The sick demon youth frowned, and from the moment he appeared, he regretted it.

But he couldn’t watch his people wipe out.

Rao was so, or it was too late, and he felt that his three views had been subverted.

Even in the historical texts of the Demon Clan, I had never heard of anyone who could use the Holy Light Spell without restriction.

He thought that the Holy Light Spell of the scale just now would be used two or three times at most.

As a result, this man who suddenly appeared…

Shot at least a dozen times.

For from the sixth time he could not see, and barely looked.

The light would pierce his eyes.

And now, he was playing with a ball of light in his hand, and this ball of light emitted a dangerous aura so strong that it made his liver tremble.

Once this thing is thrown over, if he can’t hide from it, he will undoubtedly die.

And coincidentally, he felt that he could not hide.

The most you can do is to block it again with the Demon Clan’s Hallows.

Unfortunately, the series of Holy Light attacks just now had exhausted all the times his Sacred Weapon had been used.

The next time I use it, I’m afraid it will be far away, because…

Because of the holy artifact, there was damage!

The other side is strong.

“Lancelot, you shouldn’t meddle in the affairs of the demons.”

Beunita’s eyes darkened suddenly: “Despicable and filthy thing, kneel down and talk!” ”

The terrifying aura of holy light seemed to explode, directly approaching the beautiful man of the Demon Clan.

The other less than five hundred possessed warriors instantly blocked Beyonita’s aura of holy light with their tower shields.

Rao was still blown away by the Prime Minister, smashing more than a dozen weak chicken demon clans.

The Demon Beauty Man’s heart was pounding, no wonder, there was a Daughter of Holy Light…

This Lancelot had had enough of it, and there was a woman who had been blessed by the Holy Light.

And a…

Holy Devil Guru? (Refers to the Dharma Rank)

Lancelot looked at him playfully and suddenly threw the ball of light in his hand straight out.

“Little Lord go fast!”

Less Lord!

Lancelot’s outstretched hand suddenly withdrew some of its strength.

But the Holy Light Spell still cracked.

The heavens and the earth were clear, bright as day, and this second attack cleared the scene in an instant.

But the boy survived.

It’s just that he still underestimated the strength of this team.

When he was under the cover of the sacrificial composition of his men, he prepared to escape from the Mobisu Mountains.

But it crashed into the invisible Divine Light Bird Cage.

Beyonta took a bite out in disgust: “You’re looking down on the old ladies, huh?” ”

Beunita kicked over, “Dirty demons, dare to be disrespectful to Lord Lancelot, and dare to look down on me, I will stew you with holy light!” ”

“Xiao Bei!”

If Beunita’s foot were to go down, she could really trample this demon lord to death!

The extent to which she hated the Demon Clan could be imagined, that kick had almost condensed all the power of the Holy Light on her feet.


Beyonta was a little aggrieved.

Lancelot smiled, “Don’t worry, you forgot what he just said?” ”

Beunita frowned slightly, “Maggot, what kind of bullshit are you?” ”

The beautiful demon boy frowned and was about to fight back, when the frost sorrow of Alsaris had already pressed on his neck, and a kick to his knee bent made him kneel.

“Just one chance, answer the Prime Minister’s question, otherwise, die.”

He still has a strong backbone, and after the destruction of the 30,000-strong army, he can still say nothing, and he can’t escape and beg for forgiveness.

Then without a word, he lifted his head and revealed his neck.

“Come, casual, I’m not scared.”

Alsaris glanced at Beyonita.

Beunita laughed directly: “Maggot-like things, what else is it about?” ”

She pulled out some golden rods and waved them lightly.

A huge bathtub rises from the ground.

It was set up by a horizontal bar-like shelf.

Beunita waved the esports gang again, and the surrounding trees instantly turned into dry wood and fell directly under the bathtub.

Then she actually carried the chicken like a chicken, grabbed the neck of the beautiful demon man, and threw away the bathtub.

The holy light enveloped the small heavens and earth around it.

It turned out to be light modeling magic, she simulated the modeling of a bathtub, faucet.

Then came the horror.

Beyonta slowly summoned the power of the Holy Light, and the faucet increased to five, one aimed at the forehead of the demon beauty.

Several others, aimed at his limbs.

“I said, or you stew soup and feed it to the dogs!”

The faucet opened under her mind.

A drop of holy light, slowly and leisurely, fell on the Demon Clan Young Lord.

Every drop that falls is accompanied by a puff of green smoke.

And the muffled hum of this demon teenager.

“Enjoy, I’ll make you comfortable!”

Beunita’s smile, when dealing with the enemy, is always so cruel, even a little terrifying.

Treating the demons makes people shudder.

“Is this really good?”

“Lord Lancelot, if he is stronger than you, do you think you are still qualified to say this?”

Lancelot froze and nodded slightly, “I know, thank you, little Bei.” ”

“Lord Lancelot, Lord Chancellor, Lord Marshal, Your Excellency the Holy Lord…”

The four patriarchs hurried forward and stroked their chests in salute.

Zaklama: “Thank you for your kindness and wisdom!!! ”

Elma: “Thank you for saving the Möbisu Mountains, my lord. ”

Hussein: “Your arrival is an honor for us across the Mobius Mountains. ”

Pankini: “Ah, the great Lancelot, the great Emperor of the Empire, you are a match made in heaven, the Mobius Mountains have been saved by you, and the three lives are blessed, please take my knees.” ”

After saying that, he really knelt down.

Lancelot nodded slightly, “Well, you’re welcome, let’s all get up and talk.” ”

Temporary camps were set up.

This time, the possessed warriors of the Sand Lizard Empire were swept away, and the entire army was completely destroyed almost instantaneously.

But Lancelot came a step too late.

In fact, while they were busy with the migration of the Sea Tribe, there was a serious problem when the Mobius Mountains had come.

Same with the Sea Clan.

The Möbisu Mountains were also polluted by demonic qi.

In order to be able to find the Divine Crystal Mine, they used a very dirty secret method.

This secret method is the pollution of the magic qi, and the magic element will continue to spread and spread, looking for what they are looking for.

If you want to use constant light to disperse, it is not impossible, but it is time-consuming and laborious.

Moreover, a third of the Mobisu Mountains have been eroded.

More importantly, the pace of aggression of the Sand Lizard Empire will not stop.

It’s not safe here.

Unless Lancelot has conquered the Sand Lizard Empire, or the garrison is here, or they move out…

Moving into the desert is the best.

Everything about Emerald was fascinating, and when they returned, they publicized their respective clansmen.

The Shi Ling Clan said that as long as the patriarch decides something, everyone has no opinion, just follow it.

The same goes for the dwarves.

The dwarves of the Möbiswu Mountains also have the arrogance of the dwarves.

When Hussein told them that Emerald enjoyed endless food and endless wine.

It’s good to eat and have fun everywhere, and the treatment is super good.

The dwarves are drunk as hell, their brothers are all bold men, of course, good people and bad people are everywhere.

There’s no way around it.

However, the dwarves are good at wine, good to eat, and they don’t have too much to worry about.

If the Hussein patriarch decided, they followed.

The Mobius Mountains have been in the mountains for tens of thousands of years, and it is boring enough.

Many ambitious dwarves have long wanted to go out and roam.

The elves are hard.

The elves were almost all desireless and demandless.

Although Irma mobilized, the reaction of their people was very flat.

However, the majority of those who voted in favor still accounted for it.

The point is, there is no way to do it.

The Mobius Mountains were coming to an end, and there were not many light mages in them.

There are almost no great ones who can perform miracles of holy light, and the entire Mobius Mountains of Great Magic Masters add up to twenty.

There are only three of them.

They also made an effort, but they could only block the erosion speed of the demonic qi, but they could not completely eradicate it.

Therefore, the elven clan has passed the level and agreed to change course.

As for the goblins…

Pankini is also helpless.

Although he has a very good reputation, there is always garbage among his people.

You can’t always measure everyone by your own moral standards.

Although it was almost unanimous, Pankini was very worried.

King Lancelot has a strong following following.

When they first created the sea, it was with absolute faith and loyalty that the sea tribe passed the great miracle.

If their selection is also in this way, I’m afraid…

The entire race of the Mobiswu Mountains, not many people can pass.

In the conference room, there was a dead silence.

Irma was the first to speak: “The elves of the Möbisł Mountains are willing to be the fans of King Lancelot and loyal to King Lancelot, but I cannot guarantee that all will believe in your greatness and be loyal to your kingdom.” ”

“The Stone Spirit Clan is willing to submit to King Lancelot and become your supporter, and we will dedicate the most devout faith and offer absolute loyalty, and the Oath of the Stone Spirit Clan is absolute.”

“The dwarves are also willing to be your vassals, King Lancelot, and I can’t guarantee that everyone will believe in you, but I told these guys that if you can’t pass the trial, you may be exiled, and only absolute faith and loyalty can you live in Emerald and accept your protection.”

Lancelot shook his head: “I do not force anyone to become my vassals, nor do I force anyone to join, but you remember that the Emerald Gate is open for you, but once you accept my asylum, you must have absolute loyalty, supreme faith, seek my refuge, and you will swear an oath to my idol.” ”

After saying this, Lancelot took some golden rods and waved them with his bare hands, and the color suddenly changed between heaven and earth.

The huge Möbisu Mountains, twisted out of thin air.

The source of the pollution of the demonic qi was cut off in an instant, and the Mobiswu Mountains became a huge transverse mountain range.

It was as if the lazy waist had been cut off, and the demonic qi pollution had ended there.

“This is the last thing I will do for you, and in seven days, I will cross the Sea of Nothing and launch an expedition against the Sand Lizard Empire.”

After saying that, he turned and left the Mobisio Mountains.

“What about this demon, Lord Lancelot, to kill him directly?”

Lancelot shook his head: “No, just trap him like this, and the return of the expedition to him is still alive, which means that there is still use value.” ”

That handsome demon young lord, his face was brushed white!

“Obey orders, sir!”

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