The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 25 - Mo Shira's future plans begins...

Mo Shira checked everything about chu feng and didn't find anything suspicious about him.

so he didn't find anything wrong about letting Yue Ling go there

but he is feeling really uncomfortable about that party.

"why I'm I feeling like this, I just hope nothing bad happens at that party" he thought,

so he decided to just let the bad thoughts go.

once Yue Ling was done for the day, she decided to go buy a new dress for the upcoming party.

but when she reached the parking lot, Mo Shira drove his car towards her,

Mo Shira: get in

Yue Ling: where to?

Mo Shira: stop asking question just get in,

Yue Ling: my car...

Mo Shira: give your key to hu wuting he will drive it to your resident.

she then give the keys to hu wuting before Mo Shira sped off.

in the car Yue Ling was staring outside the window while catching a glimpse at Mo Shira from the corner of her eyes,

she observe him and thought that he has really changed, he doesn't have that hot temper like before, even his arrogance and proudness has dropped at least that character of his has changed towards her.

he no longer treat her like before, something within her is telling her that he has really fallen in love with her, but she thinks he is trying to harm her, like making her fall for him, and then letting her.

each time she looks at him, she can't explain his expressions but she knows that his face looks calm than ever

suddenly Mo Shira stopped the car and turned towards her,

Mo Shira: do you like my face that much that you can't stay still without stealing a glance??

Yue Ling:hmm... I wasn't looking at you,

she said while her face became red as tomato, which made her to blush a little before hiding it with a serious look.

Mo Shira: I know I told you not to blush in present of male but I didn't say you can't blush in present of me okay, so stop hiding it.

Yue Ling just wanted the ground to open and swallow her, she can't believe he caught her 2secs blush.

soon Mo Shira stopped the car at the front of a house,

the house is huge and is very beautiful, the gates of the house is painted with gold, while the house is painted in white.

there are lots of flowers and other beautiful rose, in the surrounding of the house.

Yue Ling: where are we??

Mo Shira: xiao Ling, you ask too much questions, just come with me.

Yue Ling: okay.

they got down from the car and went inside the house, compare to the outside of the house, the inside is so much beautiful.

Yue Ling couldn't help but admire the house, though the house is big and beautiful, it really gives a warm feeling.

but something was off about the house there aren't any appliances, and homely stuff in the house, the house was completely empty.

which means that no one is living in it.

Mo Shira: do you like this place?

Yue Ling: yes it is very nice, but why is the house so empty??

Mo Shira: as you can it is because there is no one living in it.

Yue Ling: assuming there were enough house appliances and good chairs and table, I would have loved it more.

Mo Shira: don't worry you will do the designing yourself.

Yue Ling' wow that's great, she shouted with joy written all over her face.

Yue Ling: wait what did you just say??

it is now she is coming to the realization that he just said, she will do the designing herself.

Yue Ling: and why will I do the designing, it is not like its my house??

Mo Shira: you are right dear, it is not your house, even though I bought it using your name, it is going to be our future house.

Yue Ling:my name, our house, I don't get you please give more explanation.

Mo Shira: oh why are you this dull??

Yue Ling: I'm not, it is not like I don't understand, I just want to confirm If what I heard was right.

Mo Shira: yes, what you heard was right, I bought this house for us, but it is in your name, I really do want us to spend the rest of our lives together.

Yue Ling: oh is that so??

Mo Shira: yes, I know you haven't given me your heart yet, but that's not a problem, my love will be enough to sustain the both of us.

Yue Ling: okay.

though she has started liking him, but she is afraid of giving him her heart, and beside she is not here for this, she came here to work, earn money and go back to country D.

but now that things seems to be going on this way, she knows it wouldn't take long, before she completely fall for him.

she is only hoping that it wouldn't ruin her plans of revenge.

Mo Shira started showing her around and started discussing with her.

Yue Ling: wow that will be great, are you really sure you would like to marry me??

Mo Shira: of course, and I promise to help deal with those who have made you suffer, I will surely make sure they beg for death.

Yue Ling: emm Mo Shira it's okay, thanks for your help and thanks for believing in me, but I will like to handle that myself.

Mo Shira: dear, I know and I understand what you mean, but if there is anything I can do to help, I promise I wouldn't hesitate okay.

Mo Shira: stop saying thanks and let's go to mountains lake.

Yue Ling: yea it's getting late.

once they reached their resident, Mo Shira didn't want Yue Ling to live him so he...

Mo Shira: I really don't feel like letting you go, it has been a long time since I spent a lot of time with you.

Yue Ling: so what do you want me to do, come and sleep with you, she jokily said.

Mo Shira: exactly dear, just be with me for today, you wouldn't understand what I felt being away from you for a month, I really did miss you.

after so many talks Yue Ling didn't have any other option but to be with him till the next day.

luckily for her, Mo Shira did not try anything stupid with her, he only gave her a good night kiss, and then hold her close to himself.

however, Yue Ling was scared that he might actually have s.e.x with her, but no he didn't, looks like he is waiting for the right time.

And she really does appreciate his behaviour, because if he decided to do anything to her, she wouldn't be able to escape, as he has more strength to take her down.


[Authors note: and as you all know, our female lead is very weak, she doesn't know how to fight, but she sure does know how to offend people with her words and acting skills, hahahhaha.]

thanks for reading this chapter, your author isn't well at all, and this is becoming serious, I need your prayers to be able to get out from this sick bed,

because of this sickness, I am not able to produce to you all more chapters, please try and cope with me.

thanks everyone for supporting me.

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