Lancelot handed a phone to Realana.


Blally Anna was a little unconvinced.

“The workmanship is not bad, is it really as god as you say, better than the Mandarin duck bird?”

Lancelot skimmed his lips: “My good aunt, this thing, now the whole of Häagen-Dazs, some people no more than fifteen, are my cronies.” ”

Realanna narrowed her smile: “I’m joking with you, you stupid child, still serious, aunt is too late to be happy, how can you doubt the gift you sent, just like when you were a child, stupid.” ”

Lancelot was a little embarrassed to be said.

This trip both Betsunita and Anaya followed.

Now Beyonta was eager to follow Lancelot all the time.

Since being taken the lead by Annaya, she has been missing in her heart.

“Who are these two beauties?”

Loriana was surprised that Lancelot had brought a woman to see her?

“Oh, they are…”

Lancelot was stunned.

Looking at the brushing eyes of several women, the curiosity of the aunt, the smirks of Beunita and Anaya.

Lancelot had a tingling in his scalp.

The atmosphere suddenly became eerie.

He didn’t speak, much to the disappointment of Beyonita and Anaya.

Although it didn’t show it, the atmosphere and the look in his eyes were enough to say anything.

Beunita tried to keep a smile on, “We are…”

She began to explain that after all, she didn’t want Lancelot to be ugly, and she didn’t want him to be difficult.

Lancelot sighed in his heart.

I’m not as brave as a woman.

“Aunt, I haven’t introduced it yet, Beyonita, Anaya, my confidant.”

Leliana was shocked: “You, your woman? ”

Lancelot nodded seriously, “No, aunt?” ”

People are not afraid, I am afraid of something.

Besides, Anaya has one in her belly, what else are she afraid of, what kind of garlic?

“No, no, you boy…”

Loriana seriously cushioned Lancelot: “There is ability! ”

She quickly took the second daughter’s hand like an elder, and began to greet the warmth again.

At this point, the attitude is a great change of one hundred and eighty degrees.

Intimate is too much.

After dinner, Leliana had learned to call and play with Tianxin.

But it seems that his contacts are currently only three, Lancelot, Beyonita, and Anaya.

Moreover, Lancelot invited to join the group.

The Canary Lady joins the group.

Lancelot, the leader of the group: Children, come out to meet the guests, beautiful Blyana, my aunt, eighteen, not out of the cabinet.

Frost of Sorrow (Alzaris): Good aunt.

Fire Happiness (Xiao Zhu Rong): Hello aunt.

Virgin of Light (Beyonita): Hello aunt.

Queen of Styx (Anaya): Hello aunt.

Artistic Gem (Bonarotti): Good aunt.

Rose Sword Lord (Rayniville): Good aunt.

Blaster Arrow (Sylvana): Hello aunt.

Griffin Knight (Claude): Hello aunt.

Skull (St. John): Hello aunt.

Diamond King Old Five (Samoyed): Hello aunt.

Desert Bandit (Dolnigun), One Arrow Cold Nineteen Continents (Yang Yuji), Lizard Wizard (Sharap Puzan).

Kanban Lady, Bug Master (Katyusha)…

Old Stick (Amor): Welcome, beautiful lady.

Magic Seal Expert (Adolf): Xiaolan, your aunt 18, isn’t the old man still a child?

The magic seal expert was banned for five minutes.

Joy of Fire: You have destroyed the formation, bad old man.

Watt House Anna: The aunt is a man or a woman, and the newspaper is three rounds?

Wawu Anna was silenced for a minute.

Mermaid Princess: Hello aunt, I’m Harry Siren, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Fire Pleasure: Another one to destroy the formation, no, Xiaolan, give me permission, I will drown this mermaid.

One Arrow of Light Cold Nineteen Continents: How Did the Sea Clan Drown?

Mermaid Princess: Scared of expressions.

Skull: Interested in considering the Bone Army, the revolution needs a foreign partner like you.

Kanban Lady: The union has a new task, interested in opening groups, with the adventurer nameplate, free coffee and fruit every day.

Enough tube, no packaging.

Stone Spirit Patriarch: Explosive photos, no picture and no truth.

Then everyone began to spit wildly, brush their expressions, and have fun one by one to fly.

Lancelot was shocked, this hand speed, like just playing Tianxin?

Leliana was shocked to herself: “Oh my God, little Lancelot, who are these people?” ”

Lancelot smiled, “All are my friends, my subordinates, my right-hand men, my helpers.” ”

“Me, I can, really, talk to them?”

“Didn’t you teach you how to play?”

Leliana was a little agitated and quickly typed a few words.

Canary Lady: Hello everyone, I’m Xiaolan’s aunt.

Instant brush screen: aunt is good.

Leliana’s face turned red with excitement.

She hesitated, a little embarrassed.

Canary Lady: That tile house Anna, sorry, aunt refers to women, my three-dimensional is 101, 59, 92.

Don’t tell anyone.

Anna Wawu: …

Vawuanna: Auntie, you can rest assured, I will not tell others, and you can rest assured, in the future, if you have Yang Guo, I will not tell Yang Guo, who dares to leak secrets, I will beat whom.

Below is a large piece of ellipsis.

Lancelot had a black line in his head.


Leliana reacted at once, and suddenly the whole person was not good.

“Little Little, little Lancelot, me, me, what should I do?”

Lancelot was a little discouraged: “What you said, the withdrawal is also a cover for the bell, I said aunt, you can have a little more heart next time.” ”

Blally Anna shamefully looked at herself: “Me, didn’t I just play!” ”

In the end, she quickly shifted the subject: “Little Lancelot, thank you for opening your aunt’s eyes, but you can’t indulge in these small things, now your situation is very dangerous, although some have dragged the footsteps of the Sands Empire, but now, the document has been signed, if there is no accident, the ‘tourists’ and adventurers locked up on the desert border have begun to want to enter the desert with their fists open, at the latest seven days, this time, there will be no more accidents, you will fall into a very difficult situation.” ”

Lancelot nodded, “I know, thank you aunt.” ”

“Also, the Star Moon Empire is very grateful to you and wants to meet you, but I’m afraid it’s hard at the moment, you have to be careful of Ranhart, who is now spreading rumors everywhere, and even indiscriminately biting, saying that the Star Moon Empire secretly supports you…”

Lancelot looked down and thought, “Auntie, when you are ready, tell me the cause of my mother’s death, and also, last time you said about the magic guide, Lanehart’s magic guide is from the dwarf tribe?” ”

Lyliana nodded, “Well, the dwarves. ”

Lancelot suddenly sneered, it seemed, and went back to play with the demons and knocked on his door.

“Aunt, feel free to contact WeChat, I need to rush back as soon as possible and make some preparations, this time, I will leave you a group of people and help me arrange them to the most appropriate, most prosperous, and most intensive place in the Sand Lizard Empire, and I need them to open a shop!”

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