The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 24 - The new managing director

for the past four days, Yue Ling was able to avoid Qin fang, using a one week business trip as an excuse,

although Qin fang didn't believe what she said but he had no choice but to believe, so he went back to country D, because the actual reason why he came was to spend some time with her and also confess his feelings to her, but he didn't have the chance to.

it means he is going to find another time to tell her.


and there is also chu feng the new managing director, he is a replacement for Jessica Wilson, as she has been transferred to the Branch by Mo Shira.

chu feng is a nice handsome guy in his late twenties, every female seems to be really interested in him, mostly because of his looks and the way he carries himself.

but his eyes doesn't seem to be on any of the girls there, maybe he has someone elsewhere.

although he is young compare to Mo Shira, his handsomest is no where near Mo Shira's. but he really has good looks that any woman will want to give herself to him just like that.

he is also really humble and is also fond of some women in the company, especially with those he is working with.


Mo Shira and Yue lings relationship is also going on well, Mo Shira no longer forces her to do any abnormal things with him, because Yue Ling is playing along well with him.

she talks to him well, and doesn't feel uncomfortable with him anymore as she has started to understand his kind of person, and doesn't do anything to infuriate him.

although she doesn't love him yet but she seems to like him now that they spend so many time with each other.

on the other hand, Mo Shira has also stop womanizing, as he has really find the one to whom his heart belongs to.

(authors note: but the story doesn't end here, it has just begun.)


Mo Shira travelled to another country to open one of the company's branch there, and has been doing that for the past three weeks, so he has not been in the office,

Yue Ling has been the one to handle all of the company's project for that particular period. and always forwards the important works that Needs to be done by the CEO alone to him via email.

Yue Ling sits in her office as she seems to be nervous,Mo Shira will be coming back today,

Mo Shira and her have been going on quiet well, even though she is pretending to love him back, she is still scared of him, and is thinking of how Mo Shira will feel the day he finds out that she doesn't love him.

knock knock,

chu feng: good day miss Yue

Yue Ling: hi chu feng, is there any paper you want me to sign, you could have just sent it through your assistant, said Yue Ling as she saw some doc.u.ments in his hands.

chu feng: oh no miss Yue these doc.u.ments aren't for you, I came here for other reason,

Yue Ling: oh okay so...

chu feng: have this, he said while giving her a card,

chu feng: my birthday party is coming up next week, and I'm throwing a party at the imperial hotel, on Sunday, and I want you to be there,

Yue Ling didn't know what to say, since she came to country M she hasn't even been to any party, besides she knows Mo Shira wouldn't like the idea, he is not fond of these kind of parties, but he brought the invitation letter by himself how could she not accept it.

chu feng: miss Yue I would really love it if you came, please do come, I'll go now.

he didn't give Yue Ling any chance to say no, he saw the looks on her face, and he really wants her to come.

once he left, he went to invite everyone else, and they were all really happy as it will be party where everyone of them will be together, and their boss wouldn't be there, it has really been long since they attended such a party, and who wouldn't want to go to chu fengs birthday party.

later after lunch was over, Mo Shira finally with Hu wuting arrived at the company, but the employees didn't seem to notice him as he walked really quickly to his floor, like someone special is waiting for him there.

once he got to her office, he hugged her tightly, as if they haven't met in ages.

Mo Shira: i missed you so much my dear, how are you,

Yue Ling: I'm fine, how was it?

Mo Shira: it went perfectly well. the branched has finally been launched. how have you been coping here, hope you didn't over work yourself?

Yue Ling: I did what I had to do as the secretary, and I'm happy that you are back, so I wouldn't be representing you anymore.

Mo Shira: on I see so you are tired, then let me take you home so I will give you full body massage on my own.

Yue Ling: oh that's very nice of you, but I'm not that tired she quickly changed her sentence.

Mo Shira: whose card is that??

Yue Ling: oh it's the managing directors birthday party this on Sunday. and he wants me to be there.

Mo Shira: oh really, but why didn't you refuse, you know we are supposed to spend our weekends together. and I don't like going to such events.

Yue Ling: I have already assured him that I will be there, he is such a nice person, I can't refuse him,

Mo Shira: but you can refuse me

Yue Ling: like seriously Mo Shira. you just arrived and you have already started fighting with me

Mo Shira: okay fine, since you want to go no problem, just be careful.

Yue Ling: why are you acting like the party is tomorrow, I still have about one week to the party.

Mo Shira: okay dear, let me go and rest now, just send me a cup of coffee.

Yue Ling: okay I will do so..

he then left for his office, and sits down to refresh his brain.

hu wuting: yes boss...

Mo Shira: get me the complete profile of the new managing director, I haven't gat a chance to go through them yet.

hu wuting: yes boss, he said before living, he is just too exhausted.

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