This sword directly removed one of Madame Butterfly’s arms.

The Queen of Dreams, at this moment, as the oldest demon, finds herself powerless.

This invisible divine force oppressed her, sealing almost all of her magic and power.

She wasn’t afraid of the pain, but could she cut off one of her divine arms at once, and still not fly the ashes?

Or even a powerful human being who can seal her power?

Is this true?

From the very beginning, her spiritual power had already covered the people here.

But only this young human being, unlimited, even allowed her to learn their language in an instant!

“More than once!”

Madame Butterfly lowered her posture as much as possible.

Lancelot, however, did not hesitate to remove her other arm.

“I said that what you have done can no longer be trusted by me.”

He raised the sword of the oath, and it seemed that the words left by the predecessor were not unreasonable.

These damn gods or demons have no credibility at all, and they don’t take people seriously.

Very good, then go and die, no matter how strong you are, Lao Tzu don’t!

Yard, waste me a heroic summoning stone, has not been willing to use ah.

I cut you!

Lancelot’s bones are also powerful.

As the queen of the Dream Weaver family, Madame Butterfly’s spiritual power is unparalleled in the world.

True or false, it can be said that it can be seen through at a glance.

She began to hold this human being just to play a little clever trick, forcing her to obey.

But this human teenager didn’t have any hesitation in his eyes.

Even full of non-writing and disgust, although there was a moment of reluctance.

But he raised the butcher’s knife without hesitation, he really wanted to kill himself!

Madame Butterfly’s body, trapped by the divine power of the system, suddenly took a step forward in a strange posture, and then knelt down on one knee.

“I need an opportunity, a contract, a master-slave contract.”

Lancelot shook his head: “No, you are too strong, you can violate the spirit of the contract, and even break through the shackles of the contract, it is better for you to go to sleep forever.” ”

Madame Butterfly had been around for millions of years, and she suddenly found herself doing the stupidest thing of her life.

Every time she deals with humans, she doesn’t get any benefits.

Either sealed, or sealed.

She had had enough of a never-ending dream.

Unexpectedly, looking at the weakest human teenager, she was more ferocious than all the human races she had encountered.

“No, I give you my heart, that’s my core, and with it you can make me die at any time, and the Lord-slave contract is absolute, and you can still let me die even if you don’t hold my heart.”

Lancelot sneered, “Your spiritual power is unparalleled in the world, I don’t trust you, it is easy for you to devour me, as long as you want, my spiritual world will probably be at your mercy.” ”

Lancelot aimed his sword at her heart, “Thank you for reminding me that it seems that if you cut off your head, you won’t die.” ”

Just when Lancelot wanted to pierce the Sword of Oath through her chest.

Madame Butterfly’s words suddenly plunged the atmosphere into a dead silence.

“Then I can marry you, according to the iron law of chaos, with a person who is not separated from each other, choose a city that will never be betrayed, I will marry you, and at the same time sign a master-servant contract, so that you can lock your heart and call me, whether it is to warm the bed or have children, to fight or create wealth, as long as you say a word, let me die, I will also be righteous.” 」

Lancelot shook his hand and looked at her in amazement.

What the hell is this?

The Iron Law of Chaos? What the hell is that?

Lancelot looked at the fiery and seductive Queen of Dreams, and her throat subconsciously rolled a little.

This proposal… Seems good?

But Lancelot hadn’t said anything yet.

Beunita, who was shocked by the momentum, suddenly swallowed the holy light and directly exploded: “No, absolutely not!” ”

Beunita suddenly hugged Lancelot’s hand: “Lancelot, you, you won’t be moved!” ”

Lancelot was startled and subconsciously shook his head: “No, no, no, how, how, how is it possible, absolutely not, the heart or something, there is no such thing…”

Beunita was really terrified, and she didn’t want to share Lancelot with anyone else.

“Then you absolutely can’t promise her, she is a demon, a demon, not a human, interracial love, there will be no good results.” 」

“What does this have to do with love?”

Beunita was a little disobedient: “No, no is no, absolutely not, I don’t care, you can’t promise her.” ”

She felt that her position and future had been provoked.

However, Madame Butterfly suddenly spoke again: “I can be a concubine.” ”

Béunita was stunned.

She hesitated for a moment.

Because this Imperial Lady has a grand talent for the Imperial Blueprint.

The Queen of Dreams, this is a super powerful being, if she can become the power of Lord Lancelot…

Alsaris suddenly said, “I suggest staying, Lord Lancelot will become the greatest king, in the ancient Eastern Kingdom, the body of the emperor, the harem beauty of three thousand, Lord Lancelot to inherit the incense, it is inevitable that the wives and concubines will be herd.” ”

Sylvana frowned, “Such a powerful woman, if she can’t use it for herself, should indeed be ruled out, but Lancelot, you have to think about it, she is a monster!” ”

With the help of the system, the crowd felt the pressure reduced and expressed their opinions.

Basically, all in favor of leaving this powerful female creature behind.

Beunita hesitated, but shook her head: “No! ”

However, at this moment, Madame Butterfly wandered the system for a moment, only a thousandth of a second.

Holding Lancelot, he disappeared under the horrified eyes of the crowd.

By the time the system reacted, in the spirit world of the Queen of Dreams, she had kissed Lancelot.

The system was a little annoyed, and a layer of violent divine light directly flew the Dream Queen out.

Suddenly, a mouthful of golden blood spurted out of her mouth.

Lancelot looked at her annoyedly, “Trust you, I’m so naïve!” ”

The sword of the oath was instantly sheathed, and he slashed it directly.

However, the next moment, Lancelot was stunned, and the sword blade was directly deflected, naturally, deflected…

The Queen of Weaving Dreams smiled: “Cruel man, you can rest assured, I didn’t think of killing you, this is the Eros curse, for the rest of your life, you won’t kill me, I won’t kill you, the spell is absolute, I won.” ”

As she spoke, the beautiful, cicada-winged skirt on her body fluttered in the breeze.

Lancelot was uncontrollably, his heart beating fiercely.

He didn’t know why, looking at this ancient creature from a foreign race, he suddenly felt admiration.

It seems to be hundreds of times in the previous life.

The system seems a little annoyed.

[Host, you hold on, don’t turn into salted dried fish]

Lancelot had been lost in the Queen’s spiritual realm.

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