instead of Lin Fei.


  The next moment, Lin Fei also stepped forward.

  Just disappeared without a trace.

  At this moment, in the space-time corridor.

  Demon insects that came back from the dimensional battlefield.

  His face was a little gloomy.

  Lost a magic insect clone.

  And it is still a super god-level monster clone.

  Make it a huge loss.

  And, it really hurts!

  It hasn't had a huge loss in a long time.

  It's just, how can a super god be so powerful?

  There is clearly no world where the powerhouses of the walker level exist.

  The power system shouldn't be so strong either.

  But the truth is in sight.

  It failed.

  And it failed miserably!


  At this moment, a figure appeared in the space-time corridor.

  Moreover, in front of the monster appeared.

  The demon saw the figure in front of him.

  With a sneer, he said, "They've all chased the space-time corridor. Why, do you still want to kill them all?"

  Lin Fei shook his head and said calmly: "You and I both know that I can't kill you. I can't kill you in the dimensional battlefield, let alone in the space-time corridor?"

  This time the corridor.

  Can't be bothered at all.

  Moreover, a little deeper into the space-time corridor.

  will be lost.

  Fight in the corridors of time and space.

  Unless both sides are very strong.

  Or one side is the crushing strength.

  Otherwise, it is very difficult to kill the opponent.

  "It seems that you still have some self-knowledge."

  "This time, I admit that I was careless. I lost a magic bug clone, but next time, I won't be so careless."

  "Do you think you have another time?"

  "Or, you can try."

  The two sides exchanged words again and became deadlocked.

  After a long time, it was Lin Fei who broke the deadlock first.

  Shen Sheng said: "Magic bug, I didn't come to fight with you."

  "In fact, you and I are very clear about the current situation. I can't help you. Similarly, you can't even think about the idea of ​​​​playing the dimensional battlefield."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

  "However, do you really think that you lost your demon worm clone?"

  "What do you mean?"

  The devil is a little unclear.

  "Your avatar is just a huge amount of life energy. As long as the life energy is sufficient, your avatar can be recovered at any time."

  "And I have already collected the life energy of your demon worm clone."

  Lin Fei stretched out his hand.

  Suddenly, a magic weapon appeared in his hand.

  In the magic weapon, there is a strong breath of life energy.

  When the magic insect saw it, its eyes lit up.

  Such a rich life energy.

  If swallowed.

  Then it lost the super god-level magic insect clone.

  It's really possible to recover.


  However, would Lin Fei be so kind to let him restore his demon worm clone?

  "Human super god, you won't be so kind to let me recover."

  "Tell me, what do you want?"

  The devil asked coldly.

  It knew that Lin Fei could not help him for no reason.

  "It's very simple, copy your power system and give it to me."

  "My power system?"

  The demon worm sneered: "You are really greedy, you want my power system. Do you think you can devour life wantonly, so as to obtain a powerful clone?"

  "Hahaha, why not give it to you?"

  "This is the power system of my demon clan."

  "Only magic insects can use this power system, and when other beings use this power system, there is only one dead end."

  Demons don't care at all.

  He directly gave Lin Fei a detailed introduction to the power system of the worms.

  Lin Fei glanced at it.

  Basically what it says.

  Almost true.

  After all, many power systems are adapted to the conditions of life itself.

  Demons are completely different from human bodies.

  The power system is naturally different.

  The worm is not worried at all, Lin Fei can use the power system of the worm to deal with it.

  "Okay, can you give me life energy?"

  The demon worm was still staring at the life energy in Lin Fei's hand.

  "There is a second condition."

  "Tell me, what is above Super God?"

  Lin Fei stared at the demon worm closely.

  This is also his biggest goal this time.

  Above God!

  He has to figure out what is above the super god?

  Even a little clue will do.

  (Ask for some flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket...) And.

第 297

  "Above the Super God..."

  The demon worm gave Lin Fei a deep look.

  It knew that this was Lin Fei's purpose.

  It saw a trace of "desire" in Lin Fei's eyes.

  This is actually the same as its "craving".

  "Above the super the time traveler. We call it the traveler class!"

  In the end, the demon worm said slowly, word by word.

  "Walker class?"

  Lin Fei heard this name for the first time.

  "What is a doer?"

  Lin Fei asked again.

  "Able to travel freely in the long river of time and space, countless worlds and civilizations, and leave their own footprints."

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