the Sand Lizard Empire was in a state of shock because the people of the Sea had gone to the empty building.

They sent a large force of 30,000 people to storm the Mobisu Mountains, ready to take it in one sentence.

The team will reach the Möbisu Mountains in seven days.

“Lord Lancelot, when they break into the Möbiswu Mountains, that’s when our gods go down.”

Seven days later, on the inner side of the desert of the Mobisou Mountains, Lancelot personally led the army to open the Mobisło Mountains.

Under the protection of camouflage magic, it landed safely.

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