The Tianxin group exploded at once, and everyone sought the truth one after another.

At present, only a very small number of core people’s phones have camera and video capabilities.

Leliana suddenly posted a short video.

Canary Lady: Shocked, the Golden Sands Palace was punished by heaven.

Video. .MP4.

The crowd clicked in to check it out.

Double-click 666 with a single swipe, and your thumb covers the entire screen.

From another tricky angle, Alsaris also uploaded a video.

The sorrow of frost: incompetence and obscurity, daytime promiscuity, vulgarity and shamelessness, and the stench of thousands of years.

Video. .MP4.

Queen Siren: Harry, close your eyes, it’s too early for you.

Anna of All Things: People are still children.

Rose Sword Lord: Such a despicable emperor, it’s time to kill his whole family.

Skull: But the Sword Lord Chick, my king Lancelot, is also from the Golden Sands.

Rose Sword Lord: Embarrassed expression, I…

St. John has always been a living treasure.

Skull: My king Lancelot is of course an exception, but you can kill him in another way, with a bad smile.

Rose Sword Lord: Huh?

Desert Bandit: Skull, you boy has a bad stomach.

One arrow of light cold nineteen continents: Comrade Lao Yue said it well, the sword lord sister can kill my king in another way, bad laugh!

Lord Rose Sword: What kind of ghost are you doing, I will not kill Lord Lancelot, you should not frame me.

Kanban Lady: As a woman, I suggest you accept their proposal, maybe King Lancelot likes it, and you love it.

Canary Lady: Girl, try, be sure to try, it has become, aunt to give you a big red envelope!

Rayniville was suddenly confused.

Rose Sword Lord: This, what to do?

Rinevier was blinded by everyone and was also lame.

Dolnigun: I suggest you let my king suffer from the strange size of his big breasts, suffocate him, choke him to death!

One arrow light cold nineteen continents: squeeze him dry!

Skull: Clamp him!



Mermaid Princess: What are you talking about, don’t understand, question mark face expression.

Watt House Anna: They are making a bad thing, that is, the peony flowers die and do ghosts!

For a time, the big masters in the group praised Wawu Anna one by one: “Anna sister is mighty!” ”

Siren Queen: It’s a serious group, don’t teach bad kids.

Joy of Fire: Xiaolan, find a large number of bad people who say bad things about you.

The administrator turned on the full silence for 3 seconds!

My king mighty!

My king mighty!

Three seconds of might.

The Golden Skeleton was renamed Three-Second Man.

Three seconds the man was banned by the administrator for 3 seconds.

Tianxinqun suddenly burst into a laughing expression on the screen.

St. John gave a circled expression.

Three-second man: Boss, I know wrong, I am saying, I am invincible now, three wonderful which is enough, three days and three nights!

Desert Bandit: Can you still use that job?

Three-second man: You roll, my friendship ends here, the next time we meet, draw the knife teenager!

The Desert Bandits uploaded a picture of showing love to the mermaid girl.

Three-second man: Old roll, your death date is tonight.

At the other end, bearded Hussein was smoking cigars, and Bonarotti and the others got off the airship.

“Ms. Leliana said this is the only safe area and it’s a walk from here.”

Bonarotti nodded, looked up at the majestic castle, and couldn’t help but smile.

“Those incognito skill books are sky-high, don’t waste them, and don’t live up to Lord Lancelot’s expectations.”

Hussein and Pankini sneered, “Rest assured, Lord Bonarotti, this little thing can’t be done, what face do we have left in Emerald.” ”

The two of them shook the space ring at the same time: “Make sure that he will not have ashes left when the time comes.” ”

Bonarotti glanced at his watch and nodded slightly, “You only have one hour!” ”


The two quickly rushed into the castle.

Halfway through, the man has disappeared.

Three days later!

The Golden Sands Empire began to become restless, and the mountain rain was coming.

Since Lancelot let them do it, naturally he would not regret it.

There is no turning back from the bow.

But I never expected that Beyunita played so big, and Bonarotti could be so fierce.

Gossip has gone unnoticed, whether it is rumors or gossip, but it has spread uncontrollably.

Myth 1: Rannhart privately studies magic guides.

Myth 2: Rankhart colludes with the Dwarves.

Myth 3: Rankhart plotted to overthrow the rule of the Sands Lord.

Myth 4: This attack on the Sands Empire was carried out by Ranhart!

Raninhart was suddenly on the cusp of the entire Sands Empire.

He certainly tried his best to refute this specious rumor, sending out a massive Order of Knights in disguise to hunt down the spreaders of the rumor.

This is undoubtedly a no-hold.

But this time, his iron fist fell short, and his calm turned into anxiety.

Because of the spreader of rumors, he couldn’t even catch the wind and catch the shadows.

Originally from the mouth of a bunch of drunks in a tavern.

Four people have died three.

The remaining one could not be tortured with any useful results.

The Maldivian knight had a somber face: “Treat his wounds, keep this living mouth, and go find the man he said in his mouth.” ”

Raninhart fell into a restless state.

He is a man who has always been steady and fierce, and he has always played with his enemies.

No one toyed with him so much between the applause.

Which political enemy is it!

He actually knew about his purchase of magic guides.

What damn dare to pit him like that!

For four consecutive days, the drinker who had stayed in the tavern had evaporated from the world.

On the eighth day, the Knights of the Sands Empire unceremoniously broke into Lanehart’s territory.

“Grand Prince, Your Majesty has asked you to return home, he misses you very much.”

“General Joseph, allow me to pack one…”

However, the next moment, there was a bang!

In the corner of the fortress of Fengdeng, a huge explosion occurred.

The earth shook with it, and the next moment, it was already a burst of fire.

A voice from nowhere shouted, “No, the Magic Guide Lab has exploded!” ”

Raninhardt’s face suddenly darkened.

General Joseph narrowed his eyes: “Don’t pack up, Your Majesty has an order for you, alone, to go back with us!” ”

Raninhardt’s eyes froze, when had he ever suffered from this kind of snubbed, and had been framed like this?

But he could not be rude to General Joseph, and barely squeezed out a smile: “Well, I will go back with you, but let me arrange it, otherwise if you fall into chaos, it may cause very bad consequences, and you can watch the whole time.” ”

General Joseph hesitated, but still nodded, “Your Royal Highness, your time is short. ”

“Rest assured, Your Excellency, General, it won’t be long, just a few words.”

Raninhart was also a cruel man, and he didn’t even explain a word.

He also knew that it didn’t matter whether General Joseph believed it or not, whether his father, the Lord of the Golden Sands, believed it or not, was the most important thing!

Moreover, he absolutely could not bring soldiers on this trip, not even his entourage!

“Your Highness…”

“I’m going to go all this time, Maldives, this place is up to you, no matter what, find out for me the guy who framed me, and I’ll make him pay for his blood debt!”

“Do as you are told.”

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