I’m afraid he wouldn’t have thought that it was Lancelot who was counting on him…

It’s not right, even if you think of it, it’s useless, because it’s not Lancelot.

It’s his men.

As for Lancelot, he merely acquiesced to the operation.

Just this moment, this hand, let the Lord of Jinsha shame people’s eyes, and proclaim adultery in a daytime.

Such gossip as not doing the right thing spread throughout the Golden Sands Empire in an instant.

And Ran’s notoriety began to spread.

Originally, it was just an attempt to usurp the throne, but as rumors spread around, he was on his way to the Empire to meet the Holy Lord.

The entire fortress of Fengdeng, the resentment against him, had risen to an unprecedented height.

Because of all kinds of bad behaviors of this cargo, including bullying men and women, taming child prostitutes, killing people, and expropriating tyranny.

The boy was notorious for an instant.

The law does not blame the public, and they can’t all shut up…

But I never expected that Reinhardt’s lackeys would really dare to do it.

Those who dared to discuss Lanehart’s inaction were beaten severely.

Zhong Ze was imprisoned, and for a time, the emotions that Fengdeng Castle could not do became angry and angry.

Signs of rioting and even popular unrest have begun.

Maldivian knights and Raperian knights have been tricked around.

The Maldives has begun to get so overwhelmed that it slammed its fist into its desk, and the Maldives feels a little suspicious of life!


The Maldives roared.

“Raper, you bastard, did you boy become a knight on the first day, who was spreading rumors, who was pretending to be our knights, looking for trouble for the common people everywhere?”

Rapere grinned as he listened.

Grandma’s, the boss urges you, you come to bully Lao Tzu.

You are so capable, you go and get it done, ask me what to do!

Rapere knew he could not afford to offend the Maldives.

“I’m sorry Lord Maldives, the subordinates are not doing a good job, they haven’t found out, they have already run!”

Maldivian qi chest heaving.

Of course he knew he had nothing to do with Raper.

But now, he already felt a sharp chill that constantly eroded his body.

Fort Fontaine, or rather, Ranhart, is now at the mercy of those hands.

A pair of invisible eyes, staring at them all the time, playing with them between applause.

Dazzling spreaders, impersonators of the Knights!

They knew each other like wings, and as soon as he got the clues, the man immediately disappeared.

The Maldives feels like it’s doomed!

With Rannhardt’s character, if he can’t solve this matter himself, he is doomed.

Maybe even the family will suffer.

After his last trip to the desert, His Majesty the Lord of the Realm crowned him as the Guardian Knight of Ranhart.

He had been so glorious that now he was so frightened that he was going to pee!

Whether Lanehart can come back or not is not to say which way they have offended!

Yes, they have offended the immortals, and moreover, they are a bunch.

Pankini laughed and said, “Hahaha, look, it’s really laughing at me, his collapsed look is like a dog.” ”

Hussein was smoking a cigar, which was a special offering for Emerald, and he couldn’t buy anything but that!

In front of you are a projection screen.

The Golden Sands Empire and the Fengdeng Fortress are being presented to them in all directions and without dead ends.

Of course, these are the main places.

“They all deserve it, this kid is already scared silly.”

Pankini said sinisterly: “To offend no one should offend King Lancelot, this is simply terrible, if I, it is estimated that I will not be able to sleep and eat, I will not face such an enemy for the rest of my life.” ”

Hussein smiled, “Well, whoever dares to call the board is a fool, but you are wrong, I think it is good to offend King Lancelot, let Beunita and Bonaroti know, of course, and Anaya, otherwise, even if King Lancelot ignores them, these people…”

Pankini’s eyes widened, “Oh, yes, oh my God, Hussein, you’ve become smarter. ”

Pankini looked at the big screen and sighed: “I have been able to follow this great man in my life, it is really three lifetimes lucky, this technology, it is too terrible, I still do not understand how to do it.” ”

Hussein smiled, “It’s very simple, first of all, you have to have a dream queen.” ”


Pankini rolled his eyes, “Can you say something that humans can understand?” ”

Hussein shrugged, “You’re not human, you’re a goblin, and at most a high-level intelligent creature.” ”

On the other side of the big screen, Lanehart’s face was already swollen.

The anger of the Sands Lords is not limited to rumors.

What makes him even angrier now is that the rumors have been carried out!

The Imperial Knights have sealed off the fortress of Fengdeng and disguised themselves on a mission.

The intelligence one by one made the Imperial Lord’s face look ugly.

Forton Fortress not only purchased magic guides, conducted research on magic guides, and even colluded with dwarves.

Saying that Rankhart had no intention of usurping the throne, the Lord of the Golden Sands did not believe it at all.

But he didn’t think that his proud son had actually played a fierce trick on his head?

The explosion was almost exactly the same as the palace explosion.

Moreover, on the way back, General Joseph also encountered a caravan of dwarves to and from the fortress of Fengdeng !!!

“What else do you have to explain?”

Raninhart sighed, “Father, I have nothing to explain, you know what kind of character I am, I want to harm you, I will not do such a flawed thing, even if you are dead, this is obviously someone framing me.” ”

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Rankhart still carefully made an explanation.

The Lord of the Golden Sands leaned back on the throne and took deep breaths continuously.

Now the whole country is saying that he is an incompetent and unscrupulous man.

They are all accusing him of inaction, and what his eldest son, Ran, has done is even more angry.

It was just overnight, after less than three days of fermentation.

Their father and son have almost become street rats, the laughing stock of the world.

The news had spread like a plague.

Hirkins rubbed his temples, his eyebrows pounding.

He had to doubt his own son.

Therefore, Einstein, as the Grand Master of the Empire’s Guardianship, is by his side all the time.

It was hardly more than five meters from him.

Einstein is now feeling very funny, but he can’t laugh, which is simply too dramatic.

Not knowing why, he always felt that the child had begun to fight back.

Especially after Hilkins signed an exploration plan for the desert.

The child was afraid that he was completely disappointed in his affection.

Hierkins took a deep breath: “I’ll give you a month to pull out the culprits behind it, turn this around, and wash away these negative effects, otherwise, you go and inherit the!” ”

And now, Lancelot has begun to enjoy life.

Samoyed was excited: “Sports lottery, what’s that?” ”

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