The Canary Lady is a man who has come here to make a fortune in business.

Of course, it was immediately clear why Lancelot was doing this.

“Okay, I get it.”

“Tyler Corzin, your examination period has not yet passed, but I choose to detail you, this side of things, discuss with my aunt, I will keep an eye on you all the time.”

Taylor Corzin’s scalp exploded: “Obey the order, I will definitely do well.” ”

The trust in him comes from the assessment of the system.

After repeated evolution, the system can judge loyalty or not.

And, now he has Anaya, the Queen of Dreams.

Wherever the King’s realm covered, nothing could escape her eyes.

“Gather the information about Rankhart and the magic guide to me as soon as possible, oh yes, aunt, be sure to talk to me privately, don’t say it in the group…”

Realanna was a little embarrassed.

“I’m your aunt, and I’m not stupid…”

Lancelot’s decision was not a brain heat.

The movement of the Golden Sands Empire could not rely on his aunt all the time, that would be too passive.

He wants to prop up his own forces, true cronies, confidants, to infiltrate the Sands Empire.

Open a chain company, for example, a chain of hotels, taverns.

Emerald Transportation Company, monopoly of the transportation industry!

Little by little, the royal rule is dismantled from the bottom!

Let their lives be inseparable from Emerald.

These are all great ways to gather intelligence and people’s hearts.

Moreover, once the business is done, it will attract all kinds of nobles.

They’re just a bunch of foul-smelling flies!

Of course there are good people, but most of them are foul-smelling flies.

They’ll come to the door.

At that time, Lancelot could quietly install his own people in it.

Even enter the side of the Lord of the Golden Sands, Ranhart’s side.

Doesn’t everything look good?

Lancelot was not hard-hearted, and if Daddy had cared about his thoughts and feelings, he wouldn’t have done that.

Oh, he thought he was dead, then it looked good.

Emerald will make all of you surrender, from all fields!

Lancelot returned to Emerald, and the new sea city was functioning normally, becoming the most beautiful landscape.

The Stone Spirit Clan, as the power of the Mobius Mountains, was the first to defect.

Lancelot opened a special homestead for them in the new town and settled them.

The Stone Spirit Clan is naturally close to the vein, and their favorite is also the vein.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the reason why they are scarce is because the body of each stone spirit clan will be crystallized and shed once a month.

It’s like a snake’s molting.

This crystal, generally the size of an egg.

Moreover, the physique of each stone spirit clan is different, and the attributes of the crystals that fall off are also different.

But they are all good magic crystals.

For mages and alchemists, they are art-like beings.

They all want to raise one, or even hunt one, and they are not safe, so Lancelot is their best shield.

Except for Zaklama, the entire Mobisio Mountains power, only Hugo Cecil alone owns a mobile phone.

This brought a huge shock to several other bosses.

Lancelot had just returned, and the other three patriarchs were already waiting there.

“Sit down and get straight to the point.”

“Elma, come on.”

Hussein decided to give the right to speak to the beautiful women, after all, the beauty of the elves is unparalleled in the world, and human beings like the beauty of the elves.

“We are descendants of the Mobisou Mountains, not the Aborigines, our ancestors, who left a treasure trove in the Mobisvu Mountains, and we want to offer him to you.”

Lancelot shook his head: “What the old ancestors left you, I can’t take advantage of others, and I am not a tyrant.” ”

Irma quickly shook her head, “No, you are the best person for it, King Lancelot, Demon Crystal Vein!” ”

Lancelot was stunned: “Magic Crystal Vein? ”

Irma nodded, “Yes, we call it the Crystal of the Gods, and in your case, it seems to be called the Magic Crystal Mine.” ”

Hussein took out a small piece of magic crystal, an Adventurer Medal, and a mission contract.

Lancelot suddenly understood.


Everyone shook their heads at the same time, and Irma sighed: “We didn’t do this for the purpose, after the last time, many people figured it out, many people turned a blind eye, but some people are willing to pursue a better life, but this follow-up offering has no connection.” ”

Lancelot smiled, “Very well, the matter of the Hengduan Mountains, I already have a solution, I will solve the problems for those creatures in the gap in the Hengduan Mountains, and near the Sea of Innocence, and even the Holy Light Circulation Formation, as for you, Emerald is always welcome to defect, but still have to go through the investigation, register the book, I don’t care if I want to come, allow you to come over to propose, study, register adventurers, or seek job opportunities, but the rules of coming here, you all know, the supreme faith, absolute loyalty, I only need these two things, I can do it, even if the gods and Buddhas of the heavens want to hurt my people, I will pull him off the altar, above! ”

Hussein laughed, “You’re so bold.” ”

A month later, Emerald ushered in another expansion, and this time, around the new sea city, the iron furnace fort, the green forest, the gold mine city, three huge cities, rising from the ground.

Dwarves, who were good at forging, took over Emerald’s heavy industry, contracting weapons forging, armor building, glass production, rock processing, and so on.

Hussein led 20,000 dwarves to the Iron Furnace Fort, and all of them passed the test and obtained Emerald Resident Identity Card.

Enjoy all the treatment of the emerald people.

Green Forest…

It can be said that it is an ingenious work.

Beyouneta came up with a blueprint, Bonarotti improved the design, and sisters Sylvana and Valukhana participated.

Lancelot gave the proposal, and Guncre personally supervised the construction.

Trees are lined with trees, flowers bloom, bees and butterflies surround, flowers and fruits are fragrant, small bridges are flowing water, and elegant homes are everywhere.

Sister Sylvana was immediately touched and attracted by this place.

Irma was even more stunned, saying that she would just do it, and in just a few days, she had built such a great city.

The elves who came with them were all shocked.

They were watching him rise from the sky, it was a miracle.

As for Pankini, the little fellow, a little frightened, cautious and meticulous, even offered Lancelot a gift of respect and sincerity.

Lancelot was stunned.

Because this guy actually gave a big gift.

Pankini led his team of cronies to develop a new gift as a tribute to King Lancelot’s loyalty.

Goblin airships!

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