The night is still dark.

The Sand Lizard Empire was caught in a long dream, and I was afraid that they would never have thought that there was such a group of people.

It has crossed the ocean and launched a war of annihilation.

At 2:30 a.m., amid the howling wind, the magic guide train slowly stopped outside the royal city of the Sand Lizard Empire.

It is not a tall architectural style.

But it’s very distinctive.

The walls are slightly rudimentary, only about two meters.

Although the city walls are stone structures, the entire palace is a unique style of wooden structure, oil paint and canvas.

There are not many stone buildings.


Lancelot frowned slightly.

It is not a big country, it seems that they also began to develop after the infiltration of the Demon Clan.

“Upper Invisibility!”

At the same time, the mages unleashed an invisibility spell and applied it to all the warriors.

Jump off the magic train and quietly say, “After setting up the explosives, assemble in the same place!” ”

“Obey the order, Lord Lancelot.”

“You have thirty minutes, go!”

The Brilliant Bone Legion suddenly flooded into the royal city of the Sand Lizard Empire.

Dynamite is the most fun.

Explosion is the most perfect art.

In particular, explosives with the magic seal technology were applied.

After the explosion, the super holy light spreads, is there any play?

Lancelot grinned.

He’s going to get rid of all these people.

The threat of the Sand Lizard Empire was no longer to be feared.

His main purpose this time was these damn demons.

Without maiming them, Lancelot would not be able to sleep.

Time passes by minute by minute.

At four o’clock in the morning, Lancelot narrowed his eyes.

One by one, the warriors began to return.

It’s almost every second.

“Are you all here?”


“One, two, three, four…”

The Lancelot soldiers, one not bad, completed the task perfectly.

And the direction of this explosive arrangement was exactly a huge Holy Light Driving Magic Array.

Specially restrained demons.

The time for invisibility spells is coming to an end.

Lancelot casually threw a fireball into the sky, but it exploded with a bang.

Another fireball flew into the sky.

Alzaris’s team also arrived.

Lancelot spread his wings directly and flew out, and at this moment in the sky.

Three people, Lancelot, Alsaris, Sylvana.

All three of them had wings spread behind their backs.

The snow white and holy of Lancelot, the icy blue of Alsaris, the light green shaved head of Sylvana.

When several people appeared above the Sand Lizard Empire Imperial City, everyone was stunned.

The guards of the royal city of the Sand Lizard Empire looked at this scene one by one in amazement.

Someone broke into the royal city?

Lancelot took out a loudspeaker and cleared his throat: “Cough, cough, hey, hey, hey, hello, friends of the Sand Lizard Empire, hello, get up, get up!” ”

The sirens of the enemy attack quickly reverberated through the royal city.

Alsaris squinted his eyes and slashed out with a sword, and suddenly the alarm bell, along with the ringer of the bell, all turned into ice cubes and shattered.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Lancelot from Emerald, and my purpose is simple, I’m here to beat you up, and I’m sorry to disturb your sleep, but it’ll be over soon.”

Lancelot held up the megaphone and said without hurry.

The entire royal city of the Sand Lizard Empire was in chaos.

In an instant, the lights are bright as day.

Imperial lizard people, quickly assembled.

“But I, as a man, have always had a merciful heart, and as long as you crawl at my feet, bow down to you, and be loyal to me forever, I will provide you with eternal protection.”

Lancelot will say it again.

Countless spells smashed over.

Sylvana opened the spell barrier and resisted the overwhelming attack: “Idle you, do you have to do this?” ”

Lancelot smiled and said, “Sure, otherwise how can I attract more lizards and demons?” ”

“Can’t you directly detonate the formation?”

Lancelot nodded, “Okay, didn’t I just want to experience a thrilling sensation?” ”


Sylvana had a headache, like a child, angry and funny.

Little did she know that Lancelot had actually arranged for the backhand.

If he wanted to smash the Yellow Dragon directly, he had to knock on the mountain and shock the tiger.

“Intruder, what are you?”

A huge lizard man appeared.

He wears a crown, shoulders and a golden armor.

Jumped straight out of the palace.

Along with it were hundreds of powerful Lizardman warriors.

Including Sharapuzan, and the royal family of the Sand Lizard Empire that he captured…

“Ah, Your Majesty the King, it is he, it is this man, it is he who has captured His Royal Highness!”

“It’s you, you’re Lancelot!!!”

Lancelot nodded, “That’s right, it’s me, Your Majesty the King is really mighty and majestic, and it opened my eyes.” ”


Lancelot laughed very deliberately: “Sand Lizard Empire, let me down so much, just you, you are not worthy to destroy my Emerald!” ”

Lancelot looked at the hundreds of thousands of Sand Lizard Empire warriors and suddenly smiled, “I have come on behalf of the Holy See, stupid demons, your end has come.” ”

Then, he snapped his fingers.

Before the Sand Lizard Empire’s counterattack forces were organized, Heaven and Earth were disillusioned.

There are many ways to destroy a civilization, such as waging a war of hot weapons.

In the original Kosovo War, only the air force was used, and the continuous aircraft bombing was victorious.

Lancelot, on the other hand, combines magic and science.

He used a golden rod of high-intensity condensed explosives, accompanied by an activating Holy Light Array.

Through the continuous chain explosion of explosives, triggering layers of exorcism holy light superposition, the scorching heat will be converted into light energy!

This wave is devastating.

The location of Lancelot, within a radius of ten meters, is the only safe zone for the explosion.

The moment the explosion overturned the heavens and the earth, Chuanda Puni was already stunned.

Sharapzin’s cold sweat also came down.

He was afraid that he would die, that he would be a victim.

But he knew that Lancelot wouldn’t do that, because of the blood deed, so he knew.

But in the face of such a collapse of the world, he was still frightened, as long as he made a rash move.

It will be affected by the waves of the explosion.

Lancelot was terrifying, and his calculations were not bad at all!

“I fought with you!”

After a brief downtime, Chuandaphong went crazy, picked up the sledgehammer, and jumped up madly.

It was just that he had just taken off and suddenly his body went soft, and his eldest son, with a short hammer, smashed into his seven-inch soft ribs.

Directly put him paralyzed.

A magic knot tied him up.

Is it his, son?


A punch slammed into his face: “Shut up! ”

The exorcism holy light that was constantly superimposed under the explosion had dyed the entire world gold.

At this moment, the Sand Lizard Empire Royal City is like the most brilliant fireworks.

The terrible Lancelot…

He blew up the entire Sand Lizard Empire Imperial City!!!

Instantly flattened to the ground, almost no one could stand, and highly compressed explosives completely destroyed the place.

In the continuous superposition of exorcism holy light, wisps of black smoke rose up.

Before he could escape, he was uprooted by the Holy Light and completely destroyed.

And the huge exorcism holy light actually trapped the exploding air waves in the holy light array.

The location where the Emerald Emerald Warriors placed the explosives was itself one of the strongest Divine Light Formations.

Now from the outside, this place is burning, but you can’t hear the cries of pain inside.

This scene, after less than two minutes, the world became quiet.

Because the explosion stopped, and the Holy Light Array continued.

But there was no one standing, or…

There are no living people anymore…

Lancelot glanced into the distance.

At this moment, where the formation was weakest, a man who had been sown all over the robe was preparing to retreat,

In the midst of the hovering and flying holy light, an indifferent voice came out: “What’s the hurry, I personally laid down the formation, here is the only breakthrough, I deliberately left, promise me, you can leave alive, Demon Clan!” ”

Beunita suddenly appeared out of thin air, holding a thin sword, her face teased.

The man inside the robe posed as a gesture: “Sign up for the name.” ”

“You don’t deserve to know!”

Here in Lancelot, Chuandaponyi slowly lowered his head.

The next moment, a terrifying evil force sprang straight out of Chuandaphuni’s body.

With a thud, it shattered Sylvana’s shield, the palm of the dark hand, and squeezed towards Lancelot dead.

But he ignored how strong a few flying guys were.

With a thud, the huge palm was chopped.

Alzaris struck.

Lancelot smiled, “Demons. ”

Chuanda Puni raised his head and revealed a smile of human words: “Ah, ah, ah, what a great thing, as a human being, you can blow for a lifetime for today’s events.” ”

“Are you referring to the fact that I am destroying you on behalf of the Holy Light?”

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