St. John’s gang are all lonely ghosts who can never be born again, and have lost the offerings and sacrifices of their loved ones.

Slowly, it will disappear completely.

But Lancelot gave them a chance.

Instead of degenerating into a Lich, they had a fairly strong body.

The Bone Army is the Skeleton Army.

But the reason why they accepted to be possessed by the Legion of Bones was also because these skeletons were the dead bones of their brothers.

There are even their skeletons in it.

One by one, these brilliant bones had no evil, only the mighty righteousness, which reverberated between heaven and earth.

Even though he is dead, his righteousness is still alive.

Left and right are dead, just live like this.

But this kindness, with the rest of your life to reciprocate!

Any rebellion, as long as it dares to attack, the Legion of Bones will surely clear all obstacles for Lancelot.

And the next few days in a day.

Lancelot’s expeditionary force swept through the entire Sand Lizard Empire.

Where the Brilliant Bone Legion passed, locusts crossed the border.

But they did not harm the people, they only killed the rebels.

Rose Swordsman, Griffin Knight, Sand Lizard vassal Swordsman Guard, powerful mage group, shocking beast master.

One by one, they shine out.

Just one day, the rebels in the Sand Lizard Empire were beaten and frightened.

At the beginning, there were still many sleek sand lizard people who wanted to use knives to come up to the dead.

But as the Emerald Expeditionary Force showed its formidable strength, there was also a nationwide briefing on the founding of the new Wang Chuan.

Comrade Chuan Jianguo was almost going crazy.

The millions of troops of the Sand Lizard Empire were simply vulnerable to Lancelot’s expeditionary force.

And those magic guides were all confiscated at the first time.

Moreover, the Divine Crystal was incomparably precious, and their current number of magic guides was limited, limited to the Imperial City.

However, a wave of explosions in the royal city, the thousand-year-old inheritance, was destroyed.

He marched in the streets and pressed the demons to tell everyone that the expansion of the Sand Lizard Empire was due to the problem of his father’s policy.

He colludes with the Demon Clan and dies for more than a few years.

And King Lancelot, representing the glory of justice, saved the Sand Lizard Empire from the depths of the waters.

This kid isn’t too stupid.

He captured the fleeing demons and paraded through the streets together to calm the people’s minds.

Attempt to settle down before the expeditionary army’s butcher’s knife is raised.

The scene was eerie.

The expeditionary force tirelessly suppressed, and Comrade Chuan Jianguo wept in front of him.

He, failed…

The entire Sand Lizard Empire declared a total collapse.

The rebels come and go wave after wave, and how many deaths come.

And the races that were brutally ruled by the Sand Lizard Empire were rejoicing, shouting Lancelot’s name.

They were shocked that there was a great king who had only used it for one day.

Overthrow the existence of the Sand Lizard Empire!

After the sun went down, Lancelot announced the ownership of the vast land!

Because the map is out.

Surrounded by the sea on both sides and mountains on the other, the entire Sand Lizard Empire exists as a colonial power.

They first landed in this fertile land and it was aggression!

Now, they have the retribution they deserve.

Hundreds of exterminated orc tribes, holding garlands and carrying baskets, came to the camp of the Emerald Emerald Expeditionary Army.

They cried out the name of King Lancelot and offered their sincere blessings.

They pray for peace and tranquility, for them to be given peace.

Lancelot told them that he would liberate the Sand Lizard Empire, free most of the innocent slaves, and implement New Deal reforms.

They will not be charged any excess taxes, and the entire territory of the Sand Lizard Empire will be exempt for ten years.

And from tomorrow onwards, he will rebuild the empire and let this territory be sheltered by him.

He will bring miracles to the land and let everyone live and work in peace.

But he also pronounced cruel laws.

Once someone deliberately hurts, rebels, attacks Emerald, and breaks the law, they will be severely punished.

Everyone was cheering.

And Comrade Chuan Jianguo, he felt that he was 250 years old in his life, and when he grew up so big, it turned out to be a waste.

Without his old man’s prestige, he couldn’t do anything, he couldn’t do anything.

No one even wanted to follow his instructions.

He tried to save everyone from the front, but these damn lizard heads then attacked, attacking the expeditionary force.

After sunset, any act of aggression will kill no mercy, both men and women, young and old.

And when these Imperial Lizardmen saw real violence, no longer just against the Imperial Army.

They understood that Lancelot’s kindness was limited.

He said that as the sun went down, any attack would be seen as a crime and a provocation and would not receive any forgiveness or forgiveness.

He did what he said, and this time, he calmed down.

Chuan Jianguo helplessly smiled bitterly, it was over, everything was over.

The next day, the Sand Lizard Empire shook the nation.

A magnificent palace, rising from the ground, as if it were a heavenly creation, appeared in an instant in the eyes of everyone.

The great King Lancelot, with a wave of his hand, is the sun and the moon for a new day.

Under the constant waving of gold rods, the magnificent royal city, smooth and white streets, exquisite buildings.

Carved beams and paintings, small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, one by one are presented in front of everyone’s eyes.

The female generals under King Lancelot seemed to come from heaven, as beautiful as angels.

She seemed to be enveloped by a holy light, an incomprehensible object of beauty.

And the elf, too, with a wave of her hand, built beautiful buildings.

There was also the Terran female knight, who wore rose armor.

Exquisite buildings will bring this single-colored sand lizard empire.

In an instant, it became a country full of artistic atmosphere.

The most incredible thing is that they created farmland, forests, flower fields out of thin air in this art capital…

This is a miracle!

And Lancelot, after earning enough eyeballs, found that his faith power had reached 18 million !!!

He was shocked, the power of faith 18 million !!!

After watching it several times in a row, Lancelot believed it.

Great, with the magic crystal vein he currently has, he is enough to build a magic guide army.

“Xiao Bei, the Ying Ling Summoning Stone has been handed over to you, and we can’t stay here forever.”

Looking at the Mandarin duck bird in his hand, Lancelot stroked the bird’s head.

Finally it came, and during his expedition, the intelligence from his aunt’s side came.

Three days ago, the Sands Lord signed the final bill, and an expedition of tens of thousands of people began to prepare to enter the endless sand sea.

Lancelot sneered, father and son?

He had never failed to experience such feelings in this world.

There were no happy memories between him and the Lord of the Golden Sands.


I’m afraid Rankhart has been watching him die.

According to his aunt’s message, he, the Zhang brother, has already got what he wants!

Beyonta glanced at the Mandarin Duck and nodded slightly, they were at the top of the royal city in the night, Sylvana, Alzaris, St. John, Dolnigun and so on.

“Help me to stand by the horoscope of Orion!”

The crowd nodded, and she commanded the crowd, standing still one by one, and then there seemed to be words in her mouth.

The Heroic Spirit Summoning Stone was thrown directly into the sky.

A huge and super exaggerated magic array flashed away, originally golden, but suddenly twisted in the French array.

The golden Fa Array turned into a chaotic white.

The next moment, in the midst of the Fa Formation, a terrifying breath emanated out, and a white arm slowly appeared.

Alsaris drew his sword directly.

Beunita was startled: “Don’t attack! ”

That arm, suddenly extended, touched Lancelot’s face directly.

All the cold sweat came down, and a huge butterfly wing, covering the sky like the sun.

In an instant, the shadow covered the royal city.

And all of them couldn’t even move.

Lancelot came down in a cold sweat and summoned something incredible!

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