
Errose Block!

Both daughters nodded in doubt.

There was some anticipation.

No matter what kind of creature, in the face of the unknown, it is always full of all kinds of expectations.

After they saw the game introduction, they immediately understood.

Then start following the newbie tips.

It’s simple and not challenging, but it’s fun.

It’s even a little bit of a nostalgia.

After playing for a while, I thought it was good.

This was just Lancelot’s original idea.

Only in the realm world can it be done.

However, to make a real mobile phone, WeChat QQ, various games, it takes a complete set of processes.

Even coding technology.

In this magical world.

In this world that the Queen of Dreams enjoys alone, as a master, she can therefore plan this world.

Lancelot was excited.

The Queen of Dreams can project her realm world into the real world.

What she had now was a huge treasure mountain.

She made the world full of chaos.

In addition to her bedroom is still gorgeous, the outside world is pure nature, empty.

Endless is loneliness.

This Dream Weaving Queen, as a Chaos God Clock, the spiritual world is really empty and incredible.

“It’s only useful in my world, and the real world is really a bit difficult, do you have any better ideas?”

Lancelot nodded.

“I have the will of the king of the magic path, my understanding and comprehension of magic, in the acres and thirds of the land of Haagen-Dazs, I am afraid that it is comparable, there are only a few, I intend to develop several sets of coding, develop several tools, and cultivate a group of talents according to your ability characteristics.”

The two daughters are all proud of heaven.

However, in the face of these new words, it also feels like a brain pain.

“What is … Encode? ”

This tool and people can understand, but coding is a headache.

Lancelot smiled, “It’s very understandable, there is a saying in the ancient East, called one law tong, ten thousand law tong, so there is a saying that ten thousand laws return to the sect, I will give you an example, you will understand.” ”

Lancelot pulled out a few phones out of thin air, and with a wave of his hand, a huge sandbox appeared out of thin air.

He put the mobile phone device in a different position.

A little finger, several magic cursors appeared.

These are called walkie-talkies.

For example, now, Emerald Forever Expedition Camp, Sand Lizard Empire, New Sea City, Emerald Emerald, several major cities.

Each city, as a fixed signal source.

Every phone is a magic line.

We have to talk to people in other cities, and we can do that through Anaya’s field coverage.

Once his world projection is covered, it will be enveloped by her powerful magnetic field, enabling communication within the field.

However, Anaya has limited energy alone, and you can’t pay attention to the call every day.

At this time, we need a transit station.

Lancelot placed a signal tower in the center of the sand table.

Signal towers were then placed in several cities.

He used magic to connect these towers.

Simulated a magic circuit.

The two women are both proficient in magic, and even experts in magic, and they naturally understand it at a glance.

Beunita was impressed: “The middle of this transit station is to accept the storage of communication information, and then according to the source of the information, the feedback of the magic circuit, each loop, is a call line?” ”

Even Anaya admired it.

Lancelot nodded, “Yes, but not perfectly, I’m just giving you a preliminary theory, which requires a transit station to accept the information, the server to store the information, and then the circuit to operate, like a powerful and complex magic circle.” ”

He smiled: “This is coding, now our communication device is only the assumption stage, but with the snared coding tool, we can make every communication circuit without error, one more person, just add a circuit, whether it is to develop communication devices, or develop games, use the corresponding coding tools, the difficulty will be reduced, saving large-scale time, not to mention, Annaya’s field world, the proportion of time flow is very low, stay in his world for a year, outside is only a few minutes.” ”

Beunita was suddenly excited: “So what are you waiting for, let’s just do it?” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Of course, but we’re afraid we’ll still have trouble before that.” ”

“Huh? You mean, Sands Empire? ”

Lancelot muttered, “Yeah, they have me, and if they don’t teach them a lesson, it’s hard to understand the hatred in my heart.” ”

Anaya was very serious: “Someone bullied you? ”


“I helped you kill them?”

Lancelot shook his head: “The key is not to kill, but…”

Lancelot smiled: “Now with you, it doesn’t hurt me to walk sideways, but that is not interesting, my original plan was to be able to enjoy a pleasant life every day, but now, in the past year, I have been running, not in the war, or on the road to war, not in the way to make money, or on the way to make money, now with you, I can slowly arrange to enjoy life, occasionally fight and adjust.” ”

“Okay, let’s get started, I can’t wait for those surprises.”

Her five-thousand-year pact with Lancelot, which Lancelot agreed to because the system had given him the task.

Because that agreement is fairly recognized by the system.

That is to say, in the next five thousand years, Anaya will not be afraid of him, let alone have a baby.

Anaya was impressed by the beauty of the emerald emerald, the entertainment and the food here.

I was also impressed by the luxurious and relaxed life here.

It only took her an afternoon to become obsessed with Emerald.

Every day there is no repetition of food, endless novels, and the laughter of all races without discrimination or prejudice.

Endless chess, endless balls, unfinished mahjong.

It’s okay to ride a bike.

Shampoo, shower gel, soap, hot springs, rain, baths, oh my God, a wonderland on earth!

Is there anything more fun than this?

Lancelot certainly didn’t lie to her, mixed with him, and wouldn’t be bored.

Anaya regretted it a little, maybe the position of queen should be contested!

Bonarotti remained calm about the matter.

According to her idea, as long as she did not compete for the position of empress, it would not matter.

Moreover, the ability is very fun.

But in private, she was still sad.

Xiao Bei, who first followed Lan Suorot, and she could not have intimate contact with Lancelot.

But it was given a quick step by an ancient species, saying that it was not uncomfortable, it was really deceitful.

Seven days later, the trial run of the magic line was laid.

One leads to Caogu Town, one to the expedition camp, one to the Sand Lizard Empire, and one to Xinhai City.

Emerald is the server and transit station of the entire magic communication circuit.

Anaya is a genius, and in order to facilitate the control of the realm world, she simply connects these forces with the Endless Sand Sea.

All copied in the realm world.

“Give me a gift?”

After the hug, Leliana was very happy.

Lancelot nodded, “Yes, Aunt Celeanna, I have brought you a surprise, and in the future, if you want, you will be able to see me every day.” ”

“Really fake?”

“Of course it’s true, aunt, you see, it’s called a cell phone!”

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