Such a hasty speed made it too late for them to react.

Lancelot is this going to test him?

His survival was a miracle in itself.

At this moment, Chuan Jianguo shuddered, if…

He didn’t dare think about this if.

In the event of any unpleasantness, I am afraid that the flames of the Sand Lizard Empire will be extinguished.

Looking at his father’s bloodied head, Chuan Jianguo’s liver and gallbladder were split.

“Lord Lancelot…”

“Comrade Chuanguo, this is your only chance, this is the war, from the moment you step into the endless sand sea and the soldiers come to the Emerald Green City, you should know that one day, you will also face such a situation, God is fair!”

Lancelot took a step forward: “Set up camp, explore the terrain, map out, and prepare to build!” ”

“Do as you are told.”

Alsaris glanced at Chuan Jianguo: “You can go to work, remember, any attack will be considered a rebellion.” ”

Chuan Jianguo climbed up and ran out frantically outside.

“I am the founding of the country, the prince of the Sand Lizard Empire, the heir of the Empire, the meeting, the gathering of all the nobles, the meeting, the immediate !!!”

He was almost caught in a frenzy and he had to race against the clock.

He wants to stop any force that dares to resist.

Otherwise, with Lancelot’s strength, he would have suppressed any attack in the first place.

The Sand Lizard Empire has lost the protection of the Demon Clan, and they are vulnerable.

Lancelot was so powerful that he had seen countless times.

This is a god-killing man!

“Lord Lancelot, when do you think their counterattack should come?”

Lancelot touched his chin and thought, “Sylvana, when do you think it will come?” ”

Sylvana thought for a moment, “Most likely, at night, if there are still demons who haven’t been leveled…”

“According to what you said, if there is no Demon Clan, the Sand Lizard Empire will be instigated?”

Sylvana nodded, “Although the half-orcs are fierce, they worship the strong, and once they are beaten and subdued, they will submit to you.” ”

“And that?”

Sylvana nodded.

Lancelot looked at Beyonita, and Beyoneta nodded, “That’s right, otherwise you think that the Sea Clan of the Sea Without Delusion is so honest, when you take Leviathan, they believe it, but the hometown complex, after all, some creatures have lived in the Sea of Innocence for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, and it is very painful to leave home.” ”

Lancelot was a little surprised, and there was such a wild way?

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“You didn’t ask for x2 either!”

Lancelot was speechless.

“I think it’s not so simple, it’s too smooth, it’s not beautiful.”

“Perfect, humans, demons of the Sand Lizard Empire, I am the strongest, and you have won this war.”

“Shut up!”

A holy light from Beyonta entered the bottle, and the demons trapped in the bottle suddenly smoked.

His face turned pale in pain, “There’s no place for you to talk here, Demon Clan!” ”

Beunita’s hatred of the demons can be imagined.

It seemed to fall into her hands, and there was no good fruit to eat.

“Okay, well, I’m telling the truth.”

He looked at Lancelot with a certain sincere gleam in his eyes.

【Host! 】

Lancelot jerked his head up.

Picked up the bottle: “Yes, Mr. Demon. In the bottle do not forget to cast a spell on me, you, very special. ”

The demon in the bottle suddenly opened its mouth, and after a moment, sighed: “Sure enough, forget it, forget it, I lost completely, as you toss it.” ”

Having said that, sit in the bottle, lean against the wall of the bottle, and start reading without paying attention to anyone.

There is no longer a small use of small means.

Beyonta looked fiercely, “Lord Lancelot, he actually used the magic of seduction?” ”

Sylvana was also surprised: “The art of seduction? ”

The demon head did not look up, “You heard it right, it is the art of seduction, I am a charmer, and I am an extremely rare number of male charmers.” ”

The crowd was stunned.

Lancelot suddenly aroused great curiosity.

“Speaking of which, I didn’t know that the demons actually had men, and it turned out to be a fetal race.”

The male demon put down the book: “King Lancelot is interested in this?” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Yeah, since you’re a male demon and it’s extremely rare, isn’t your status in the Demon Clan very high?”

Beunita frowned, “At least at the level of the Demon Grand Duke.” ”

Lancelot opened his mouth, “What level is that?” ”

The second daughter rolled her eyes, dare you not understand anything, you dare to die with the demons?

Beunita gave him a little science.

The world of demons is the power that belongs to hell.

Their hierarchy is more severe.

Moreover, there are rather complex hierarchies.

The general rank of high-ranking demons is divided into Demon Sir, Demon Lord, Demon Grand Duke, Holy Demon, and Demon God.

As a race of demons, the demons have their own royal city.

Male demons are very rare, and they generally become the king of demons, only under the status of queen.

Because of the race of demons, there are only queens, and male demons are rare species.

They are all protected as treasures and even artifacts.

The Demon Queen is at least at the level of a lord or even a grand duke.

Lancelot suddenly understood.

“That’s the way it is.”

He thought for a moment: “So, when he came to the world, he must have shouldered a heavy responsibility. ”

Beunita nodded, “That’s right, don’t worry, I’ll give him a bath of light twenty-four hours a day.” ”

The male demon had a bitter face: “You guys are abusing prisoners of war, right?” ”

Lancelot shrugged, “I remember that you demons were all killed directly, it’s already good to be alive, and why are you picking so many things?” ”

“Lord Lancelot, you have such a good sense of humor.”

Lancelot smiled.

“Can I be exempted from the punishment of the Light?”

Lancelot touched his chin and thought, “What’s your name?” ”


Lancelot smiled, “Very well, Mediana, not Diablo, Comrade Mediana, what reason is there not to bathe in the holy light, or what reason is there not to die?” ”

Mediana opened her mouth: “Become your forbidden breast?” ”

Beunita was furious, and the Light was about to be instilled.

Lancelot waved his hand: “I’m afraid this can’t work, I have a normal sexual orientation, I like women, and you have another chance.” ”

Mediana shrugged, probing him on the verge of madness.

But he lost the opportunity, and he underestimated Lancelot’s decisiveness.

“You see how this goes, I can work with you, as long as you shelter the Demon Clan.”

Lancelot shrugged, “Little Bey, just don’t play dead.” ”

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