"Enduring, witnessing the rise and fall of many civilizations in the long river of time and space. This is a walker!"

  Lin Fei understood.

  Walker is a title.

  But to achieve this title.

  too difficult.

  Just being able to roam freely in the long river of time and space.

  It stumped countless people.

  Can super god roam the long river of time and space at will?

  That's simply not possible!

  Go a little deeper.

  will be lost.

  What kind of roaming is this?

  "I understand. You are traveling in the long river of time and space, but you also intend to condense eighty-one demon worm clones, so that the clones can become one and achieve the Walker level?"

  Lin Fei just glanced at the power system given by the magic insect.

  It is natural to understand that the magic insect needs to condense eighty-one super god-level clones.

  It is possible to become a walker.

  "That's right, those who don't make it will be in the mirror after all."

  "Our super god powerhouse seems to have an infinite lifespan, but is that really the case?"

  "Our bodies can be immortal. However, our souls can't really be immortal."

  "When the time is too long, maybe hundreds of millions of years, maybe even longer. In the vortex of time and space, you know how terrible time is."

  "Super god powerhouse, still can't get rid of time."

  "As time goes by, our souls will gradually decay."

  "In the end, the soul will slowly annihilate."

  "Our body is not damaged at all, but we have no soul. That is death."

  "Super God, will die!"

  "Only by becoming a walker. Being able to roam in the long river of time and space, the soul has a real immortal characteristic."

  "But it is said that even a walker can't live forever. Only a great existence that transcends the long river of time and space can truly get rid of the influence of time and have an infinite lifespan..."

  Lin Fei understood.

  The super god powerhouse also has a lifespan limit.

  It's just that ordinary super god powerhouses don't know at all.

  After all, the super god powerhouse can live for too long.

  However, for a long time.

  If you are caught in some time-space whirlpools where the flow of time is unbelievable.

  Even a superhero would die.

  The whirlpool of time and space that has passed hundreds of millions of years in an instant.

  Who can stand it?

  "It turns out that super gods can also die."

  "Even if it is a walker, it will also die."

  "Only transcendence is eternal."

  Lin Fei understood.

  But what is detachment?

  If he proves the Dao with strength, is it transcendence?

  Lin Fei thought for a while.

  cannot be measured.

  At present, he is a quasi-holy, a half-holy in the flesh.

  Once preached with strength, become a saint.

  Maybe it's a walker-level powerhouse!

  Think about it too.

  If Lin Fei can prove the Dao with strength.

  At that time, the flesh will be sanctified.

  Who can kill him?

  In the space-time corridor, that can also be unscrupulous.

  It's just that it's so hard.

  up until now.

  Lin Fei only had a little direction.

  As for success by force?

  It's still a long way off!

  "How about it?"

  "Can you give me your life energy now?"

  Lin Fei did not hesitate.

  He directly threw the life energy in his hand to the demon insect.

  Afterwards, the demon worm was overjoyed, and the clone swallowed the life energy in one bite.

  Immediately, the demon worm's clone rapidly expanded.

  The breath on his body is also rising.

  It seems that the eighteenth super god-level demon worm clone has been rebuilt.

  Also just around the corner.

  "Magic bug, you should know what I mean by giving you life energy."

  Lin Fei said lightly.

  He believed that the worm was smart and understood what he meant.

  "Of course I understand that you don't want me to continue to fight the dimensional battlefield."

  "Actually, you underestimate yourself too much."

  "I can't help you, so I can only go."

  "Continuing to entangle with you here, isn't that asking for trouble?"

  "After all, the time-space corridor is very large, and the time-space river is very large."

  "I want to devour my life, but I still need to die with you?"

  "There are a lot of life worlds out there..."

  The demon worm never thought of fighting Lin Fei to the death.

  Because it's totally unnecessary.

  He chose to go to the dimension battlefield before.

  Just because he wanted to try it.

  I feel that there may be no walker-level powerhouses in the dimensional battlefield.

  He can devour life recklessly.

  However, did not expect.

  Although there are no walker-level powerhouses in the dimensional battlefield...  

  But there are "freaks" like Lin Fei.

  Can actually defeat the devil.

  against such an opponent.

  The demon worm was full, and then kept fighting with Lin Fei.

  Therefore, even if there is no Lin Fei to return the life energy.

  The worms will also leave.

  "Magic bug, you are wandering in the space-time corridor."

  "Aren't you afraid of getting lost?"

  "Your home world, I'm afraid you can't find it long ago, right?"

  "Haha, why should I go back to my home world?"

  "Cultivators, we all hope to go further."

  "What's more, in my home world, I have long since lost my worries, and I don't need to go back to my home world at all."

  Lin Fei fell silent.

  Demon insects are wanderers in the long river of time and space.

  Such a wanderer.

  Actually very dangerous.

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