The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 38 - Mo Jihnu's true colours

Zhao lifei: so you also love Mo Jihnu?

Yue Ling: yes and...

Mo Lin: it means you also want to marry him right?

Yue Ling: I love Mo Jihnu but not to the point where I want to marry him,


Yue Ling: I mean I love Mo Jihnu just like I would love my own brother, he is really very nice to me but I actually do love Mo Shira I swear,

Mo Jihnu: what!

Yue Ling: yes Mo Jihnu I know your brother forced me to be his girlfriend even though I really didn't want to, but at the end of the time I fell in love with him as well even though I didn't know how I just found myself falling in love with him,

Mo Lin: how can you trust him Yue Ling, he might hurt you by dumping you...

Zhao lifei: yes my child do you think you'll be able to cope with him and he wouldn't live you??

Yue Ling then stood up and went towards Zhao lifei,

Yue Ling: yes mom I trust him completely and our love will never let him live me...

and that was it after some more argument between them they all finally learned to take the truth although they weren't that happy as this is the first time Mo Jihnu as ever talked about getting married to someone and they couldn't help him out and above all Mo Shira remained in his sit shocked and glued to the sit, he couldn't believe that Yue Ling stood up for him after all hope was lost

Mo Shira: " so this means I didn't loose my love at all I'm really grateful to you God thank you very much but I know Mo Jihnu isn't happy about it at all but why is he smiling at me he said in his mind while looking at Mo Jihnu who was smiling at him in a devilish way as if saying " you think you've won "

Mo Jihnu: grandpa no doubt that I really do love Yue Ling, but she said she is happy after all and if she is happy and brother is also happy then I'm happy too at least she is still marrying in our family that's one thing to be really happy about.

grandpa Mo: good now that we are all in one page then Mo Shira and Yue Ling will have their engagement party next week that too at the company's twenty years anniversary party and after that we'll fix the wedding date and announce it to everyone at the party...

Zhao lifei: wow that would be really wonderful...

Mo Lin: Yue Ling, brother Shira what do you think about this?

although Yue Ling loves Mo Shira but she isn't ready for marriage yet, she has other plans in her life that even brought her to this city, if it was because of this then she wouldn't have come before...

she was about to sag something about shifting the engagement but grandpa Mo Shen spoke

grandpa Mo: of course they are happy and wouldn't have any objections, I don't want Mo Shira to use her he has to marry her,

Mo Shira: yes grandpa I will surely marry her I promise, I love her so much that I will spend the rest of my life with her.

after going into conclusion of their engagement and marriage, the whole family finally settled their crisis between them and are now happy,

once the dinner was done with Mo Shira decided to take Yue Ling home himself but she decided to talk to Mo Jihnu first privately.

Yue Ling: brothers Jihnu hope you aren't angry with me I know I should have just told you the truth yesterday but I was so scared of the consequences what if I ended up getting into trouble and you guys starts Hating me I ...

Mo Jihnu: "shhhh" he said pulling her into a hug and cuddled her, " you don't need to apologize or feel bad about yourself, you actually did the right thing by choosing your love, and at least you are still going to be family right? he said smiling at her with face filled with warmth,

Yue Ling took a step backward and looked up to him

Yue Ling: right brother Jihnu I really wish I had an elder brother and I'll wish for him to be like you, the bond and love between you and your brother I really do admire it a lot:

Mo Shira: you should always admire it dear, cause my brother loves me and I love him too, I too will pray that God gives him a woman just like you right brother

Mo Jihnu: right big bro,he said before hugging him .

once they were done talking Mo Shira took Yue Ling away and Mo Jihnu was left all alone.

Mo Jihnu: you can be happy all you want big bro but I assure you this happiness will not last long I'm going to make sure of that, you can't just steal my woman and love away and think I will just blindly let her marry and be happy with you never never never" he said before laughing out loud like a maniac.

please drop your comments , if you were to be in Mo Jihnu's shoes would you have behaved the same or would you have behaved worse??

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