He and the sages in the flood are actually a cooperative relationship.

  Therefore, he called out the sages of the Qing Dynasty.

  He didn't treat him as his subordinate and ordered him at will.

  Instead, they treated the sages of the Qing Dynasty with a cooperative attitude.

  "Master of Creation, you haven't answered yet, is this the world you are in?"

  The sage of Shangqing asked.

  "No, this is a world I am hostile to."

  "I'm here to capture the origin of this world today."

  "But this world and the world I am in are actually on the same level."

  "A world of the same level?"

  The sage of Shangqing closed his eyes slightly.

  Then he reached out and grabbed it.


  The void is broken.

  At the same time, he grabbed it along the big hand of the sage of Shangqing.

  Countless voids were instantly shattered.

  Just like a glass lens.

  Completely collapse.

  "The rules of space are not much different from those of the prehistoric world."

  "Even, there is no space in the prehistoric world."

  "Let me see life here again..."

  The sage of Shangqing waved his hand.

  A golden light flashed away.

  The next moment, Jin Guang flew back again.

  In the golden light, there was actually a Devourer trapped.

  Moreover, it is still a god-level devourer.

  This god-level devourer seems to be a little confused now.

  He is devouring other Devourers like crazy.

  Why suddenly, a golden light came over and covered him.

  And then flew here.

  Especially after seeing Lin Fei's figure.

  This god-level devourer has a face ashes.

  Know that you are completely finished.

  "Sages of the Qing Dynasty, the Devourers who devour the world. With immortality, they are difficult to kill..."

  Lin Fei explained.

  "Is it immortal?"

  All kinds of flames suddenly appeared in the hands of the saints of the Qing Dynasty.


  Burn down to the particle level, though.

  can't burn.

  "Particles? Without annihilating these particles, it is difficult to kill this kind of life. It's amazing."

  "In our prehistoric times, there is no such undead body..."

  "However, to say that he is completely immortal, the creator of the world has underestimated our saint."

  The sage of the Qing Dynasty held it with one hand.

  With a low voice in a calm voice: "Destroy!"


  The next moment, Lin Fei suddenly felt it.

  There are all kinds of rules.

  The power of rules that devours the world.

  The particles that enveloped this god-level devourer all at once.

  Then, these particles are under the force of countless rules.

  Instantly annihilated, turned into powder.

  God-level Devourer.

  Just so powerless.

  The sage of the Qing Dynasty, annihilated the particles.

  Completely beheaded!

  (Ask for some flowers, review tickets...).

第 321


  Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Just now he saw the power of the saints of the Qing Dynasty.

  Not really strong.

  There is no terrible magic weapon.

  It's not like Zhuxian Four Swords or Kaitian Divine Axe.

  But it was easy, like crushing an ant.

  It was easy to kill a god-level devourer.

  You know, this god-level devourer is not a Chinese cabbage.

  God-level Devourer, that is comparable to the Great Luo Jinxian in the Great Desolation!

  But in front of the sage of Shangqing.

  But so fragile.

  Even the immortal body looks so ridiculous and vulnerable.

  "Sage of Shangqing, you can't use the power of Honghuang."

  "Why can you easily kill the God-level Devourer?"

  "To tell the truth, this god-level devourer is actually very powerful. And the undead body is very difficult to deal with..."

  Lin Fei asked in a deep voice.

  In Lin Fei's previous expectations.

  Once the saint is manifested.

  Lost the barrier of the prehistoric world.

  That saint is the same as a quasi-sage.

  Not too strong either.

  However, the performance of the sage of Shangqing at the moment.

  It was slightly beyond Lin Fei's expectations.

  "The creator of the world, you may think that the saints are just relying on the flood."

  "The sage's primordial spirit is entrusted to Honghuang, immortal and immortal. Even the mana is endless, relying on Honghuang, can crush the quasi-sage supernatural power."

  "Once you lose the prehistoric, then the saint is nothing. Right?"

  Lin Fei did not refute, but nodded and said, "Yes, that's exactly what I thought before. Without the prehistoric sage, there is no difference between the saint and the quasi-sage."

  "It's normal, most people think so."

  "It's just that you don't understand what a saint is."

  "The sage's primordial spirit entrusts the void, do you think that the primordial spirit of the sages does nothing?"

  "In other words, the primordial spirit is sustenance in the void, apart from immortality and immortality, there is no benefit at all?"

  "Actually, terribly wrong."

  "The primordial spirits of the saints are placed in the void, and in fact they are integrated into the prehistoric wilderness."

  "After the primordial spirit has been integrated into the prehistoric period for so long, one of the things that the primordial spirits of the saints have done the most is to comprehend and analyze various prehistoric rules."

  "So, this also gave the saints a special method."

  "As long as it is a world, as long as there are rules. Then, the saints can parse out the rules of this world in a very short time, so as to use the rules of this world."

  "Did I use mana to kill this god-level devourer just now? No, I didn't even use the magic weapon."

  "I just parsed the rules of devouring the world, and using the rules of the void of devouring the world, annihilated all the particles of this god-level devourer at once."

  Lin Fei suddenly realized.

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