Lancelot is not short of money now.

But he wanted to live a stable life.

Now Emerald is on the right track and will ascend the throne as king in the future.

He is now a big family, and countless people are waiting to be fed, waiting for him to feed.

He now has a long-term development and is very stable.

But that’s not enough, and there is nothing more meaningful than the lottery to keep the wealth flowing.

“You can understand it as gambling.”

The muscles on Samoyed’s face suddenly jumped: “This…”

He hesitated: “Xiao Lan, there are rules in my ancestors, one of the rules is that it cannot involve gambling, it cannot involve erotic places. ”

Lancelot rolled his eyes.

“I mean you can understand it as gambling, not gambling.”

“Oh, what do you say?”

Lancelot explained how the welfare lottery works.

Samoyed was shocked: “The gods are on top, Xiaolan, are you the reincarnation of the god of commerce?” ”

Lancelot was speechless: “The god of bullshit business, the god of wealth, is he not good?” ”

Samoyed smiled, but he was shocked now.

Constantly accumulate bonuses by randomly drawing two-color balls.

The lottery tickets that everyone buys can even be used as a percentage of social welfare services.

The welfare fund can even be made public by all the people!

The gods are on top, and this is immeasurable merit!

And, once established, the wealth will continue to flow.

It’s so wonderful that you don’t have to run around to concentrate your scattered money.

It can also be used reasonably, and there are many ways to win the lottery, many ways to play.

Every gold you spend will be handed over to the social welfare institutions for dividends, and the money for these dividends can be seen clearly by the people, how to use them, and every cent will be made public, supervised by the people, and can be viewed at any time!

It’s amazing.

The people of the kingdom of God are hundreds of billions, trillions, as long as they are promoted, how can they see that they can make money, right?

“Is this just an idea?”

Lancelot smiled: “Of course it’s an idea now, but he can become a reality.” ”

“It can be done, but it is very difficult to operate, you must know that there are many people in the kingdom of God, and that is an act of picking up money!”

Lancelot was not afraid of the lottery causing a stir in the Kingdom of God.

He has confirmed with the system and Samoyed, and he has also talked to the system for a long time.

The systematic ‘kingdom of God’ is an abstract concept with a large population.

He served the existence of Lancelot.

A world of endless possibilities.

His actions, to some extent, will have a certain impact on the systematic kingdom of God.

But it doesn’t matter, this behavior is a positive behavior.

This will allow the system to evolve and perfect its ability to operate the Kingdom of God.

Enough gold is also good for the system.

After all, the system requires high taxes, not to play with, but also to ensure the operation of a certain system in God’s country.

Lancelot felt extremely relieved that the system god kingdom still dared to go to the heavens and the world, and there were hundreds of millions of indigenous people.

This won the system a great favor.

The number of conversations with Lancelot became more frequent.

Samoyed learned Lancelot, touched his chin, and blushed with excitement.

“This is a good thing, this is a unique merit that benefits all the people, Xiaolan, I really admire you, I do it with you, you say, do whatever you do, I will listen to you.”

Lancelot patted him on the shoulder, “That’s right, I’ll give you a plan book first, and before that, I’m going to hold a Emerald Basketball League.” ”

There are currently seven teams on Emerald’s basketball team.

And there are more than twenty basketball teams from the Land of the System God.

And it’s on the rise.

Now basketball has become completely popular in the kingdom of God.

According to Samoyed, basketball fever for all!

“You go back and promote it, this competition, fifty teams will be invited to participate, you still have twenty-two places, up to five games a day, the participating teams accommodation is free, but the food and beverage must be consumed by yourself.”


“By the way, Xiaolan, that phone, I really can’t order it?”

Lancelot shook his head, “I’m sorry Sa, at least so far, I don’t have the ability to go to the Kingdom of God, and the construction of the signal tower is complicated…”

Samoyed opened his mouth, he wanted this set of techniques.

But it seemed that this was too difficult for Lancelot, because he knew that without the Realm Mage of the Weaving Dream Queen’s level, it would be impossible to stabilize the signal transmission.

Samoye hesitated for a long time, then suddenly said, “If I can find you a realm mage similar to the level of the Queen of Dreams, can you help me arrange a set of Heavenly Faith networks for the Kingdom of Gods, don’t be too big, I just need to cover it within a certain range.” ”

Lancelot was very surprised: “Can you still find a realm mage of this level?” ”

Samoyed shook his head, then nodded again, “Not necessarily, but not at all chances.” ”

“If you can do it, you can’t help it.”

“That’s all there is to it!”

“One word is enough.”

Raninhart was placed under house arrest.

It took three days for him to be released, and his surveillancers were close associates of his father.

One of the two great mages of the Sands Empire – Gypsyg!

The prestigious Grand Mage, wrapped in a robe, returned to the fortress of Fengdeng without saying a word.

Rankhart had never been so humiliated.

But he couldn’t do anything about his father’s actions.

But when he came back and heard the Maldivian report, he was furious.

However, with a smile on his face, he nodded slightly: “I know, continue to search for the black hands behind the scenes, and before that, arrange the best room for Grand Master Gypsig.” ”

“Don’t be so polite, Lord Baron, just a normal room.”

“Then what’s the matter, Uncle Gypsegg, please sit down, there are some things I need your guidance.”

“That is my honor to His Royal Highness, but I am afraid that I can not help you much.”

“No, no, no, you’re an elder, and you may not be allowed to help me, but you can mention me.”

Gypsegg nodded slightly, “Don’t dare, if I knew, I would definitely answer your question.” ”

Gypsegg was amused, this boy, sure enough, has always been so cunning.

This puts my mind on my head.

Let’s see what medicine he sells inside the gourd!

“That’s great, Uncle Gypsegger, I have a lot of questions for you.”

“Your Royal Highness, please say.”

“Uncle Gypsegger, who do you think will be the mastermind behind this time?”

This little fox…

Gypsegg shook his head, “My mission is to guard the Sand Lizard Empire, Your Royal Highness the Prince, and I am not involved in or understand these things. ”

“Oh, Uncle Gypsegger, what do you think, my third brother Lancelot?”

Emerald monitoring room, this scene, someone immediately notified Beyonita.

Beunita quickly came to the front of the screen and looked at Lanehart, the beam-jumping clown.

“I’ll ask you to go to the Shawar Oasis first, and of course, I’ll follow it myself!”

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