This time the reward is equally terrifying, and sure enough, it is still eleven consecutive power!

Lancelot’s hands were shaking, and he couldn’t help but look at the past one by one.

【Bed Ballista: Gear for Battle】

Against the military equipment, the range is 2000 meters, the lethality is extremely strong, and the steel crossbow arrow is 20.

A minimum of 4 people are required to move.

It can be pulled by war horses and is a weapon of attack and killing in large-scale wars.

【Overeating Totem: Sacred Relic】

It is made of the flesh and blood fur of the ancient fierce beasts.

With the overeating attribute, the Beast Gluttony is an ancient divine beast.

【Additional Skill: Divine Beast Feast】

Unfolding the Totem skill, the Divine Beast Gluttony will eat on the spot, and the battlefield will be full of energy and morale within a thousand yards.

Duration: 10 minutes, apply twice daily.

【Additional Skill: Nutritional Supplement】

Gluttony is a hungry beast, within the battlefield range, all recycled and replenished once an arrow, limited twice a day.

Legal units replenish mana and refresh the number of times a skill is used.

(All spell units, remote units are valid)

【Additional Skill: Nutrient Plunder】

Within a thousand yards of the battlefield, plunder the enemy’s nourishment and starve it.

Lancelot swallowed hard.

It’s a good name, but it’s a pervert.

Gluttony, so the skills are related to eating, either supplementing nutrition or plundering nutrition.

But this stuff is too cowhide!!!

After the fear totem, the gluttonous totem is definitely a super killer, and there is a bed crossbow.

Coupled with the two divine beast totems, above the battlefield, there is no disadvantage.

As long as the difference in troop strength is not too large, and the command is not so brainless and incompetent, it will be invincible!

The lack of gold and the reputation that has never increased have also arrived.

Lancelot wanted to scream in excitement.

【Female Soldier Recruitment Ticket】

One-time consumption of items, with this item randomly recruit 100 female soldiers, can not be assigned a level.

This is not bad, Lancelot hehe smirked, which is equivalent to an extra hundred population, a combat force.

It’s all a matter of luck, if you are a high-level class, it will save you the trouble of upgrading.

【Glass firing process】

This is even better, Lancelot feels that the system brother really knows what he thinks.

He had been thinking about burning glass lately.

Here is an endless sea of sand, and the raw materials of glass are everywhere.

The complete process process saves him the process of groping and firing.

With glass, Emerald built a house that is much warmer and more beautiful.

Moreover, the application of glass is very extensive, which is a great road to wealth.

【Emerald Bath】

This is not needed for the time being, but it can be given to the sand lizard tribe in the downtown area, this group of lizard people look at it.

I don’t know how eager I am to go to the Emerald Grand Bath to take a bath.

This boosted Lancelot’s power of faith.

He also found that when the people are happy, their faith increases.

【Printing Workshop】

Well, Lancelot’s plan for a cultural invasion has been put on the agenda, and this saves money.

【Treasure: The Pen of Thoughts and Springs】

Seeing the introduction, Lancelot couldn’t help but laugh, the system really understood him too well.

The pen of the fountain of thought makes the creator’s mind flexible, and he can use the power of his mind to control the writing, and it all depends on it to complete the book overnight.

【Level 2 Warehouse】

Capacity 100 tons.

Lancelot took a deep breath, and the most powerful one came.

Not a hero, but an elf.

Lancelot was from the Golden Sands Empire and was the son of the Grand Ducal.

He had heard that in ancient times, many elemental elves had been close to humans.

Willing to make a pact with humans, these contract elves helped humanity give birth to the first mages.

Currently, there are documented elemental elves throughout Haagen-Dazs.

Only the Divine Ring and the Elven Clan have it.

The existence of this thing can cause chaos in the world.

[Fire Spirit: Juvenile, 5000 years old]

[Like in magma, can produce a high temperature of 5000 degrees, control the flame at will]

[Fire elves are generally very grumpy, signing contracts requires caution, and the system can be recycled]

【Recovery price: 1 million gold quakes】

[Please ask the host, choose to sign a contract, or sell to the system]

Lancelot rolled his eyes, “You fool me, of course you signed the contract!” ”

Lancelot’s flesh ached.

1 million gold bumps! Oh my God, isn’t this seducing me?

However, Lancelot lacks a talisman and the Fire Elf is the darling of the Fire Element.

Moreover, these high-level creatures, in the creation myth of Haagen-Dazs, existed at the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth.

is an extremely perverted existence, 1 million … 10 million, do you think I will sell, I will consider at most … Lancelot consoled himself.

【Execution of contract, successful contract】

With a yawn, the temperature around him climbed in an instant.

Lancelot subconsciously hid behind.

The fiery little guy opened his eyes and looked blankly at Lancelot.


Lancelot nodded, “Well, human, and your contractor?” ”

The fire elf’s childish voice was very lazy, “Oh, yes, but I want to sleep, don’t disturb me, and don’t order me, otherwise, I’ll burn your whole house.” ”


After saying that, it fell on Lancelot’s shoulder and then disappeared, and Lancelot suddenly felt a burst of dry heat.

The hands pressing the table were all smoking.

He was startled and hurried to do it.

A layer of flame on his body seemed to be burning.


[Host, don’t panic, the contract element elf will cause the body to mutate, and slowly adapt]

“But why am I coming if he doesn’t work?”

[Host, you have given up the proposal to sell it to become a golden slump]

Lancelot rolled his eyes: “Anything else, is there no other merit?” ”

[Host, the fire element will be close to you, after the fire elf contract, you can fire immunity]

[If the Fire Elf is willing to lend you power, you can use a portion of the Fire Elf’s abilities]

Lancelot was suddenly excited: “Like this?” ”

He held out his hand, delusionally thinking that there was a ball of fire in his hand, but let alone the fireball, even the flames on his body disappeared.

“Human, are you an idiot?”

Lancelot looked embarrassed: “Aren’t you willing to lend me power?” ”

“A fool lent it to you!”

“Well, eighty percent of them are looking for an ancestor.”

Lancelot was speechless, knowing that it was right to change money.

He sat back down at the table, and Beunita had already come over to deliver the meal: “Lord Lancelot, you need to take a break. ”

Lancelot smiled and nodded, “Little Bey, you came just in time, arrange the carpentry workshop and the printing workshop to arrange the place, and also, these are for you.” ”

Lancelot gave Beyonita, both the glass firing process and the recruitment vouchers for the Scarf Woman.

This darling of the Holy Light, luck should be good.


Beunita was dazzled, and without Lancelot’s permission, she had no right to view the use of the Emerald Empire’s treasury.

Especially what was still in the system space, she couldn’t see.

“It’s all good to go, Lord Lancelot.”

“You go and arrange it.”

“Then you have to eat on time.”

Lancelot nodded, he had other things to do.

He took out his fountain of thought, spread out the paper, and then began to create while eating.

Cultural invasion, books are one of the best ways to invade!

First of all, let’s practice your hands with fairy tales.

Lancelot picked up the chopsticks, and as an authentic Chinese man, he still liked chopsticks.

The fountain of thought is constantly moving on its own.

Lancelot finished his meal and happened to write the story of The Ugly Duckling.

He stopped his pen and prepared to go out to see the situation, but his body was suddenly held down: “Why didn’t you write, what happened to the ugly duckling?” ”

Lancelot was stunned for a moment, and he found that the cute bloodied fire elf was lying on his shoulder, seriously watching him write “Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales”!

“Why don’t you write it, you have to finish it, how can the story have no beginning and no end!”

The fire elf blushed and looked unhappy.

Lancelot was melted by her cute heart.

But he suddenly had an evil idea in his heart, wasn’t this just a child?

Since the fire elf is grumpy and unwilling to lend him power, isn’t there a way for her to borrow it now?

If even a small child can’t figure it out, I, the lord, will be in vain.

“Want to know what’s wrong with the ugly duckling?”

The fire elves are just a blank piece of paper, and there are human beings who bend and nod their heads directly.

“Would you like to see more than the ugly duckling?”

The fire elf’s eyes lit up, and when he heard that there was more, he was immediately excited: “Of course, show me, you write quickly.” ”

Lancelot spread his hands: “I’m a little sorry, little fellow, I have other things to do, if you will help me in the future, lend me the strength when I am in danger, and I will have more time to write stories to you.” ”

The fire elf frowned, “People 5000 are broken, who do you say is the little guy?” ”

Lancelot was speechless, 5,000 juveniles, underage, and it was so shocking.

“Then you still read the story, don’t you?”

“Hmm… Look, why not look? ”

“Then you promised that when I encounter danger and need help in the future, will you help me?”

“You, are you threatening me?”

Lancelot shrugged, “This is a wrongful thing for me, I really have a lot of things to do, I can’t sit here and write stories all my life, right?” ”

The fire elf thought about it, and it was the same thing.

“Then you have to write to me when you’re done?”

Lancelot nodded, “It’s inevitable, I never lie. ”

“Well, I’ll believe you when you’re done writing The Ugly Duckling.”

“Well, then you tell me, what’s your name?”


The Fire Elf was stunned, “I… I haven’t had time to name it yet. ”

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