The expedition camp has become five.

Emerald’s forces were constantly massed at the expeditionary camp.

The front-line positions of the war, at this moment, have become huge fortresses.

After the Golden Rod can be used indefinitely, the mighty Fa-Saint, the Daughter of the Light, plus Lancelot wears the Arcane Suit.

Building a city overnight is simply a wave of the hand.

Eight thousand golden armies of brilliant bones.

Ten Griffin Knights.

Five hundred tower shield soldiers.

Eight hundred fire mages.

Eight hundred sand lizard crossbowmen.

Eight hundred sand lizard knifemen.

There are 2 beast masters, the war beast eighth-order death sandworm, and the eighth-order peak centipede – the thousand-year-old elder.

Possessor: Helkai, Katyusha.

Rose Sword Ji a hundred people.

Emerald Ranger a hundred people.

Emerald Knights two hundred.

The desert scouts a hundred people.

Emerald Mage Group of two hundred people.

Just the generals: Lancelot, Beunita, Sylvana, Rinevier, Dolnigun, Yang Yuki, Skaran.

St. John, and the captains of the various squads.

The Navy requisitioned the new sea city: the North Sea Giant, Leviathan.

Queen Naga, 5 Sea Clan Generals, 1,000 Sea Clan Water System Grand Mages.

5 warships, 50 Sea King Behemoths as a means of transportation.

The Air Force, in addition to the Griffin Knights, has 50 magic balloons with a nuclear load of 50 people and 2,500 warriors.

The rest of the forces, all left behind Emerald.

There are strong men such as Bonarotti, Adolf, Amor, Vawuanna, and so on.

There are also two beast masters, two magic masters, and several warriors.

Staying in Emerald Emerald’s power, basically not afraid of any threat.

That night, Zakrama led the entire Stone Spirit Clan to defect.

They wanted to join Lancelot’s command and enjoy Lancelot’s protection.

They will embrace Lancelottvan as the only faith and worship.

They will be loyal forever.

The vow of the Stone Spirit Clan was beyond doubt.

They wanted to go with the army, but Lancelot refused.

But at Zaklama’s insistence, they prepared a ship of their own.

Lancelot was helpless and added a few magic balloons to him.

The other Stone Spirit Clans, under arrangement, went to Emerald.

Several other patriarchs also came to take a stand.

The dwarves are willing to become vassals of Emerald, and they are all skilled craftsmen who can bring great benefits and help to Emerald.

But Lancelot didn’t have time to place them.

He was relieved to place ten thousand stone spirit clans, but these guys, I’m afraid not.

“This matter is not urgent, wait for me to return, from the long term, if you sincerely leave the Mobiswu Mountains, there is no need to rush for a while, wait for my expedition to return, and then resettle you.”

Several team leaders thought the same thing, and the expansion speed of Emerald was a miracle.

They believed Lancelot’s words.

Irma took the lead in expressing her willingness to send troops to Lancelot, and for this reason, the four families gathered a team of a thousand people.

With Hussein, Pankini led the team to participate in the expedition.

As for the Fifth of the Mobisu Mountains…

I’m afraid I’ll have to talk about it later.

Before the Sand Lizard Empire reacts!

Seven days later, a large army was deployed, across the Endless Sand Sea, across the Sea of Innocence, and approaching the Sand Lizard Empire.

Aunt Rayleianna was still forceful.

It took her fifteen days to get herself another set of Mandarin Duck Magic Guides.

Just as they were about to reach the coastline, the sounding bird of Sharapuzan arrived, conveying the movement of the Sand Lizard Empire.

And Claude, who had been lurking for a long time, Lancelot when they were still at sea.

He flew over.

“The safe zone is over there, and we landed on the shores of the ashes.”

Lancelot nodded and agreed: “The sea tribe is looking for the sea to hide, ready to be on standby, and start to choose the line of attack.” ”

According to Shalapuzan’s voice recording is also in place.

He managed to penetrate the enemy’s interior, and even entered the upper echelons of the Sand Lizard Empire in less than two months.

Among the nobility, mixed ups flourished.

But on the aspect of collusion with the demons, Sharapuzan did not have specific information.

But he locked in the queen of the Sand Lizard Empire!

There were also several nobles who were closely related to the empress.

And, to Lancelot’s laughter, Sharapuzin and Claude have no hope for the Sand Lizard Empire.

The unified evaluation is that this country is really rubbish!

Not worth the great Lancelot Troo expedition.

Of course, if it weren’t for the intervention of the demons, Lancelot wouldn’t have personally intervened.

But Lancelot didn’t like to be threatened.

“To the table!”

The generals raised their wrists at the same time and looked at their watches, and Alsaris Lee took out his pocket watch.

He loves pocket watches.

“The time is 10:40, and we will log in at 12:00, complete the construction of the fortifications, revise the army, and launch an attack before dawn.”

“Do as you are told.”

At twelve o’clock, the expeditionary force was not bad at every second and landed on time.

At 1:30 a.m., an impregnable rock fortress appeared out of thin air on the ash coastline.

Become a fortress of ashes for the Expeditionary Force.

There is one door in the east, west, south and north sides.

The east gate is directly connected to the port, under the golden rod, and it is achieved in one fell swoop.

The Ash Fortress occupies a radius of about ten miles.

Three-story apartments, watchtowers on the city walls, neat soldiers, solemn and solemn.

The Griffin Knight began to patrol the airspace.

In the war conference room, Claude took out the map he had mapped, the royal city structure of the entire Sand Lizard Empire, and the layout of the troops.

Accompanied by a map submitted by Shalapuzin.

Everyone knew enough about the layout of the Sand Lizard Empire’s palace and the layout of its troops.

The Sand Lizard Empire is sparsely populated, although it claims to have millions of troops, but in fact, it is a soldier for all people.

Because of its lack of ambition, the local economic situation of the Sand Lizard Empire was quite poor.

But the emperor of this generation of the Sand Lizard Empire, Chuan Da Puni, is a male lord, and his appearance has allowed the scattered empire to maintain the glory of the millennium.

The countries around him that can fight have basically been beaten by him.

The gold mountains and silver mountains that had piled up were all snatched up and filled into this empty shell kingdom.

The defensive strength of Wangcheng Town was almost 300,000 or so.

The rest of the forces were scattered throughout the major forces and military positions.

The reason why we asked you to start sending troops is because after the events of the Sea of Innocence.

The Sand Lizard Empire began a large-scale recruitment of soldiers, ready to assemble a large army, directly break through the Sea of Innocence, and completely open the route of march.

The 300,000 troops inside the royal city should not be underestimated at all.

They installed 50,000 mage regiments and 50,000 archers in the royal city, and the rest of the army had 15,000 tower shield soldiers.

This battle must be as fast as the wind, hitting them by surprise, otherwise once reacted.

We are bound to fail.

Lord Lancelot, our time is running out.

Lancelot nodded with a smile: “This is interesting, gathering intelligence is hard for you, everyone is very good, why do we write some magic trains this time, the soldiers are divided into two roads, the troops are evenly distributed, I take one road, Alsaris takes one road.” ”

Lancelot pointed to the map, “After Alsaris led his troops around in the Magic Path Hearse, I will take the lead in launching a direct general attack, and once we destroy the Sand Lizard Empire Imperial City, we will act according to the source plan.” ”

“Obey orders!”

“Ready to go!”

With a wave of his hand, Lancelot waved his hand and the magic train stored in the system space all appeared in the Ash Fortress.

“Get in the car!”

The warriors quickly got into the car, ashing the fortress, leaving only a thousand people behind!

And when the train departed, in addition to the city gate, it disappeared at the same time.

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