It is said to be a second-generation goblin airship modified by his team, flying at an altitude of up to five kilometers, but flying distances, which can only last for a maximum of 500 kilometers.

The speed is only about 100 kilometers per hour.

For this era, it is already the most cutting-edge black technology.

Pankini is proud.

Since he began to succeed to the position of patriarch, it can be said that he has worked hard.

It not only changed the living habits of the Goblin family in the Mobiswu Mountains, but also gradually established a new atmosphere.

Although the mouth owes treachery, it is still there.

However, some goblins with a new look were also born.

Lancelot was shocked when he learned of the magic crystal vein.

The original crosser predecessor was also a man of love.

Several later races in the Mobiswu Mountains were clearly guarding the Magic Crystal Mine.

That shows that he was blessed by the existence of the predecessor.

On this basis alone, Lancelot could not let it go.

The Hengduan Mountains could not stop the pollution of the Demon Qi.

So he led Beyonita to design a set of circular holy light arrays himself.

But it continued to spread like breathing.

The Holy Light will constantly purify the demonic qi.

Whether the pollution of the Sea of Innocence could be solved, he didn’t know, but once it became a Demon Sea, it would breed countless demons.

Lancelot would not allow such a thing to happen.


“Mediana, I’m glad you’re alive.”

“You’re the devil compared to us, aren’t you?”

Lancelot shrugged, “No, I haven’t done anything to hurt nature, of course, if I trample on small ants and flowers and grass microorganisms, I didn’t say it.” ”

Mediana looked across at the cage of holy light.

There is a fellow human being who is not a person, a ghost who is not a ghost.

Of course he knew, it was the Viscount of the Great Demon.

The youngest son of the bitter cold demon Grand Duke Ameymon, Amecca!

He was even more miserable than himself, almost having a nervous breakdown, curled up there, not even daring to say a word to him.

Every time I saw Beunita, I was even more frightened and trembling.

Because Beyonta used a powerful Holy Light spell to seal off his six consciousnesses.

To be precise, this Divine Light spell will continue to circulate in him, and the six consciousnesses will always show a super vicious circle of loss, recovery, loss, recovery.

Moreover, the Holy Light left a mark on him.

A purification spell that stabs the nerves of the demon endings…

How fierce it is, how much hatred the devil can do this.

The scariest thing is that the woman didn’t just do it, she enjoyed it.

She doesn’t ask you or talk to you, she just tortures you and ignores you.

But her hostility is endless.

Her hatred is with a deep vengeance in the sea of blood!

She doesn’t need nonsense, she doesn’t need to say much, all she wants is torture and anger.

She is proficient in all the means of targeting demons and will not even have any conversation with you.

All your careful thinking, your little calculations, and your vicious plans are all indifference.

He knew that next, it was his turn.

The son of the Grand Duke, one of the most powerful demons, was tortured so painfully, to speak.

He…… Why was he caught?

This lovely male demon will probably never know or understand.

Thirty times, twenty times, ten times the Holy Light spells of Lancelot are compressed together.

Then launch an attack, not to mention the Demon Grand Duke, even if the Demon King leader comes.

You also have to weigh and weigh, and the front is hard to carry more than ten times the Holy Light spell, that is a joke.

“Your Excellency, I have figured it out, I swear by the blood curse, I am willing to sign the slave contract, I am willing to be loyal to King Lancelot, give me this opportunity, I will never let you down, after all, I also want to live.” 」

Ahmeda’s sluggish eyes finally had a radiance: “I, too, am willing to be loyal to King Lancelot, never betray me, don’t torture me!” ”

Beunita changed into a relaxed outfit.

Still not speaking, inside her tray, there were several syringes.

Inside was a very high concentration of Divine Light Element.

Looking at the needle tube, Mediana and Ameca cold sweat brush down the brush.

Ameca has tried small doses of syringe injections.

It was better to live than to die.

A powerful demon like him wanted to die, and if he were to change into a low-level demon, he would undoubtedly die.

Such a thick needle tube…

Who can stand this?

Once injected into the body, it must be impossible to survive and not to die.

But she didn’t say a word.

Amega is going crazy.

All harsh words have been spared, all threats have been said, and the temptations and encouragements that demons are good at have no effect.

He can only be tortured passively.

This woman, absolutely crazy, sadist!

“From the moment you tortured the Terrans, you should have thought about the day you were tortured!”

I haven’t killed anyone…

This kind of is a self-defeating rumor.

No one would believe it, and besides, they had all killed humans.

Moreover, basically most demons take pleasure in torturing weak humans.

Can’t refute it, but she speaks!

It had been many days, and she had finally spoken.

Amega lowered his noble head, “I am the son of the Demon Grand Duke, and I am of noble Demon blood, and I don’t want any of this!” ”

He knelt down directly: “I beg you, since you have spoken, it is time to give me an answer, you… Accept my surrender, please, or simply kill me, kill me! ”

Beunita hummed pop songs and put on her headphones.

The mood is very good, debugging the potion, and the body sways rhythmically.

Anaya’s appearance made her very unhappy, and she was preemptively intercepted by Hulanslot.

But she can’t beat it, the key is that she can’t do it!

This is the most annoying, negative emotions need to be vented.

So, Beyonta happily played with these demons.

The other two had already been injected and vanished.

These two…

Well, high-ranking demons, more patient.

The injection spewed out a golden bead of water.

The scalps of Mediana and Yamecca exploded at the same time.

This sin, none of them want to suffer.

The son of the Grand Duke of the Great Demon, a high-ranking demon, was caught by dozens of times the holy light only because of his stupidity and negligence.

He thought he could get out of here, but he didn’t expect that his first battle would be hell.

His first chapter is about to become the final chapter.

Sitting in the cage, his tears fell: “At least, give me a hard time, you are not human, aren’t people all kind and deceitful, aren’t people weak, but you are violating humanitarianism, you are killing!” ”

Mediana also sat there in a decadent manner: “Don’t bother talking, Prince of Amecca, this woman, the hatred of demons can no longer be resolved, she is afraid that she wants us to survive and not to die…”

“I don’t want to die, Duke of Meridiana, save me.”

Who’s going to save me?

Mediana smiled bitterly, thinking all her life that one day, he would be locked in a cage like a canary.

Beunita adjusted the injection, looked at this, looked at that, and finally spat out her tongue: “Just you, you haven’t tried it yet, see how resistant you are to the Holy Light!” ”

Majora was about to burst out, he smiled bitterly, and suddenly, glanced at Amecca: “I, I am not a demon…”

As he spoke, he reached out directly, broke his chest, and pulled out his heart: “I, the high-ranking demon, Medjana, offer my heart, ask for a slave contract, become a subordinate of King Lancelot, do the work of dogs and horses, ask the Holy Light Lady, purify my sins, let me get rid of the demon fetus, and become a man.” ”

Amega was stunned.

He opened his mouth, sighed, raised his dry hand, gritted his teeth, and pulled out his heart fiercely.

Beunita’s movement suddenly stopped.

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