"Once I manifest the prehistoric world, and I fit the way of heaven. Become a real saint, can it be comparable to the time traveler?"

  "Or, even if it is worse than Time Traveler. But it also has some characteristics of Time Traveler?"

  "Perhaps, this is also a way to enhance the strength of human superhuman powerhouses..."

  The idea is quite bold.

  But it's not random and baseless.

  Instead, there is some truth to it.

  even feasible.

  Just, how much energy does that require?

  "Represent the entire prehistoric world!"

  Lin Fei immediately gave an order to Civilization Ball.

  He wanted to try it.

  "The realization failed, the energy is insufficient..."

  Lin Fei heard Civilization Ball's response.

  A happy face.

  "It's not because of lack of authority, it's not because of other reasons. It's because of lack of energy..."

  Lin Fei was very excited.

  This also means.

  His conjecture was correct.

  As long as the energy is sufficient, can the entire prehistoric world be manifested?

  Lin Fei didn't know if anyone knew about this problem.

  Maybe know, maybe not.

  But it doesn't matter.

  For Lin Fei, there are now two paths.

  There are two ways of "evidence".

  One is to keep searching for the origin of the world.

  Enrich the prehistoric world.

  Improve the origin of the prehistoric world.

  The other is to preach the Word with strength and sanctify the flesh.

  These two paths can be taken at the same time.

  "Super god level, is it possible to manifest a saint?"

  Lin Fei thought of a possibility.


  Saints in the Great Desolation.

  With Lin Fei's current civilization index, he has reached the highest authority.

  Then it stands to reason.

  It is capable of manifesting any creature in the Great Desolation.

  But, can it really be realized?

  Lin Fei thought for a while, but he still decided to give it a try.

  "Concretizing the sage of the Shangqing Tongtian Sect Master!"

  Lin Fei thought silently in his heart.

  After that, Lin Fei waited quietly.

  I was also a little apprehensive.


  The next moment, Lin Fei raised his head sharply.

  In front of him, a black-robed figure appeared.

  There was a sharp breath all over.

  The sage of Shangqing!

  This figure is impressively one of the saints of the Shangqing, one of the Sanqings!

  The Four Swords of Zhuxian, the true master!

  "It really came out..."

  Lin Fei was shocked.


  The supreme existence in the prehistoric times.

  In the prehistoric world, the saint is the real pinnacle.

  the real apex.

  "Wait, to manifest life, only the next level of life can be manifested."

  "My civilization authority is only super god. The counterpart should also be a saint, and there is no way to show a saint of the Qing Dynasty."

  "How come the saints of Shangqing appear now?"

  Lin Fei was shocked.

  He thought of a possibility.

  The fact that the sages of the Qing Dynasty can be manifested can only explain one problem.

  Lin Fei's civilization index, once reached super god.

  That also means that it has reached the highest level of the prehistoric civilization.

  And the flood, what is the highest level?

  It is Daoist Hongjun!

  Saints, all need the next level.

  Therefore, Lin Fei was able to embody the sage of the Qing Dynasty.

  "I see......"

  Lin Fei had a guess in his heart.

  "God of Creation, is this the world you live in?"

  At this time, the sage of Shangqing opened his mouth.

  "Huh? Your memory..."

  Lin Fei frowned slightly.

  He found a problem.

  Generally he manifests life.

  will obey his orders.

  But now the sage of Shangqing seems to be unaffected?

  "Master of Creation, there is no problem with my memory, and I am still affected."

  "Although I don't know how you did it, my memory is indeed affected. Even, I know that I can't disobey your orders."

  "It's amazing. I even tried to seal this virtual memory and seal my consciousness."

  "But it doesn't work. I will still be influenced by you. It's just that I figured it out with my Yuanshen, and I know that there is no way to get rid of your control."

  "As expected of the creator of the world, he is more overbearing than the prehistoric way of heaven."

  Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

  Still under control, that's fine.

  It seems that Civilization Ball is more domineering than Lin Fei imagined.

  However, the sages of the Qing Dynasty are saints after all.

  There is still a big difference from other lives.

  Even, he can maintain self-awareness and sobriety.

  Knowing that it was "realized" by Lin Fei.

  I even know that Lin Fei is a double (cfcd) wooden Taoist in the prehistoric times.

  "Sage of the Qing Dynasty, I have just mastered the authority of the Civilization Sphere."

  "So, I just wanted to try and see if I could summon a saint."

  "Now it seems that I succeeded."

  "So, you just want to give it a try?"


  "Then are you the creator of the world or the Taoist Shuangmu now?"

  "It's all the same, the sage of Shangqing has taken a photo."

  "That's right, Shuangmu Daoist or the creator of the world, it's all the same, it's just a title. According to what the creator of the world once said, once we return to the prehistoric civilization, the recalled memories will be recalled. Completely erased?"

  "This should be."

  Lin Fei knew almost everything.

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