
Lancelot could still see that.

A trace of embarrassment flashed on the fire elf’s face.

Lancelot didn’t expose her, and everyone had secrets in their hearts, including him.

Moreover, he liked this little guy who was thousands of years older than himself.

“Shall I give you a name?”

The fire elf’s little face suddenly flashed with joy: “You… Will you still take a name? ”

Lancelot rolled his eyes, is it difficult to take a name?

“Do you want it or not?”

“Hmm… Then you have to give it a nice name, otherwise I don’t want it. ”

Lancelot didn’t want to think: “Good luck.” ”

The fire elf suddenly exploded, “No, this name is too ugly, I don’t want it.” ”

Lancelot smiled, “Ugly? ”

He shook his head: “This is in a very distant space-time, the name of an ancient deity.” ”


Lancelot nodded, “Well, in that ancient country, Zhu Rong was the god of fire, one of the oldest gods, and you are a fire elf, maybe one day, you can also become the fire god that countless people admire?” ”

The fire elf’s eyes widened suddenly, “You say I can become a fire god?” ”

Lancelot nodded, and the fire elves flew around in the air with such delight that they exploded, “I’m going to ask for this name, call me Vulcan Blessing Lord!” ”

Lancelot smiled in his heart, isn’t this just a little fart, it’s really good.

“Yes, Lord Wish Rong.”

Lancelot laughed badly.

The fire elf flew around: “Well, you human being is not bad, in the future, this fire god will cover you, but the story will still be written, don’t write, this god has grilled you!” ”

Lancelot has a black line in his head, this little guy, is a tyrant.

“Yes yes yes, that’s what Lord Vulcan said.”

“Write it, write it, and only after writing will you be allowed to do anything else.”

Lancelot sat down helplessly and continued to finish the part of “The Ugly Duckling”.

The fire elf danced happily, “Wow, the ugly duckling can turn into a white swan, change change, I will also become a white swan!” ”

Change and change, you still Barabala little magic fairy.

“Okay, I’m leaving.”

“Ahh… No, human beings, when are you going to write again? ”

“What a human being, Lancelot, my name is Lancelot, fairy tales will come later.”

Lancelot no longer paid attention to her, and the fire elves flew around for half a day, pestering Lancelot to continue writing.

Seeing that Lancelot ignored her, the fire elf helplessly yawned on his shoulder and disappeared.

The Elemental Elves are the darlings of the Beginning of Heaven and Earth, and they can be integrated into the body of the Covenanter.

Lancelot was in a good mood.

Whenever he is in trouble, the system always surprises him.

These surprises allowed him to weather the storm in a short period of time.

Lancelot is in a good mood, this is Haagen-Dazs, the equivalent of the Middle Ages.

It was the European medieval period in the real world where he lived.

The difference is that the race here is thriving, the religion is huge, and there is magic and an intricate mythological system.

He had plenty of room to lead Emerald to prosperity.

First of all, it is necessary to suppress external invasion, win enough time for development, and spread the cultural invasion.

There is a pen, there is paper, there is a printing workshop.

It’s time to make money.

Lancelot had just taken a few steps when a system tone followed.

[The system detects that the host’s reputation value accumulates more than 100,000, and the reputation store opens]

【Prestige Store: You can spend Prestige to buy props】


Lancelot suddenly paused and opened the page of the prestige store.

I was stunned.

This is really… A scene of great joy.

Inside the system store, there is a variety of goods, seeds, socks, panties, bras, food, clothing, shelter and itching.

There was even something Lancelot needed most.

For example, finished pistols, finished gunpowder, heat weapons, cold weapons are everything.

Magic items and equipment are available.

And not only the finished product is provided, but also the formulation.

There was even a search function, and Lancelot even tried to type in the search.

For example: black holes: airplanes, nuclear weapons…

My mom can even receive it.

But what the hell is this price, I’ll go !!!

Lancelot was shocked…

Black hole: destroy everything, devour everything, price: 10 billion prestige value.

Nuclear bomb: world peace depends on it, price: 100 million prestige points.

Boeing 747: Price: 10 million prestige value

Lancelot couldn’t help but give a thumbs up, yes there is, can’t afford to have a fart for you!

Rolling his eyes, Lancelot took a good look.

Steam engine design drawing: 200,000 prestige points.

Internal combustion engine design drawing: 300,000 prestige value.

The finished product is more expensive.

Like this.

Dongfeng Sedan: 1 million prestige value.

Tram (10 cars): 3 million prestige points.

Things like clothing and diet are cheap.

Potato: 100 prestige / 10 kg.

Chinese cabbage: 100 prestige / 10 kg.

Steel: 500 prestige / 100 kg.

Aluminum: 500 prestige / 100 kg.

General metal resources, basically 500 reputation value to start.

Across modern times things are basically hundreds of thousands, millions of starts.

Lancelot was really convinced, and the costume he didn’t need for the time being.

But the steam engine or something, he couldn’t afford it, but it was what he needed most.

But one thing he was sure of was that this prestige store was by far the most hanging existence.

As long as you desperately need something, you can buy it here.

As long as you have enough prestige points, it doesn’t matter if you are an old dry mother or thirteen incense, vest pants and big motorcycle.

Computer fridge washing machine, as long as there is prestige, everything OK.

The ability of the system brother Goldfinger has finally been fully demonstrated.

Those who are cross-generational will not say anything, let’s talk about magic scrolls.

For example, burst flames, large glaciers: 10,000 prestige points you can buy!

But Lancelot had no desire to buy for the time being.

Supporting the soldiers and respecting themselves, our brooms are self-cherishing, this is what he needs to do at present, Emerald has not developed, he needs to be careful.

Good things must be given to Emerald first.

For example, potatoes!

Lancelot spent 1,000 prestige points directly and bought 100 kilograms.

Although Häagen-Dazs was a magical civilization, the productivity of the Middle Ages was backward and even inferior.

The aristocracy did live a prosperous life.

But that was only a superficial phenomenon, and Lancelot knew that the entire continent of Haagen-Dazs had been ravaged by war.

Precarious people are everywhere.

The superficial bustle is just that.

If there are high yields such as potatoes and Chinese cabbage, the whole world can be filled.

Lancelot smiled, and with the clutches of the prestige shop, Emerald would achieve utopia!

Lancelot returned to his desk and drew a few drawings.

“Lancelot, what did you do, this looks pretty good.”

Lancelot reached out and nodded at her little brain, “A treasure that allows you to see what you look like.” ”


The Fire Elf was surprised: “Like a clean lake?” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Clearer than that.” ”

She was a fiery red with a pair of small wings and wore this little skirt.

The face is pink carved and cute.

“Then show me.”

“If you’re willing to help, it’ll be fast.”

“Then you say, how can I help you?”

“Let’s go, here we go.”

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