Everyone was sweating, this terrible breath, good and evil, incomparably powerful!

Lancelot felt the coldness of these hands.

The huge wings covered the heavens and the earth in an instant, but they disappeared in an instant.

With it, a woman full of mature charm.

Extremely delicate, delicate, tender and dripping, plump and proud, her long hair covered her body.

Eyes fell on Lancelot, and he withdrew his hand, but the man was already in front of Lancelot.

She reached out and licked her fingers, as if tasting Lancelot.

She spoke a few words, but no one understood.

Lancelot’s eyes widened.

[Madame Butterfly: The supreme queen from the ancient Styx, powerful ancestor creature]

【The King of the Dream Witches who goes hand in hand with the Dream Spider】

[Good at spiritual spells, conduction spells, able to weave dreams, control the spiritual world]

[Has the most powerful spiritual power of all living things]

【Talent: Queen of Weaving Dreams, Weaving Dreams】

[Talent: Spirit Lord, the most powerful owner of the spiritual realm, has opened up his own spiritual space]

【Talent: Immortal Dream, Dream of Weaving Butterfly, Eternal Immortality】

[Skill: Total Dream, once launched, will cover all areas within the Weaving Dream Queen’s spiritual ability]

[Skills: Dream Creation, Dream Queen’s powerful spiritual power, birth of the self-realm, spiritual space]

[Even leading to the superposition of illusion and reality without affecting independence, can weave everything in the dream and in space]

[System Tip: The Queen of Dreams is restricted by the rules of the world and allows the use of power, but cannot be used for attacks]

[And Madame Butterfly is an ancient god species, comparable to the existence of ancient gods, but as a member of demons]

[She does not have full human characteristics, will be regarded as a monster, please choose to stay as appropriate]

[The system detected that the Queen of Dreams was affected by the summoned power and woke up, and was inspired]

【Major main line mission released, choose whether to take in the Queen of Dreams】

[The choice will affect the future world process and affect the world’s nerve line]

[Receiving Inspiration: Yes/No?] 】

“Accept, will she listen to me?”

Lancelot was not stupid, and he felt a strong sense of crisis from the words of the system.

Ancient god species? Are you kidding?

It’s really a terrible thing, this thing has the appearance of a demon, under the long hair, with a pair of wings.

On the white skin, with a unique, kind of crystal luster, and, on his forehead…

Non-human features are obvious!

She sensed the power of the powerful summoning, and was called to come, not to be called.

This shows that she has the possibility of using herself to get out of trouble!

Lancelot had to ask.

The system was silent for a moment: “I can send her back and I can guarantee her loyalty, but you can’t control her freedom, host, this is a dangerous choice, please be careful.” ”

Lancelot breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the Queen of Dreams was a little impatient, and she spoke several times in a row, and no one could understand what she was saying.

Lancelot’s fingers suddenly condensed into a cloud of light, smiled and caressed her face, and then the light lit up on the queen’s brow.

“Okay, you can understand and learn how to speak the language here.”

Weaving Dream Butterfly slowly spoke, “Are you summoning a concubine?” ”

Lancelot smiled and nodded, “Welcome, Madame Butterfly, it is my pleasure to see you. ”

Beunita broke into a cold sweat as she tried to break free of the powerful shackles, but the other party suppressed her strength to death.

The power of this chaos is too powerful.

Alsaris and Sylvana were unable to move a single bit.

“However, robbing someone else of a place to summon is not something you should do as a person.”

This beautiful cheek slowly lifted up, and she held Lancelot’s cheek: “Are you teaching the concubine?” ”

Lancelot shrugged, “No, I’m just wondering if I want to send you back home!” ”


Madame Butterfly woke up from her ancient long sleep, and it was hard to have such an opportunity, how could she go back.

“I advise you not to act rashly, madame, and if you are going to kill us, believe me, it will be you who will die.”

Seeing the thin thread in her palm, Lancelot raised his hand in an instant.

The system helped him, and the divine light of destruction, before she was fully summoned, was enough to obliterate her.

“The contract is not fully completed, ma’am, and I would prefer you to go back to sleep.”

Madame Butterfly frowned, but she stared at Lancelot for a moment before she said, “You are very pure, you are not lying, you can obliterate an ancient god like me with a mortal body, I am the oldest demon, can you tell me, why?” ”

Lancelot raised his hand, and the powder on the face door was immediately burned by the system divine light: “I am not the first time to kill the gods, the ancient gods are nothing remarkable, as long as they can be killed, there is no difference between them and ants, pigs and dogs, and people, so don’t try to spy on my spiritual world anymore, even if you let you see, you don’t dare, you will die!” ”

Lancelot put it up hard.

With the support of the system, to be honest, he wants this super hero.

The guy who can intercept the summons, the oldest demons, the ancient god-like beings, and her powerful anti-heaven talents.

If you get it, you will be invincible in the world, why not.

But before accepting her, Lancelot must stabilize her.

These ancient creatures are the ones who most abide by the spirit of the contract.

Madame Butterfly tilted her head.

“Why, you don’t lie?”

Lancelot sneered, “Lying in front of you? ”

He shook his head: “Forget it, your ability, who can lie in front of you, madam, want to stay okay, I need your absolute loyalty to me, and, just and equal contracts, as well, follow the laws and rules I have made!” ”

“Why, why didn’t I kill you?”

Lancelot waved his hand: “Before you kill me, you will come from where you will go, you will not be able to kill me, and you promise to serve me, you will be free, I don’t think you want to return to the darkness and never sleep, I can’t guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that from now on you will eat and drink well, not boring, absolutely exciting and fun.” ”

“Are you confessing to your concubine?”

Lancelot suddenly smiled, “That’s my honor, but it’s not.” ”

“That’s a shame.”

“Tell me about the contract.”

“Quite simply, first, do as I say, of course, won’t let you do too much; Second, absolute loyalty to me must not harm anyone I shelter, otherwise, the contract will be enforced and you will be killed; Third, do as I say! ”

Madame Butterfly thought for a moment: “First, the contract is not impossible; Second, freedom may not be restricted; Third, make me happy, if you are bored, the contract will not bind me. ”

Lancelot frowned slightly: “The second one is not OK, but it can be modified, within my territory, to give you freedom, if in the future can determine your security, can give you greater freedom, I do not trust you, nor do I trust you.” ”

“That doesn’t seem to be something to talk about.”

“Then where you come from and where you go!”

Madame Butterfly’s terrifying spiritual power can destroy everyone’s brain in an instant, but at the moment when she releases the spiritual impact, she finds herself sealed by an invisible layer of divine power.

Lancelot raised his hand: “Don’t talk about credit, self-righteous, you creature, it’s better to kill, and it is also a scourge to stay!” ”

Lancelot directly drew the sword of the oath, killing the gods when they met them, and slashing them when they met the devil!

“I think we can talk!”

However, Lancelot’s sword did not hesitate to cut down: “I gave you a chance, but you are arrogant and do not know how to cherish, I hate you such a guy!” ”

“I can bring you the whole world!”

“Yes, huh, but you will lie, you will betray you, and from the moment you intend to attack, you will have no credibility in my place.”

With a muffled grunt, Madame Butterfly’s trapped body barely raised her arm.

However, Lancelot’s sword of oath cut off her white arm: “Look down on mankind, look down on my price, is your death!” ”

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